[email protected] Jan 15, 2020 |
I also did a Sams survey which stated you would received $50 gift for completing survey. Upon completion it said i could pick between some products that were worth $50. I choose the flashlight and then it said i would have to pay the $4.95 shipping which i did. Now they have charged my credit...
puteri anggun Jan 15, 2020 |
kepada pihak KFC diminta untuk memantau pekerja anda di cawangan kuala klawang. even ada custumer terpikir nak tukar order last minit u as a pekerja please la jgn nak merungut. sebab time tu saya dtg xde pelanggan langsung pon dlm kfc time tu... so ape masalah kalau i nk tukar order... kerja...
Vincentpamesa Jan 15, 2020 |
Please stop deduct 0.65 halala in my mobile number 0502547514...
wubwub721 Jan 15, 2020 |
After visiting the Meijer Belleville, I clearly will not be back to this location. Shelby and another employee Lucinda, I believe, were both blatantly disrespectful and very rude. Both of them made snarky comments and derogatory remarks when using the self checkout because neither of them wanted...
Bill071934 Jan 15, 2020 |
Unknown charges on my credit card of $119.95. I would like Amazon Prime to tell me what this is for or please return my money. My E-mail address is - [email protected]. Please contact me as soon as possible. Barbara Selg...
Muhammad khan chandio Jan 15, 2020 |
I bought sweater from Diners Autbhan Hyderabad. The sweater became shabby within few days. When I complained to the shop, he misbehaved instead of appeasing me. I have complain about the quality and refund.
Muhammad khan Chandio
Hyderabad Sindh...
Muhammad khan chandio Jan 15, 2020 |
 I bought sweater from Diners outlet at Autobhan Hyderabad. Sweater became shabby within fue days. I went to shop and complain about the quality of sweater and its remedies. Location Incharge, instead of adjusting my complain, misbehaved me. I am regular user of Diners,and now I am feeling frusted...
Olivia Ackerman Jan 15, 2020 |
 Please do your job properly. My item has been delay for 3 days in a same place. I have been waiting for 1 weeks...
[email protected] Jan 15, 2020 |
I've no idea why I'm being charge a monthly payment. I don't remember authorizing these charges....
Linda G Robinson Jan 15, 2020 |
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Chin Hoong Jan 15, 2020 |
08 Jan 2020, 12:27:40 AM Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office PosLaju Parcel Hub
07 Jan 2020, 04:17:55 PM Item processed. PosLaju Parcel Hub
06 Jan 2020, 09:39:40 PM Item dispatched out ...
tdebold Jan 15, 2020 |
I have been tracking my parcel for a while already and it has been "dispatched out from the KLIA Hub” since 10th January, 1:49am. Is it stuck? Hopefully I can get clarification on this and hopefully there is nothing wrong with it.
Please have someone...
Bronwynn Jan 15, 2020 |
There is a monthly reaccuring charge on my credit card statement of $27.99 from a Marketing Company that I have never heard of before. How on earth did they get my credit card number; and how do I stop this from happening? Can someone please provide some direction. I would be appreciated and...
Yani0910 Jan 14, 2020 |
On March 8, 2019, I purchased a sofa from Macy's . I got a protection plan that cost me $200 dollars. I was told by the Sales rep. since I have small children I should get it, because stains would be covered under this plan. A week ago I submitted a claim due to a red dye, but my claim...
Yani0910 Jan 14, 2020 |
On March 8, 2019, I purchased a sofa from Macy's . I got a protection plan that cost me $200 dollars. I was told by the Sales rep. since I have small children I should get it, because stains would be covered under this plan. A week ago I submitted a claim due to a red dye, but my claim...
jcbox3d Jan 14, 2020 |
Flashlight is advertised at $4.95 for shipping and when they acknowledge the order a pdf attachment states there will be a $49.95 charge in 5 days that isn't mentioned until the order receipt is received. It's just a scam and the advertisement is a fraud....
Sebenzile Jan 14, 2020 |
I have paid up my account at Jet Stores (Matsapha, Swaziland) and they have requested a paid up letter but nothing is forthcoming. I am so angry because they keep on making promises which are not met. This thing is a holdup coz one cannot do anything yet their debt is paid already. CAN SOMEBODY...
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