variation of leopard May 27, 2020 |
lottery platform engulfed 1 million to get back no deposit commission can improve the chinese software QQ:3515261339...
georgeramel31 May 27, 2020 |
 Barang saya stuck kat klia sejak 11.mei.2020 lg.mohon diselesaikan.. Need urgent attention please....
Rodzi May 27, 2020 |
Pelanggan tidak ramai malangnya ayam menunggu ayam goreng hampir 40 minit. Bagaimana pihak pengurusan kfc. Buat kerja. Mungkin staff blh melepak sementara ayam nak masak....
K.Shalini May 27, 2020 |
Barang tak sampai sebab tak dapat hubungi no pelanggan Mr Vikram singh...
Viviana May 27, 2020 |
Brg sy stuck d pusat mel nasional...plzzzz....lma dhhhh...sy nk brg sy blh tk...blh tlong cpt skit tkkk....klau xckup pkrja...open lh kerja kosongggggg.....aduiiii...
ziezal84 May 27, 2020 |
Barang ni dah sampai di kuching mail pada 19 Mei, tapi dh dibawa keluar..dihantar ke pos laju kuching@kota samarahan.....
Richard L Dietz May 27, 2020 |
I spent several minutes with one of your reps for Conformation #1233374254. She was rushing me and I asked her to take more time to explain the payments for the Power Air Fryer. When I asked when the 90 period allowed to return the fryer began, she said it began tonight with my order. I indicated...
Jay McElroy May 27, 2020 |
For the past two weeks I have been calling 1-800-432-1000 and getting various associates on the phone. I have talked with Texas, Nevada, California, South Carolina, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, and one more time to Nevada. A check in the amount of $13085.50 was deposited at an ATM, because...
Jay McElroy May 27, 2020 |
For the past two weeks I have been calling 1-800-432-1000 and getting various associates on the phone. I have talked with Texas, Nevada, California, South Carolina, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, and one more time to Nevada. A check in the amount of $13085.50 was deposited at an ATM, because...
Jay McElroy May 27, 2020 |
For the past two weeks I have been calling 1-800-432-1000 and getting various associates on the phone. I have talked with Texas, Nevada, California, South Carolina, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, and one more time to Nevada. A check in the amount of $13085.50 was deposited at an ATM, because...
Idkaboutthis May 27, 2020 |
 Hi, i signed up for a free trial yet this website still charged me the full amount even though i cancelled the first day. The charge was under the name AMZN MKTP US. Please remove this transaction and cancel my membership (again)...
evaave May 27, 2020 |
 Im from Canada and My stove top burners switches come on easily . I have had an issues for over 2 years no one is assisting my concerns , I did have a repair man come out last year but nothing was resolved, I been burnt, had a kitchen fire it should be in the file and always have to remove...
Monika Matusiak May 26, 2020 |
I just discovered that I'd been paying £10.00 per month to wly.shoppersdisc.co.uk via my credit card. I have noticed it in the past but thought this payment was for a purchase via Amazon. Then I discovered that £10.00 had been deducted from my account for the past years!
I want...
Monika Matusiak May 26, 2020 |
I just discovered that I'd been paying £10.00 per month to wly.shoppersdisc.co.uk via my credit card. I have noticed it in the past but thought this payment was for a purchase via Amazon. Then I discovered that £10.00 had been deducted from my account for the past years.!
I did...
Nur Nadirah II May 26, 2020 |
 Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Petang. Saya nak bagitahu yang ada 2 barang customer saya stuck kat klia hub sejak 16 may 2020. Boleh tolong hantar dengan segera barang tersebut sebab customer dah mula tanya kenapa barang mereka lama sangat tersekat di KLIA Hub. Minta dan mohon bagi kerjasama ye...
Priyakaran May 26, 2020 |
All of us r getting bored to see a repeated power ranger rpm and last galaxy...in power ranger it have many good present power ranger...and please telecast it in evening or day time... after 11pm not sensible to see...I am big fan of power rangers...pls telecast it ...u continuously ninja hattori...
Assyrol May 26, 2020 |
Excuse me why parcel stuck at KLIA Poslaju transit office about 3 days with no new information or notification about my item that with no progress whatsoever eversince my parcel left the transit office in KLIA Poslaju.
Please contact me 011-11200803 or email me...
Kibbek May 26, 2020 |
Blocked after complaining about them censoring story. The moderators kept changing my story to a version that suited them. I didn't put anything explicit. Just looking for FWB relationship. They would just keep changing iron me. At first I thought it was a glitch but nope, they changed...
rodriguezallana826 May 26, 2020 |
Do not even think of investing your hard earned money with CRYPONXT & CRYPTEC. They have no empathy whilst perpetuating their evil acts and they will do all in their wherewithal to milk you asking for payment after payment to process your withdrawal requests and each time you make payment...
Nthabiseng01 May 26, 2020 |
I am going through the exact problem so many have mentioned over and over again,account opened in my name.How is it possible that accounts are easily opened in someone else name especially someone who has never had an account there. To make things worse is that you have to do the runaround....
abjesbo May 26, 2020 |
I want to know why there is a $10.91 charge on my account when I or my son did not purchase anything....
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