BatesBrenda Apr 17, 2014 |
I went there with an open mind. The office manager told me what they would do for an extreme amount of money; but I was so tired of going to same day one on the bypass and poor service. So now after $4,186.00 I am still receiving bad service. They are billing me for $127.00, after I paid the...
ms black Apr 17, 2014 |
My love one just sent me this letter he had been telling me about it but he sent it to me today 04/17/2014 but after hearing all this I really hate to disappoint him like this cause he was really looking forward to these people helping him they really shouldn't get people hopes up like...
kiran Apr 17, 2014 |
Your name: Kiran.R.
Address: S-1317, 4th cross Bharathnagar, Bangalore-560 091.
Phone model: Micromax A110 (Canvas 2).
Make: 2012.
Last used No.: 9448353883 .
E-mail for communication: [email protected].
Missed date: 07/April/2014.
shravannmn Apr 17, 2014 |
LAST USED NO.9860528905
EMAIL: [email protected]
MISSED DATE: 24/03/2014
IMEI NO.:359164053878873
seether007 Apr 17, 2014 |
Go here for a petition for the government to take action
Mindful Mike Apr 17, 2014 |
I am in the habit of buying shoes in the Clarks sale then putting them away until I need them when the shoes I've been wearing start to look too shabby. I've had a pair of shoes for a while but hardly ever wore them. I decided to wear them today and just as I returned to my car I...
GISELEK Apr 17, 2014 |
On April 3rd my credit card was debited for 99 euro. I did not buy, nor download, nor subscribe to any service provided by Microsoft. The description "MSFT *OFFICE" did not clarify at all what these expenses should be covering! I consider this to be a fraud and I will report this to...
ashok kumar giri Apr 17, 2014 |
Dear concern
i was an employee in hdfc bank and buy a policy of Rs 50000 pa premium under HDFC slic Crust guarantee return of 15% for 10 years and attend a call from your verification side and asked them i m employee i know all term , but as of know i check this policy cover as hard...
SEANO Apr 17, 2014 |
I purchased a pre-owned Actyon from Gwm westrand on the 17th feb It broke down on the 18th feb and they have had it since the broke one of the glow plugs in the head and every time I call them they are busy with it Today is the 17th April i am still insuring and paying for a vehicle I have not...
lsep1 Apr 16, 2014 |
A $500 bill that has $2500 of Penalties? How can they do this? Also, this is while I have a toll tag and they say they couldn't read the tag????/ So I got penalized all while they are taking $80 out of my account every month....This is a scam, but can anyone do anything about it?...
papax4 Apr 16, 2014 |
Two young men wearing OEG jackets,hats and badges came to our house. My husband allowed them into the backyard to inspect our aiir conditioner. I was told they needed to see my hydro bill or let them in to inspect our furnace. When I told them no they insisted that if I didn't at least...
kennethmorris11 Apr 16, 2014 |
Slow to no service. No hello or thank you. Cars that pull in after me get service first. Will never fill up here again. Not that anyone working there cares....
joekoolbadazz Apr 16, 2014 |
I'm going to continue write complaints here until arby's corporate office or human resources comes to this restaurant.
First thing I believe in selling a good fresh product. But my store manager changes the fry oil only if needed. He hasn't changed the fry oil...
jwalker Apr 16, 2014 |
I bought two six packs of coors light and I found three bottle half full. Could you please tell me how to get a refund....
joekoolbadazz Apr 16, 2014 |
I'm going to continue write complaints here until arby's corporate office or human resources comes to this restaurant.
First thing I believe in selling a good fresh product. But my store manager changes the fry oil only if needed. He hasn't changed the fry oil...
drmasood Apr 16, 2014 |
with reference to account no. 0400011291347. a false bill of kunda was sent which paid although there is no kunda in home and now a wrong reading bill is given of normal status. the reading in bill is 9613 while the current reading on meter is 9424 units of today i.e. 16 april 2014. what to...
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