noexperiencedMF May 30, 2020 |
It happened four years ago but still bothers me much. I used to go to the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, the Saturday Access Program. File# 6475313363.
But before I started the program, I had quite a few evening appointments with my worker Katrina Hofstra as I used to finish...
LouiseDW May 30, 2020 |
I opted in for payment relieve on my personal loan account when I received the first payment relieve offer message in March. I received 7 messages after (first message on the 1st of April another on the 8th, 15th, two messages on the 17th and another two messages on the 18th) I had to call in...
Cha Nisa May 30, 2020 |
ERC013009224MY. Harap pihak pos laju di kl proses dengan cepat ... Saya tak nak ada benda berlaku terhadap barang saya .... Sy fhm waktu pkp ... Tpi harap sgt ccepat kn sikit ... Jgn smpai tersekat pulak dekat kl saja
No tracking. ERCO13009224MY...
Aina Shakira May 30, 2020 |
My product wase shipped out on 22.5 but until now i haven't received my parcel. Here is my tracking number ERB918976422MY. Kindly shipped it out as soon as possible. Thank you...
noexperiencedMF May 30, 2020 |
It happened four years ago but still bothers me much. I used to go to the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, the Saturday Access Program. File# 6475313363.
But before I started the program, I had quite a few evening appointments with my worker Katrina Hofstra as I used to finish...
kashino May 30, 2020 |
item stuck since19/05/2020 no more news at all... tracking number ERB954378210MY...
Olymun May 30, 2020 |
 Barang masih belum dihantar ke destinasi yang dibagi harap dipercepatkan hantaran tersebut terimakasih....
caitichromatic May 30, 2020 |
I am absolutely fuming right now. WHY can't i make purchases on my debit card? i wait on hold for over an hour, was told to call back in an hour due to their systems being down and was told, very rudely, that it wasnt her fault. Like, okay i never said it was.. Every single time ive tried...
Mbalee May 30, 2020 |
 Hi, I have a account at Truworths during lockdown I got the message to pay ASAP and I did transfer the using my banking app. On the first of May shops were opened and I had to go and the remaining balance and I get there they said I did not pay anything during lockdown.
They said...
cikmas May 30, 2020 |
TRACKING NO: EHA 14 501 096 9MY
Fathin May 30, 2020 |
 Asalammualaikum tuan,
Di sini saya ingin kemukanan beberapa aduan berkenaan dengan staf poslaju kawasan merlimau, Melaka. Saya adalah pelanggan tetap poslaju dan hampir setiap hari akan mengguna perkhidmatan poslaju untuk pengeposan barang dan hal-hal lain.
mpowell May 30, 2020 |
Upon arriving at SuddenLink to return a faulty box we were told to sign in and wait in car. It was hot and was not going to use the gas, especially since I waited over an hour. The lady who signed us in was very rude and not helpful at all. If you asked a question she was very nasty and just...
Melabee Rondo May 30, 2020 |
 I've been charged for things isn't related to me I have NEVER given consent for ANYONE to take any money out of my account...
Umer Riaz May 30, 2020 |
I have paid all my instalment in eden gardens extension block B and did nt received my plot ,it has been 7 years ago and no response...
Umer Riaz May 30, 2020 |
Paid all instalmnt of plot extension B block in ferozpur road lahore eden gardens extension but no plot deleiverd...
Mpho1 May 30, 2020 |
On Sunday I applied face screen on my face before going to shop to buy essentials so on my way there I started feeling irritation on my face, when I arrived home I quickly washed my face with cold water and I noticed I had a reddish rash all over my face except my forehead, nose and under eyes....
Jack113 May 30, 2020 |
A salesperson approached me while shopping at Costco. I listened to his pitch and said I would think about it. He lied about almost everything I would get in Costco, Visa and referral cash cards totalling $400. His name is Devin and he represented himself as the CFO of the company helping to...
Bloomell2020 May 29, 2020 |
I filed for unemployment as an independent consultant on March 31 and never heard back from the NJ DOL. When I check on the status of my claim it indicates, "pending". Under the federal CARES ACT I should, at the very least, be provided the $600/week benefit. I think the responsible,...
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