vishalprayag Mar 3, 2014 |
dear sir,
I had lost my mobile on 2/3/2014 at 7.30pm near panchavati,nashik-422003
IMEI NO-357125040944351
MOBILE NO LOST-9420238405
E-MAIL [email protected]...
Gogula Chaitu Mar 3, 2014 |
Name : Anil katari
Mobile model - samsung galaxy S duos2
Made by samsung
IMEI No. 351602066732056
Email Id - [email protected]
Lost date_ 03/03/2014
My mobile was stolen from hyderabad sr nagar, Plz find out my mobile, i hope u find the...
John Santopietro Mar 3, 2014 |
iam very upset with the fact my 1098 stiill is not in my hands with the fact that it was to be in my hand by the end of jan....
qasim Mar 3, 2014 |
imei # 861030020700253...
kayleighp Mar 3, 2014 |
AK took 89 pound out of my bank now left with nothing not happy at all I want a full refund...
Muhammad Asif Mar 3, 2014 |
Aesy coplaintboard ka kia faida jahan kisi ki complaint ka koi notice na liaa jaaey....
charles Mar 3, 2014 |
why is it that the u.s. has so high a employment rate but straight talk uses people from other countries to talk to us. i can not understand what to do they go over the instrucations i think maybe they are not paying the people much money. as for me i need a job so just e-mail and offer me...
Manju Madhu Mar 3, 2014 |
name: Sujith Babu T S
Address: No -40, 1st Cross, Lingappa Block, Thimmaiah Garden, R T Nagar, Bangalore-560032
Phone model: Samsung galaxy note
Last used No.: 74111 55550
E-mail for communication: [email protected]
Missed date:11 -10-12
sridhar.kasarla Mar 3, 2014 |
Your name: sridhar.k
Phone model: samsung e2252 duos
Last used No.:9550997098
E-mail for communication: [email protected]
Missed date:25/02/2014
IMEI No.s.:358500/05/734045/4
kesava Mar 3, 2014 |
Dear sir
I lost my mobile on 02-03-2014
but i have returned my no : 9299551555
please search my mobile
My Mobile Model No. (CELKON - A95)
[email protected] Mar 3, 2014 |
Transaction date 19th of jan there is Transaction reflecting in my AMEX card with Transaction description as DELLMONT LUXEMBOURG lu which got Posting date 20th of Jan of 49.13 Ring.
I have not made this transactions.
I am not sure with out...
[email protected] Mar 3, 2014 |
I have bill plan of (w 24 cug 275) and in that 1000 all local,std,roaming minutes are free. Just tell me 1 thing that if I will do first 1000 calls at CUG numbers, will they deducted from my 1000 minutes of bill plan?
Prashant Jain...
rahulkakadrahul Mar 3, 2014 |
I really don`t agree with the complaints posted before. I have personally visited the school for my son`s admission and found that its was indeed better that many schools in the same area. All my queries regarding the curriculum and syllabus and fees etc. were solved. I didnt...
nurulhydar Mar 3, 2014 |
My account is deactivate, but i don't know why my account is temporary deactivate. I send email to customers support but thay naver answer me. I make a order for samsung galaxy s4 asia network unlock code. 2days already pass. Still not yet send me any email. Do not trust fastGSM ....
upsetinnnj Mar 2, 2014 |
SIgned up as a favor for a "friend" ans was guaranteed savings. I did not believe I would save money but never dreamed I would now be charged $1.49 per thermal unit when the public utility company (PSEG) is currently charging $0.388 per thermal unit. This company is nothing but a scam...
nsdadwe Mar 2, 2014 |
My name is Nitin s Dadwe
I have lost my mobile micro max a54 "Gary color"
At chandrapur "tukum" area
I use 2 numbers in that mobile
binet Mar 2, 2014 |
Dear sir, please be informing you that my hand set samsung galaxy S3. 355449053964888 has been lost yesterday please track as soon as possible....
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