waqas Ahmad Jul 3, 2016 |
 Respected Sir,
Refer to Consumer#15943968758 Meter#EG1508021329,
Above said meter I have received 68200 Rs(Sixty Eight Thousand and two hundred Rupees) Bill for the Month Of June 2016.Total Gas Bill for this month is only 235 Rs as you can see the attached bill...
Jogoodwin Jul 3, 2016 |
I have been trying to book our flights for over 3 hours and the site either times you out or you get to the end and it is in error. They have a telephone number that is not toll free. Not helpful as it would cost me a fortune to call them from thailand. From my experience, i would never trust...
khanlauwani Jul 3, 2016 |
Amanullah Khan
CAT International
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone: 0590285407
Subjects- Please Disconnect Unknown internet Sim Numbers - 831036692701, 831036692702.
Last 5 days before I buy a new Zain sim card, because I was encourage by my friend...
mohamed froskhan Jul 3, 2016 |
yesterday i was recharge my no 7418989580 using paytm but my amount was deducted for my account but not recharge my phone so give me refund my amount...
webryan Jul 3, 2016 |
Filed for financial hardship when I lost my job in Oct, 2015. I started a new job in June, 2016, I paid BB&T Mortgage $1,713.18 (normal monthly payment) on June 21, 2016 via my bank, they refunded it on June 27,2016. I sent them $14,176.39 on June 24, 2016 (total payment for all late fees...
SedgwickVictim Jul 3, 2016 |
I was injured in an automobile accident, I was rear-ended by a woman on a cell phone. For over 9 months I did my own treatments and unpaid time off for MD visits, but I kept getting worse. Finally, Mid December 2015, he takes me off work for 4 months thinking that I needed to stay home to...
[email protected] Jul 3, 2016 |
Receive a letter about wining lumpsum of money. I know it was a scam right of the bat. The federal government need to go after these idoots...
fattah78 Jul 3, 2016 |
Internet burung hantu jadi slow celcom sengaja throtle down internet speed masa 1 pagi hingga jam 6:59 saya dah test masuk ja jam 7 internet line tiba tiba jadi laju sampai 700 kb sesaat dan lebih kenapa? Ni betul betul magic penipuan celcom......
caboydphoto Jul 3, 2016 |
defect in mattress made a claim and they said that because of a dime size stain it voided the warranty ....
khymanib Jul 3, 2016 |
I was left feeling discriminated against since Iβm homosexual, African American and had a βsmall case.β I was receiving debt calls from a company name Flagship Credit Acceptance that I advised to never contact me again via telephone or in writing, the company continued to harass me, after...
Shadow68569 Jul 3, 2016 |
Dear sir,
There was a suspect illegal girl yoyoQ working at 933KTV lounge bar, using fake passport to enter malaysia... used tricks to ask for help and cheated RM 1300 saying will return back in few days, but did not return as said. She mention she need people to make fake passport...
Ann Hutchins Jul 3, 2016 |
I just called this 800 998 5874 to order the high powered flashlight advertised for 19.99 plus an additional light for 10.00 and free shipping. Only to find after giving all my Visa information that the light advertised had to be up graded to do what the TV add applied in light volume, would...
TexasRanger Jul 3, 2016 |
Regarding Cypress Farm Kennel and the incident with three puppies that were shipped who already had parvo.
This whole issue would have never become so public if CFK would have initially refunded the money to help pay for the parvo treatment required to save the puppies. It was after...
siddharthcivil Jul 3, 2016 |
I had lost my moto e Mobile
Date. 27/07/16
Time. 03:00 PM
["35332406027508" , "35332406027516β]
My Tata Docomo with this mobile (7845804612)
Please help me to find my Mobile.......
Roksana Jul 2, 2016 |
I wasat level 212 but today i got back to level one i am do angry please help me...
partha sarma Jul 2, 2016 |
Dear sir ,
I got a message from chervlot company UK that I had won 3 crore 35 lakh. Is it true or fake ?...
maray7611 Jul 2, 2016 |
BrainHost.com is my Hosting company for my website
I have questions about my site activation and need supprt, I have tried emailing them for the past 6 months with no response back
Help !!!!
Thank You
Dizzy Jul 2, 2016 |
After reading some of the complaints against Global Discovery, I felt I had to write about my experiences. My sister and her husband bought 4 stars about 2012 and they hate it and have never used it. However, they can never agree about where they want to go and make plans in advance. Also,...
Ezza Jul 2, 2016 |
Dear teamlava i am complaining from fashion story ......... A botique name PINK HOUSE is being again and again bully with me and she is saying saying so bad and dirty things to .... Plz its mine request that plz ban her .....πππππππ her id is jenerdm ..... Thank u so much...
dfzdp Jul 2, 2016 |
We switched to DirecTV not too long ago, primarily for the NFL package. We were told that because we weren't getting any movie channels that the difference between our bill from their competitor and the bill from them would save us $20 a month. After the initial billing period our bill...
ramanareddy Jul 2, 2016 |
My name is Gangireddy Ramana Reddy . I have completed my BSc in S V Arts college which is affiliated to S V University,Tirupati in 2008-11.I was applied for convocation along with my intermediate original marks sheet along with my DD.
But I didn't received any certificate...
Kamo Jul 2, 2016 |
Good Day
Today I went to Quagga Shopping Centre in Pretoria West.There were 3 ladies on duty.I wanted to purchase an Adidas sneaker for myself and a pair of socks.I asked one of the consultants to assist me in getting me the right shoe size and socks.she got me what I asked for.I then...
MrsMalayvizaGrall Jul 2, 2016 |
Hello Every One,
My Name is Mrs, Malayviza Grall , i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem...
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