Allen Dec 18, 2012 |
Never believe this man......................................
Subject: No Supply of Gas in Huma Block Allama Iqbal town, Lahore
With due respect it is stated that I, MUHAMMAD RIZWAN AHMED, am the resident of 8-A HUMA BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE. There is no supply of gas in HUMA BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE from the last six month....
scatter Dec 18, 2012 |
Dutyfreedepot is not only stealing money from thier customers, but thier employees as well. You will never your order. Jonathan Morgan is responsible for this. He is based in New York....
DontWasteMyTime Dec 18, 2012 |
So I got a phone call from a girl named Ashley who wanted me to come in face to face. This is not necessarily normal in my line of work. If you have the skills then a face to face is not necessary until you meet with the client. This goes for any recruiter. You have a phone interview, if you...
drnshar Dec 18, 2012 |
I have been a paying member of Club Pogo a subsiduary of EA Games since 2003. In the past two years the games have been constantly interrupted by problems they have in providing the service I have been paying for. I am constantly asked to download new servers that often mess my entire computer...
drnshar Dec 18, 2012 |
I have been a member of Club Pogo since February 2003. In the past two years I have had more problems accessing games and being constantly told to download something new to my computer that only lands up messing up my whole computer system. Many of my friends have lost service altogether yet...
MUNITHATHAN M Dec 18, 2012 |
Sir, i want my account C.O.T code in money transfer...
A/C NO: 31089271525
donnatrymax Dec 18, 2012 |
I've been trying to encode the flight details of my boss' previous travel so as to credit to his Miles and Smiles, however, i failed to do so on line and it says contact or send the flight details to the Turkish Airline Miles and Smiles Customer Service. My colleague in Sofia and I...
wanda123 Dec 17, 2012 |
Good Day, I need help. Altec Autopage blacklisted me for a contract I cancelled, I have proof and another contact for which I never had service. Now I struggle to get credit. I need an e-mail address of someone who can help me to get this sorted urgently....
manoj Dec 17, 2012 |
IME number 357011048385682
manoj p
palappatta Ho
moothedam Po
nilambur Via
moothedam kuttikkade
malappuram Dirst
my email ID [email protected]
Rajkamal Malik Dec 17, 2012 |
Name: Rajkamal Malik
Address : 93,Hari om nagar,IIT -powai Mumbai-400076
Phone model : sony ericsson mixWalkman (wt13i)
Last used no. :8383088919
Email for communication : [email protected]
Miss date : 17 december,2012
IMEI no.: 358479045187006...
Montrealer Dec 17, 2012 |
Did anyone file a complaint towards Codina International as indicated by this website?
kmaki9 Dec 17, 2012 |
When I opened Banana Republic credit card they automatically signed me up for account assure. I didn't want nor do I what this Account Assure insurance. I've tried to call but can never get through to a person....
alaa Dec 17, 2012 |
you send me a messege that i won 350.000pounds and the messege says that i shall communicate with you on this website so i want to know what will happen later and if you want to communicate with me the number is 0546560923 i wish you respond as soon as possible...
bhavana Dec 17, 2012 |
Hi Guys, i m really disappointed with the review of the people who r saying that MR. D.B.Chand is nt a good guy i m really say that there is no other Boss like Him & people who dont have any other work to do so go home and sleep untill & unless u dont get any new job. Stop complaining...
vigil Dec 17, 2012 |
An acquaintance of mine did a job for him a few years back, never paid him just gives false promises he will pay him. Jared continues to buy toys that are way more then the money he owes for the job , everyone in S.FL knows his bad reputation...
mps1973 Dec 16, 2012 |
Around the end of the first week in June I got a representative of Advanced Learning Systems (ALS). I did not initiate contact with ALS. They contacted me. I believe they got my information from another site I had been visiting which was in a similar business as ALS. I say this because in all...
drgopalgupta, Dec 16, 2012 |
dr gopal gupta, 101 bank colony alwar rajasthan 301001/phone model-nokia c3=00/make-nokia/last used number 9413303080 &9341738091/email [email protected]/missed date=16-12-2012/imei number 351984043116102...
sheethal R Mohan Dec 16, 2012 |
I (Nishan A M) was travelling in BMTC bus from jalahalli cross to BEL circle. I had kept my mobile (SAMSUNG GALAXY Y) in my jeans pocket. Somebody has taken it(thieft). Details of my mobile are as below:-
Mobile No.:- 9886250132
Phone details:-
Esther Dec 15, 2012 |
Bertha, I sure need your help ASP I wish I had your phone #. Need to hear from you.
Call me if you can Esther Ochoa 928-782-6348 either way get in touch w/me Esther Ochoa...
thebourkes Dec 15, 2012 |
We have visited this store a number of times, we should know by now. Store has no manager on site, just a few teenagers. Food is cold, fries cup 2 thirds full, dirty floor. Bought plain sundae only 2 thirds full. Took it back and girl argued that was because I didn't want topping. Hardly...
Online complaint review board Dec 15, 2012 |
Jean Mark Lopez implicates online via many different websites that he did business with Michael Prisco who online appears to have three consumer complaints over the past seven years as a piano rebuilder. One complaint is from Lila Ainsworth...
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