Chunwei7 Jul 22, 2016 |
Today when I was out for my morning exercise, i was walking responsibillity, very close to the side of the road, then i hear a motorcycle approaching very fast and suddenly all i see is a man swerving into the house right infront me just centimeters from hitting me nearly causing a collision...
muhammad Nawaz Jul 22, 2016 |
My name is Muhammad Nawaz from alkhubar..KSA.
I am waiting viza before 4 years sending payment 1000 Saudi Rial....don't about this I m very worried from this viza if you not sending viza plz return my payment. ......my file nmr is 0040 cell nmr 00966547506495...now I m present in...
howard Jul 22, 2016 |
California has a class action suit. I had similar complaints and wanted to be part of class action suit but at that time there were no suits in Ohio. Someone suggested reporting Walden to the Department of Education. I had hoped these practices would stop at it is 2016 and still persists....
A.Biz Jul 22, 2016 |
While Hallmark touts FAMILY, LOVE, RESPECT, LOYALTY they have lost complete credibility. They do not back up the message they are preaching & shoving down loyal viewers necks. Instead, they want more VIEWERS! ....All in...
Amyleigh86 Jul 22, 2016 |
Please refund my money....
Never have I agreed to money to be taken by yourselves...
So please give that £14.99 back and DO NOT TAKE IT AGAIN.......
sandyw Jul 22, 2016 |
Had my whole main floor laminate laced two years ago. Over time ridges are forming all over the place between pieces of laminate.
Rep. blames improper maintenance and cleaning of floors.
Do not /did not ever have any problems with other laminate in my home.
This is an...
Red Hawk Jul 22, 2016 |
We rent our home and in the contract I fix what breaks. But when the control panel and wiring catches on fire on this range,THAT IS TOO MUCH!
My wife and I have been in 6 fires over a 50 year period and when you turn the oven on and an eye on the top of it catches on fire? Whiskey...
dwood Jul 22, 2016 |
Three charges to my credit card account, totaling $575.00 posted in July. Credit card company has reversed them and is investigating....
Kourtney1989 Jul 22, 2016 |
I ordered magazines about a year or 2 ago I've never received them I'm out $98.10 receipt a 659206...
Anika97 Jul 22, 2016 |
Alot of people in my family have epilepsy, the strobe part on the commercial makes them have to go out of the room so they dont have seizures. Please tske that off the commercial. Me myself and sensitive to things like that and pregnant. I throw up almost every time i see the commercial because...
emollie Jul 22, 2016 |
On 12/26/16,I took advantage of the $150.00 rebate offered by Costco when purchasing the apple 6s iPhone. After spending a few hours at Costco's Verizon's kiosk, with the purchasing and setting up my new phone I went home with the mistaken idea that the rebate paper work was taken...
Leonardo Saez Jul 22, 2016 |
Me estan descontando sin permiso de mi tarjeta y yo no he autorizado. mi correo [email protected] .
Identificación 100469049472252 MICROSOFT *~~BILL.MS.NET~98052 WA 840 11,56 USD
Identificación 502469049225774 MICROSOFT *~~BILL.MS.NET~98052 WA 840 2,91...
chiqita Jul 22, 2016 |
i was accepted to section 8 on 2009 the application went to the interview and accept was getting a voucher than in 2009 because of the economy the section was frozen so they found me at my current address and was scheduled a interview for my voucher on july 5th i had the option to fill out a...
Waste of time Jul 22, 2016 |
I had my procedure done November 28th 2015. Before my surgery Sono Bello business manager called me and begged me to have the procedure. Because I was getting cold feet and was ignoring their calls. So I eventually talked to her Judy was her name. I had cold feet because I started seeing red...
Waste of time Jul 22, 2016 |
I had my procedure done November 28th 2015. Before my surgery Sono Bello business manager called me and begged me to have the procedure. Because I was getting cold feet and was ignoring their calls. So I eventually talked to her Judy was her name. I had cold feet because I started seeing red...
Ghostrider Jul 21, 2016 |
The phone number from the call was 914-436-0514, comes up a New York number. I was informed be the fraudulent US Financial Resource rep. alias name Matt Carpenter, who had an accent of middle eastern decent that I was elgible for $4000 in govt grants for education. He wanted me to pay $3.87...
arulvdv Jul 21, 2016 |
IMEI : 353326063849154
IMEI : 353326063849162
Model : AP3323AD1K8
Please block my mobile....
ACNgoaway Jul 21, 2016 |
I joined ACN at a time when I was out of work and I worked it HARD for several months. At my high point, I had almost 200 customers on phone services and long distance plans. All the while ACN nickel and dimes you to buy and use their printed marketing material, costs for printing your customer...
shinuthomas94 Jul 21, 2016 |
Respected Sir ,
I have applied for the renewal of moma scholarship in the academic year 2015-2016 for scholarship under minority scheme whose Permanent ID : KL201516006320509 my scholarship has been sanctioned but till now amount has not been credited into...
neonlym Jul 21, 2016 |
This has been happened for a very long time until I faced twice this issue within 4 days.
First, by the time I entered the train I realized there is a person sitting on my sitting. After understanding the whole situation, I believe there is duplicate tickets and the train officer...
bmarv Jul 21, 2016 |
What They Don't Want You To Know About Oxygen Bars?
I was thinking about having an oxygen bar at an event like my company trade show or my daughter's sweet sixteen or buying one for personal use or perhaps even getting one for business purposes , i can use the extra...
RLMS Jul 21, 2016 |
I owned at a Carefree resort and finally sold my place (glad Im out of there). Before the closing I had some concerns about a document Sun wanted me to sign. It was on Carefree letterhead and the language was wrong as well as the figures used for closing. I was referred to Maria Delgado,...
koyathattumpurath Jul 21, 2016 |
My telephone Number is 12 6631175. It is not working because of non-payment of bill. Now I have paid my bill but yet it is not working, Pls check and solve the problem. Also I request to change the mobile number to send the confirmation code from 0509895786 to my own number 0543890175.
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