Troy Bennet Mar 17, 2012 |
My email to the rental company...
I would strongly advise you and your managers to review your policy of
inspecting homes before they go into the rental program. I have a high
degree of knowledge of OSHA standards and health concerns due to animal
feces imbedded...
Venice09 Mar 17, 2012 |
I've read a lot of complaints in my time, some more serious than others and some just downright silly. But the one that makes me want to just give up is when someone complains that an employee didn't smile. That has to be the most frivolous and picayune complaint of all time. What...
Broker Helping Client With Timeshare Sal Mar 17, 2012 |
Wire transferred on 3 seperate occations for fees and taxes $15, 000. Not returning phone calls, emails, etc. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. Not even sure if the timeshare is still my clients....
Spentallmymoneyoncrappydentist Mar 17, 2012 |
Earlier this year I was pressured into expensive scaling because I was told I had periodontal disease. When the hygenist who took xrays asked me if I was pregnant I told her that no, I just had a miscarriage and I was trying again so I was hesitant about having xrays. She told me that the periodontal...
Bob Spivey Mar 17, 2012 |
I have been a good customer for 612 years! my wife dies of cancer .and its hard to stay living in this state but i have good job but i could be getting laid off sometime in the future, when i do iam just going to hit the road, where? i don't know, how long? i don't...
Brendab1961 Mar 17, 2012 |
I am a Irena's friend and I am trully sick of all this crap i am reading here.
Person who post complain on 3/12/12 under name " honest breeder" is a Tammy from Shabam's Pet from Paisley FL.
This breeder had over 140 pomeranians and yorkies.
She was shot...
Kmej101 Mar 17, 2012 |
I used sensa all week and now am hearing what sounds like wind or breathing in my ear. How long did the ringing last if you dont mind me asking. I have stopped using the Sensa, but am still hearing the noises....
Wifi8827 Mar 17, 2012 |
bed bugs are typically nocturnal, and you said this happened in the daytime?...
Disgruntled Cusomer Mar 17, 2012 |
Oceanic Cable has a monopoly in Hawaii. The service is the worst I have ever experienced. If you call, you get a recording and are told to leave a phone number. Then they call back in about an hour. Then you get some disinterested "customer service" person who will set up a date, usually...
Vsat Mar 17, 2012 |
YES, exactly i am also facing the same as above mentioned problem, Can anyone help us to get ride of this problem...
Sri_krish Mar 17, 2012 |
How can we delete our card details from DELLMONT with out cancelling the visa card?...
Ray310 Mar 17, 2012 |
Back on 2/11/11 I ordered a sample of a product called Tushy Tightner. I did not receive it until 5/18/11. Mean while, much to my surprise my credit card was charged a total of $214.45 consisting of 6 seperate charges. When I called C.S., they were no help. They stated that the product was shipped...
Veryfussyperson Mar 17, 2012 |
I have been to Ivan on deansgate for years and he is always bang on with his work. He tells me what suits me and what doesn't. He will only cut my hair if he feels its the right thing to do. Maybe you told him what you really wanted and he was reluctant to do it for you. I have have been...
An0nym0u$ Mar 17, 2012 |
LOL the site is a week old you moron...
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