Melabram23 Nov 18, 2017 |
I have had 2 Remington hair dryers in the past. My last one I had for about 2 years until it literally melted and pieces were breaking off of it. I bought the exact same one again because I really liked how it was drying my hair. The one I have now I have had for about a year and today as I...
UDAYA SRI Nov 18, 2017 |
Hi ,
There are fraud Transactions using my CITI BANK Credit Card in FACEBOOK on 13/11/2017 without my authorization. My CITI BANK credit card No ending with 6064
1. 13/11/2017 FACEBK ADSfb.me/ads IE Rs.5000.00
2. 13/11/2017 FACEBK ADSfb.me/ads...
Anonym Nov 18, 2017 |
First of all title not related with story. Stop showing 'nandan nayana' picture in title. It's useless couple. It feel more irritated when a single man cheating lot of families at a time even though few people know the truth. Don't try to make us feel like stupid. Interested...
Sachin gupta Nov 18, 2017 |
Your company product name omen act that product is capping and breaking....
adarsunil Nov 18, 2017 |
To Asianet management,
I'm Adarsh Sunil from kollam. Sir the television serials telecasting on your channel are substandard and stories are very poor. I have many good serials in my childhood in ur channel itself which kept their standards. Eg serials of k k Rajeev. Now what you...
willy63 Nov 18, 2017 |
I cant get over that you would let someone post a commercial full of lies and calls for impeachment! REALLY? Your the History channel ! Your supposed to report correct history not create history based on a pack of liberal lies ! STOP your bias! You can't impeach a president because you...
junelfisher Nov 18, 2017 |
My mother has used Lincare for years. In July 2016 her doctor send an order for a portable oxygen tank to Lincare and she has been using one since then. On September 25, 2017 the same doctor sent another order for a portable oxygen concentrator. I called their office 2 days ago and was told...
Rosy11 Nov 18, 2017 |
I went to my bank to renew my mortgage and they told me that one of my bill is due of 2013 June from enmax and they gave my name of collection agency and i never received any call from collection agency (which was a surprise) so i called enmax to resolve the issue and i was surprised how come...
SusanF Nov 18, 2017 |
I placed an order online order with Walgreens. The offer said if I purchased said item it would come with a free gift. I thought great, this will take longer to get than going to the store but with the free offer it was a better deal. HAHA! I received my order but not the free gift. When...
david walker Nov 18, 2017 |
Yes, It is very sad that they will promise the moon and full coverage, and then sign you up for a Short Term Medical among other needless things like life insurance since that's bundled in. I cancelled within the hour citing misrepresentation asked the agents last name, she balked but gave...
davismat Nov 18, 2017 |
I purchased a Chitram TV box to watch Indian TV channels on my TV. From day 1, has this been a harrowing experience. I never thought that this will be happening in Germany and it certainly shouldn#t happen anymore.
Below is the contact details of the person...
lost Nov 18, 2017 |
I am hearing it from all the Turkey Hill stores I go to. You replaced the perfectly fine cups with horrible ones to save a few pennies. By the way they burn the haties of your hand when you not expecting it. If you want to save a lot of problems you really should revert back to the paper...
MsWeeda60 Nov 18, 2017 |
Oh my gosh!!
Not sure where to start but PNC put us into foreclosure TWICE even though payments were being made!!!
I have a file SO THICK of papers (copies) that they insisted we FAX to them. We did AND I copied everything they asked for for MY OWN records.This file has now escalated...
MsWeeda60 Nov 18, 2017 |
Oh my gosh!!
Not sure where to start but PNC put us into foreclosure TWICE even though payments were being made!!!
I have a file SO THICK of papers (copies) that they insisted we FAX to them. We did AND I copied everything they asked for for MY OWN records.This file has now escalated...
Mmapule Nov 18, 2017 |
Good Evening.
I am very unhappy with the maternity UIF payouts. Its been 2 years full now i haven't got my maternity payouts. Every time when I go to the Soshanguve branch its another story over the other. I just don't know what should I do. At first they said they mixed...
A Lells Nov 18, 2017 |
I came in to buy a very expensive bottle of champagne. This was at 1:10pm, Nov 17, 2017.
The only cashier was extremely busy and so I took it upon myself to locate where the champagne might be kept (locked up - back corner area). I did not see any other staff on the floor....
avonnme10 Nov 18, 2017 |
As I stated in the above as being an employee,,,I will never work there again, OR SHOP THERE. Neither will my family or FRIENDS. DONE...
Alberto Marques Nov 18, 2017 |
Good day I find it an insult to ones intelligence to continuously having to be subjected to watch repeat programs and movies. Your sport channels are terrible if you are not a soccer fanatic.
The monthly subscription are a complete ripoff
When can we expect change. Or the only...
Marydavis1980 Nov 17, 2017 |
 To whom it may concern
I had signed up qith nycha in 09 it finally gotten a interview for the nice program in 2014 and gotten certified June 2014. At that time my son was only turning 4 at the end of the year so I understood the reason for the one bedroom. I never gotten called to...
azampotter92 Nov 17, 2017 |
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