imtiazkhan Dec 25, 2015 |
i recive for a mail from western union head office benin thay say we send you 5000 US dollar you recive every day this 5000 US dollar but thay say me i send first 245 US dollar than i pick up pleaese tell this truth or fraud this money...
Holly leah Dec 25, 2015 |
Aolani, is interfering, she told my friend karlas trends not to be my friend and Said Be friends with someone her own level, And Karla is around my age! Aolani said to her to ignore me and told her I wasn't her age when I'm around her age! 😢😢😢 Aolani Is a interferer! Kicked...
Malalux Dec 25, 2015 |
Registered on line for free trail period FIVE days starting on 24/12/15 to 29/12/15 . confirmation No 0832 82 175 842 311 . Following going thro their frauds gathered we cancelled it on the same day (24/12/15) by PHONE ( 001 438 338 1489 as it was indicated that on line cancellation will cast...
bobdurkee Dec 25, 2015 |
The customer and cable/internet service from Cincinnati Bell (Fioptics) is awful. I live out in Anderson Township. First of all, their customer service is a joke and they are all foreigners who you can't understand. They pass you from person to person in hopes you will hang up since they...
levell82 Dec 24, 2015 |
I had a May's card for 10 years with a limited of 3,500, I always paid my bill on time and paid off several times, I went to purchase my son some pants and my card was declined ,when I call customer service they stated that my account have been closed, the representative was in shock she...
yustitia Dec 24, 2015 |
I booked in Agoda.com with booking number 84079174 and 84005767. It is the same hotel actually. We just book it separated because before we had a plan to stay for 2 night only, and we decide we will go earlier and we booked another night. This hotel is dirty, smelly, and it is the worst hotel...
yustitia Dec 24, 2015 |
I booked in Agoda.com with booking number 84079174 and 84005767. It is the same hotel actually. We just book it separated because before we had a plan to stay for 2 night only, and we decide we will go earlier and we booked another night. This hotel is dirty, smelly, and it is the worst hotel...
hateful Dec 24, 2015 |
Working on PhD for years, kept having to rewrite, get approval, then told to rewrite what was all ready approved a few versions back. Finally, after a year with one advisor and approval, I was told by a new member I would have to start over again because it wasn't a PhD type of study....
CARLA RICO Dec 24, 2015 |
Read this official looking document saying I was a WINNER of A) $1,327,940.00 lump sum or B) $2,000,000.00 30-year $66,666,66 annually. Requested to send $12.00 for registration fee. My daughter said to throw it away that it was a scam. Now I believe her. She said to google it. I have...
Dr.Strike Dec 24, 2015 |
I received a letter from ANC indicating that I won $1,327,940.00 and that I should send that commission $12.99 acquisition fee. Please add my name to the class action suite....
southernhillsclub Dec 24, 2015 |
I have received an invoice for a vehicle that has not been operable for 3 years. We have not registered the truck, and it is basically trashed. The vehicle has set on our property for roughly 3 years, and has 0% chance of being in the area at the time of the supposed violation. I checked, and...
D T Dec 24, 2015 |
Hy my name is Miss D T Seloi,I bought a phone from Truworths branch in Easgate jhb n I was assisted by Thomas Malika n the service was very bad he didn't even xplain anything to me then the worst part wen I got home only to find that the fone wasn't even registerd on Rica n I have...
Chrstopher Dec 24, 2015 |
 My membership had been terminated just because late pay of annual fees(RM 380) which my membership joined since 2004 and fully paid (RM 24,000+)...
They will forfitted iothe entitlement night if not fullly use but smart taking chance to termiate member's metmbershi due to reason...
Riyaz Basha Dec 24, 2015 |
Dear sir,
please find my stolen phone location and that details are given below...
NAME : S.Riyaz BAsha
Address : 8/829 Vakkalapeta Almaspet, kADAPA - 516001.
phone Model : SM- G361H/DS
dgar Dec 24, 2015 |
I ordered from Wesley Berry and cancelled within 5 minutes because of all the hidden charges. I was told my refund would be processed within 7 to 10 business days. After 15 day I called to let them know it did not reach my bank. was told it would be resubmitted. Another 15 days goes by and still...
Kimland Dec 24, 2015 |
First, I love the Hallmark channel. I love the promotion of love, kindness, faith, and family. It seems that Hallmark only acknowledges this concept for white America. Occasionally someone of another race gets to play the "best friend, neighbor, or assistant," but never lead roles....
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