sambhu Jan 30, 2013 |
My mobile has been lost yesterday...
rainingrainbows Jan 30, 2013 |
I was looking for part time work as a single mom i wanted something i could include my 5 month old in since i dont have a sitter and dont trust anyone else to give him the attention he needs. Not only was my account suspended but deleted after their "background check" came back with...
Haridasan Jan 30, 2013 |
I ordered a toy train set and when it arrived, the package was torn, the track broken into pieces.the package was not damaged which infer that the toy was broken before it was shipped. Nomorerack is selling used/ damaged products to consumers. They must be stopped and legal action taken for...
R L Jan 30, 2013 |
I had issues with my neighbors which forced me to move. I was already unhappy by how much my rent went up each renewal and the fact that every time my neighbor flushed their toilet (if someone was in my shower) scalding hot water came down on me or my 7 year old son! The basements flooded frequently...
north1 Jan 30, 2013 |
I froze my account with your company in May 2012 I was unaware that after 6 months my account would be reactivated and I would have access to your facilities again. When I approached one of the VI fitness employees in your Courtenay BC location about my situation and why I need to stop my account...
vagabond4910 Jan 30, 2013 |
Avoid this company or you will be sorry. Like many on this complaint board I was selling Xoom through ACN. This is the worst company I have ever done business with! Not only do they try to scam you with fraudulent bills. Also with contract extentions. I moved after approx. 6 months of signing...
KLG Jan 30, 2013 |
I purchased a lace front wig from Platinum wigs a month ago and the hair is horrible. I believe they sold me a unit that has synthetic hair in it. I am constantly have to brush my hair to keep it from looking like an afro. It is terrible. I should have known when I paid $200.00 instead of...
iyerro Jan 30, 2013 |
Affordable plumbing and rooter.tel number 818 660 8285 /jesse Garcia.he did not finish the job promised to come back because his father is in the hospital.he did not come to finish the job.I already paid him so that it will help him.but until now he did not finish the job and not returning...
bala Jan 30, 2013 |
I had attended a ICCA '12 at jipmer, Pondicherry. Got mail from these people that they will give us a 16GB pen Drive with a International Certification for Attending the Session. I had also paid Rs.850.00 and attended one session .when i asked...
Deborah13 Jan 30, 2013 |
"In March 2012 while I was 8 months pregnant with my son my small intestines was tied up the doctor performed surgery he closed me back up and untied my intestines. I had 42 stitches still carrying my baby to full term. A month later I had my baby and named him Jeremiah. He was 6 pounds...
c756 Jan 30, 2013 |
Start out with 10/29/12 you start out with the members learning center with William Seuman teaching you to use banks money short term
in own business for income up and running estimating incentive
5,000 SALES 3 MONTHS ½ sales money income figures for the grand total of $6,695.00...
c756 Jan 30, 2013 |
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am really do not want anything. I will leave them alone if they will leave me alone (financially, & customer). This company was the worst mistake I have ever done in my life. The only thing that will...
amq99iu Jan 30, 2013 |
Deduction of 10 SR every week on monday Morning with the message "Your last call costs SAR 10 " I don't know why and what for actually STC is deducting my amount. Please help and stop deducting my balance unnecessarily
frankharmon Jan 30, 2013 |
Like a few other users have stated, if you don't follow the guidelines you are gambling. The math is good and if you follow the guidelines you will do fine. They aren't arbitrary,FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES!
Also, call them, ask for help. I have called and called and emailed...
chx2013 Jan 30, 2013 |
Have you ever see a witch doctor strengthen the attack speed? A player named D3 gold http://www.d3goldsell.net/ trial this set of build.
Plague of toads - explosive toad, firebats - hungry bats, acid Cloud - acid rain
JohnBush Jan 30, 2013 |
 Always gamegoldfast understand how eager you want your Darkfall Gold.So they work hard to keep full stock of every server in order to make all orders delivered as quickly as possible.
superman1979 Jan 29, 2013 |
I open an account.i'm as open and nice as i can be,anyone with nothing better to do if they don't get a hook up from you flags your profile because their uncool and imature....
patleep Jan 29, 2013 |
I am trying to buy a program from ACDsee - the Photo Editor 2008 - but keep getting a message "payment authotisation failed". First paid by AMEX then tried again using PayPal - same result. My pass word was OK.
The ACD Systems order no. was 20187177424 for the amount...
Bwilliams Jan 29, 2013 |
Why is this company still allowed to do business with all these complaints....
Rachel55 Jan 29, 2013 |
To all of you who think you found a reputable breeder,
YOU HAVENT! Theresa Heaver of Kabeara is running a Samoyed Puppy mill. I have had the unfortunate experience in witnessing this prison for dogs. Her dogs all 100% kennel kept. They are kept in a 6,000 square foot building...
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