jilly1 May 12, 2016 |
Same as previous complaint . There is either something seriously wrong with their computer system or this is a deliberate scam which amounts to fraud if deliberate.
You enter one date and there is no way of changing date unless press " change search date to right hand side"...
Kparks May 12, 2016 |
Employee gave an inexpensive gift to his retiring manager. Manager reported this as an unethical prohibited act, to his own manager. Employee was let go moments later. Also cited was his poor fit for his job description. In fact his department needed someone to take the sword for deadline breach...
Minglee1! May 12, 2016 |
I have many of the complaints as most of collogues. I entered Walden University 2011, did very well through the course work and earned 4.0. Once I entered the doctorial program (5 stages to complete) its been one disaster after another. Assigned to a verbally abusive professor and proving...
chipcameron May 12, 2016 |
I learned to pan for gold in 1999.I spent the summer panning all across northern Maine.guess what-there's no gold up here.I started buying gold bags from Felix that year,and have bought maybe a dozen bags total, No,I did not make my money back, but I wasn't expecting to,either. I was...
Clardy60 May 12, 2016 |
They told me I was gonna get a 250$ gift card and I. Was gonna get 4 magazines free subscription for only small fee of 3.99$ I agreed due to the already knew my address my birthday my phone number my name I told them I was a stay home mom they assured me they wouldn't take out any other...
mikejohnson123 May 12, 2016 |
Good day to you all of you am Christopher Miles, I'm from USA, Texas, am very happy as am writing the testimony how i got my loan from this loan, i believe God has a plan for me, after i was been scammed of my money by many so called loan lenders, i was deceived and almost thought to take...
Pratap Halder May 12, 2016 |
Hallo Sir,I'm Pratap Halder lucky winner of chevrolet 2016 lotery award.I won 3 Crore and 35 lakhs.But Guranty Trust bank want 20,000 INR for swift transfer.Please help me....
P Grobler May 12, 2016 |
I have contributed towards UIF since i left school in 1974 and was put on compulsory retirement from a semi Government employer in December 2015
I have submitted a claim for UIF benefits via Youfiling system sucsessfully on 1 February 2016 and even received an sms stating that the process...
srinath12 May 11, 2016 |
Your Aircel network is shit and I would change my network but I just wanted to f-k ur network and the services because it's damn services and customer services does it help to set a caller tune or does it not help to activate any offer if I know the owner and if he is in front of me I will...
complaint1986 May 11, 2016 |
The only complaint I have is all the dumb complaints on this web site about Global! We purchased into Global 7 years ago and we absolutely love it! There has been 2 years that we didn't travel (due to health reasons) and we were not hassled to pay our yearly fee and it doesn't hurt...
wong1967 May 11, 2016 |
Celcom First Gold
Since mid March, your data connect had been horrible horrible horrible.
Please rectify the problem immediately, is causing me losing $$$$$.
Mr. Wong
Sparkyviolet May 11, 2016 |
H2 was my go to channel. I refuse to watch Viceland. My TV is mostly OFF. I now spend my evenings reading books by people featured on H2....
ww3316 May 11, 2016 |
signed contract and made first payment Nov. 06 2015.Lied about start date in Dec. Give second start date of 01-17-16. ended up being started end of Feb.2016
So they built 4" to high costing me $6,600 in extra gravel to bring up to grade.
building has big bow in west 99'...
jchin4 May 11, 2016 |
I got charged by microsoft bill.ms.net as well!!!! I didn't even buy anything from microsoft!! What's going on?? Request you to refund the amount....
matome May 11, 2016 |
I have claimed for my uif for the 4th payment last week on the 5th of May and same day I received an sms saying my uif request for payment received,finalization of payment is 7-10 days.case no: 10004147771 even yet I haven't got paid....
lee wiggins May 11, 2016 |
My bill is excessive 265 or more every 2 months. I live alone and do not have air conditioning. I have all new appliances. My sister has a 3000 sq ft home and pays 80.00 for 2 months. My neighbours have 3 in their home same house as mine and their bill is 120 less than mine. I think the smart...
kezia lima May 11, 2016 |
eu quero que por gentileza essa merda de PNI*FREELOTTO FAST SVC 212-867-1808 NY cancela essa porcaria de inscriçao e pare de fazer cobranças no meu cartao de credito...
amjadkhanoracle May 11, 2016 |
I noticed one of the Senior Citizen is also writing good reviews about Oracle Visas.
Uncle can you please let me know your age as you mentioned you are senior citizen, Dont take it bad am asking because to apply for Canada or New Zealand the maximum age is 40 years after that...
kent4you May 11, 2016 |
Its been 8 months now that I have not received my uif of maternity leave and I was told it only takes 6 weeks for it to be finalised.I have not evenrecieved a single SMS from them.what should I do; please help.Nonhlanhla Nkuzana 0730922724...
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