garima Dec 26, 2012 |
We had a worst experience , while working with Mr, Singhania , he is a big fraud.....
jangoj Dec 26, 2012 |
learn english cocksucker....
gradddyy Dec 25, 2012 |
I was in problem thank god i met Saladeko who helped me to find a solution to my problems and thanks to him for everything. just visit this website if you have any problems with your relationship or anything in your life http://saladekosolutions.webs.com/ and your problems will be solved....
neybek Dec 25, 2012 |
Dear Misters , Misses and Madams;
As we all know; Dixons-UK are operating with a local joint venture partner in Turkey as Electroworld. I have writen this issue to Dixons-UK. aswell You will find the details of this occasion at the following.
I went to Gordion...
[email protected] Dec 25, 2012 |
Dear Sir/Madam,
Myself Prasanth Reddy.I lost my mobile today(25-12-2012)in Hyderabad.I am sending details below.Request you to please do the needful to trace my mobile.
My name:Prasanth Reddy
Address:Flat No 301,Vasanth Nagar
Phone model:Galaxy FIT...
savjrao Dec 25, 2012 |
IMEI NO.; 356015031336496
EMAIL ID : [email protected]
MY PHONE NO. 9491813606
LAST USED NO. 9989602088......
savjrao Dec 25, 2012 |
IMEI NO.; 356015031336496
EMAIL ID : [email protected]
MY PHONE NO. 9491813606
LAST USED NO. 9989602088...
rachel222 Dec 24, 2012 |
i am berry from uk i want to share my happiness with the general public of what DR cafai of africa has done for me in the last few weeks i was once in love this guy called mccatty we in love with each other until travelled out of my state for two year and we promise ourselve to be together...
rachel222 Dec 24, 2012 |
i am berry from uk i want to share my happiness with the general public of what DR cafai of africa has done for me in the last few weeks i was once in love this guy called mccatty we in love with each other until travelled out of my state for two year and we promise ourselve to be together...
ben89 Dec 24, 2012 |
I dont know how red and thay tying to me jeil i am kill myself i taek medene why is thay doing to me...
Kay_8 Dec 24, 2012 |
Lost our home of twelve years because we had our mortgage with Wells Fargo. It was refinanced with them two years previous. We were trying to modify due to one of us losing a job. Wells Fargo mortgage kept stringing us along, asking us to submit paperwork over and over again. We complied each...
Surfenbrand Dec 24, 2012 |
After buying New Lenovo computer with free 30 day trial, I decided to buy a 1 year 3 PC license for €39.99. I apparently was cleverly lured into a McAfeestore.com site that ended up being DRI (Digital River Inc) ...VERY MISLEADING! I thought I was simply ordering from McAfee but have now been...
armydawg Dec 24, 2012 |
Just had a charge of $39.95 show up on my debit card account. I called and it was for something I think is called www.lifestyledealsnow.com. I never heard of that website. The guy who answered the phone was quick to offer a refund so it makes me believe this was pure fraud they were hoping...
flogan1234 Dec 24, 2012 |
This is a rip off company. The Dealings with this company has been Terrible and the cahrges and harrasement from the customer service department. Can somebody contact me. I want to do a class action lawsuit on this company for misrepresentatiom and the interest rate and the procedures there...
duty.rec Dec 24, 2012 |
I hope you can help me as I received the email below and it seems that it might be a scam for identity fraud because of the documents asked for and the wage offered for such a short week.
Before I go any further I would like to know if it is genuine.
jevithan Dec 24, 2012 |
correct or fraud the grant mail from UNDP
I have received the mail from UNDP and same i have reply also. now they have send me grant approval for the amount. i want to know is it fraud or correct .
gonow Dec 24, 2012 |
Has anyone received communication from Geoffrey Sam or Sammy Blay who later sends you a copy of a contract from Petronas, supposedly on behalf of his late father Gerard Blay ?...
vivek Dec 24, 2012 |
the pulsur 200ns tyre are really very bad no grip....
raul1 Dec 24, 2012 |
Here in Australia is happening the same, is all loses and you cannot make a penny. They had made complaints to the ACCC and they are investigating the case. At least they stopped misleading people with their advertising promising $ 500 a week and $ 100,000 a year on a full time basis. They are...
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