[email protected] Jul 28, 2020 |
On July 24th around 9:30 pm I was playing candy crush and purchased a dainty bundle for $39.99. It contained many boosters and 24 hours worth of boosters. In the morning my 24 hour boosters were not on my game as well as some boosters I was supposed to have 4 of each were not on my game either....
btran1105 Jul 28, 2020 |
Sear repair services, they charged me 452.44 dollars for labor even though the parts were still warranty, but that refrigerator I just bought 1 and half year....
ANIMALAURA Jul 28, 2020 |
Time for a lawsuit, charging fraud and deceit against PCH. Luckily, I have two brothers who are willing to take on the case. One is an attorney for the State of Texas, and the other, an attorney who works for the Federal Government's fraud and securities division. They will file the...
Jasmiko Jul 28, 2020 |
Item stuck sudah 17 TAHUN di sana,, nak buat apa tu lama2 di sana,, exp lah brg tu lama2,, tlong cek
No tracking : ERC348304450MY...
btran1105 Jul 28, 2020 |
I bought my Kenmore Elite from Sears for 18 months and I was not cool because the bad compressor. Even though the parts were still under warranty, I still had to pay for the labor 452.44 dollars for replace the fail compressor....
Sharifah Nur Najihah Jul 28, 2020 |
Parcel stuck and no latest update
My parcel has been stuck at Poslaju Parcel Hub and dont have any update since 2/7/2020 till now. Please respond ASAP! Please deliver to Kuching, Sarawak ASAP.
My tracking number is ERC171342292MY . Urgent !...
naylafarhad Jul 28, 2020 |
ERC386467158MY PARCEL STUCK DI KLIA HUB SINCE 22/7 UNTIL NOW tak juga sampai2. postage tu berbayar ye bukan PERCUMA. courier swasta barang dari jb ke kuantan 2 hr smpai tp POSLAJU MSIA brg dari jb ke kuantan lebih dr seminggu pun tak smpai2 apa masalah pun tak tau. POSLAJU SILA PERBAIKI DAN...
Davejae12 Jul 28, 2020 |
I filed for PUA benefits on July 1, 2020 and I am yet to receive my debit card. I have been calling and have been on hold for 2hours and 20 minutes. I have yet to speak to a Customer Representative about this matter. Are debit cards on a stand still? Even if someone told me that it was, it would...
Avantika Jul 28, 2020 |
I have received a message that am a winner of 98000 pounds of coca cola mobile international draws. Is it true...
Sharon Williams Jul 28, 2020 |
I have been charged $19.00 two different times and have received NOTHING. PLEASE CANCEL THIS ACCOUNT IMMEDIATELY....
Timothy Potter Jul 28, 2020 |
8 Fraudulent Transactions on my Bank of America Business Account equaling 438.00. fb.me/ads has no contact phone number and bank is requiring for me to handle the situation with the merchant, or I forfeit within 10 days....
JoelMcKinnon Jul 27, 2020 |
I have been having making unauthorized payments to Level Ad Insurance through direct billing from my checking account for an unknown length of time (possibly many years). I have no documentation on what this entity is and wish to terminate the account and payments immediately....
Myshatwinies Jul 27, 2020 |
 Hi, can you please help me to check and do post out my parcel. It was posted last jun29 already and arrived at pusat mel national on the 3rd of july. Untill now its still stuck in there. I have called poslaju a lot of times but nobody dares to answer the phone. I have email them as well...
Tamás Bauer Jul 27, 2020 |
Dear Sir/Madam,
You have got from the bank account HU67 1090 0080 0000 0010 9795 0005 at Unicreditbank Hungary of my seriously ill sister Katalin Bauer on July 13 an amount of 20,999. Nobody ordered or allowed that transaction in your favour. Please return that amount to tha bank account...
Maria De Leon 1 Jul 27, 2020 |
Could not ask a question in the website because there is no a right option for it. . Called the customer service, it was just awful.
On the top it is impossible to send them email....
Mikejesse Jul 27, 2020 |
Hi I never subscribed to match.com but I was charged around 47 dollers on my checkin account I need a refund please . [email protected]...
Jose Andres Jurado Zalamea Jul 27, 2020 |
 Oggi 27/07/2020 al mattino ho ricevuto un movimento di uscita di 99,00 senza la mia autorizzazione ed è stato da icrosoft 36 msbill Voglio chiudere tutto e rimuovere la mia carta di credito da questi account Vorrei restituire i soldi grazie...
Natashas Jul 27, 2020 |
I applied for Continuation of Benefits on the 21st June 2020 . Since then the status of my application has been "sent to Paymaster" we are now on the 27th of July and nothing has happened with my application. I have sent numerous email to them asking for help, sending the supporting...
Mildred Alexander Jul 27, 2020 |
I submitted a funeral claim on Wednesday and not one of your consultants contact me to inform me about it and I'm very disappointed in finchoice...
ashjes12 Jul 27, 2020 |
Hi there, back in March I had bought a box of hair dye for my daughter,the cosmetien was very helpful and since it was the start of covid she said we could return it no matter what,she did not say anything about the receipt. When we got home we decided it was the wrong color so since it was...
Michelle Carrier Jul 27, 2020 |
From enrollment date in April till now July no Club kits charging $19.00 per month. I need those fund put back into my account. I am disabled and could have uzed those funds for medical supplies....
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