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Xoom Energy
United States,
Consumer complaints and reviews about Xoom Energy
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Mar 24, 2015
Unauthorized Enrollment
I have same issue with AngryinMd. I was signed up for a service I did not Authorize. I called their customer service, asked them why am I been signed without my permission. A guy name Danny said we don't need any paper agreement with you for the service. we got your information online. Can someone please help me with this issue?
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Feb 9, 2015
Over priced Xoom bill
Ditto Mike. I went with Xoom to help a friend get her business off the ground , well Xoom has put me under. This month my bill is double what it was last year and I'm using less energy. Something needs to be done. This company needs to be investigated and a refund should to be given to its clients. We have an federal agency that should be monitoring this kind of scam, where are they? I see there are already a lot of complaints, what's going on with this company?
I understand Variable but this is in excess. I will go with the company that I have had and trusted for all these year and remove the middle man "Xoom"!
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Nov 30, 2014
Check your rates people
I'm not here to complain, I'm actually an ACN rep. I have switched several people over to XOOM in Los Angeles. SoCal Gas charges anywhere between .91 to 1.37 per therm. Xoom charges .4795 per therm. When I talk to customers I check their old SoCal gas bills, if they don't save money I don't switch them. Your ACN/Xoom rep isn't lying (or maybe they are) about saving you money, but if they don't do the work to find out you, you're both at fault. My sisters bills in upstate New York went up after her first two bills, I switched her from Variable to a fixed rate.
The only real issue I had with a customer was with my landlord, we switched the entire building to Xoom because she saw a savings with her apartment and her sons. Unfortunately, SoCal gas charged her a huge fee for the building. That's not my fault, or Xooms, I blame SoCal gas because there's no way to determine how much the transfer fee will cost.
So, ACN reps and customers please check your previous bills and make sure there's a savings.
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Oct 29, 2014
Better Business Bureau
I am looking into Xoom Energy at the present moment, attempting to do my due diligence, and although I try to take reviews such as the ones above, with a grain of salt, I did want to make one comment:
That link is for Xoom Energy's Better Business Bureau affiliation. From what I can see, they do have a BBB affiliation, going in direct violation of what one poster attempted to state.
I, again, am in the process of doing my due diligence and cannot speak for or against Xoom Energy, but I will say, if you DO have a viable complaint, you might want to voice this with the BBB and let Xoom know that you will be doing this. I have done this on a few occasions with other companies and it is amazing how quickly they work with you when you either threaten them with filing a complaint with the BBB, or you actually go through with it and file the complaint. I spent months trying to work with a cell phone provider who was trying to unlawfully charge me and threatened sending the claim to a collection agency. I told this company I would be filing with the BBB, they did not take my "threat" seriously and I did file a complaint. The BBB then let the company know of the complaint and amazingly the company was contacting me to tell me that they were resolving the issue in my favor and that they were sorry for the inconvenience. I actually received this call from the CEO's office and this is a very large company. All I am saying is, if you have an actual grievance and complaint, why don't you do something about it rather than post on a site like this, using improper grammar and vulgar language? There are way too many fraudulent people out there and if you are legitimately being "taken", your complaints are misguided and will be misconstrued by the majority of people who read them.
If you have taken these steps, well, good one you. If you haven't, I suggest you do. Justice will prevail, but stop wasting your time on complaining on sites like this (IF YOU ARE IN FACT IN THE RIGHT)
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Oct 24, 2014
they're customer service is the most ridiculous customer service ever i have cancelled my energy supply with them numerous times and yet have not been taking off their billing! when explaining to the customer service rep. i feel i'm in conversation with some one who in fact just answers the phones and has no idea about Xoom energy itself. my bills have tripled since using them and though what they tell you sounds good in the beginning watch your bills because in the end they will charge you double if not triple of what they were selling you! i really hope something happens to this company and the complaints are heard! being a mother of 4 the last thing i want is opening an electric bill and its any wheres between $100-$150. more than last month! Xoom Energy i hope all your customers find out sooner than later! thanks for all the high bills and ignoring my multiple cancellation request!
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Oct 22, 2014
Man Up All of You Complainers
If you feel or believe Xoom, ACN and your current distrubtor of gas and/or electricity is screwing you on your bill and in the contract you signed, then stop complaining and do something about it. Hire an attorney and start a class action suit, so all the other complainers can join in; otherwise, all of you need to "SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT YOUR CHOICE." What's the use of complaining, if you DON'T have the BALLS to do something about it. It doesn't get you your money back, nor does it change the situation, so take LEGAL ACTION or SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
just a guy
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Oct 14, 2014
Against the whiners
After reading all the complaints against a company that I support......Almost all of the BS that's on here is nothing more than gobbledygook. If you read the contract that you signed; if what you are saying is could all be millionaires with suites. But you are not because you know in your heart that you are actually frustrated with yourself. May have someone you trusted mislead you based on their own ignorance? (without confirmation of the terms) sure. But common sense is common sense.
1. If your rate "doubled" or "tripled" then you weren't paying attention to the several emails and voicemails 30 days out they give you when your contract was ending.
2. Some obviously didn't get in contract when they signed up because you got into a variable contract. The same thing happens when you end your contract with your cable company or internet etc. DID you just fall off the turnip truck?
3. There is always a termination fee for long term locks. It just makes business sense right? the company is pre buying power based on your contractual agreement. If you opt owe money. Some may not know but the companies that have no cancellation fee is usually screwing you on the admin fees. Duh!
4. If you didn't sign up for the service and getting billed; you were slammed. Now, some dishonest reps do that BUT so do the companies in a smoke and mirror strategy. Then they come through as hero's in some back end game to NET more money from you. I would call the DCP. Think hard because if you never gave your billing info out then who would have that info than the company.
Energy deregulation is here and will always be. Educate yourself because once most people take full accountability ie reading their terms etc. Xoom is one of the best, most transparent companies without all the "hidden" fees and "teaser" rates most market.
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Sep 16, 2014
xoom energy is not good compay and fraud
They rate is higher than any companies. when you cancel be careful early termination fee.
they will charge 100 and 100 bill to you. They are sucks.........
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Sep 10, 2014
After I signed with Xoom I called to verify my rates and they said .109 per Kw with no Base base charge, however when I got my first bill there was a base chg. I conplained and they could not be responsibile for what a representave says over the Phone. so
YOU HAVE TO VERY CAREFULL . CHECK YOUR BILL EACH MONTH TO KEEP THESE GUYS HONEST. I lost $60.00 a yr. by there lying customer service. The say one thing and do another. You cannot trust them
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Sep 10, 2014
Electric base charge
Afted I signed up, I called to confirm my rate and they said .109 per kw and no base charge. However when I got the bill it had a 4.95 base charge on it. I called up to complain and they said they could not be responsible for what someone said.
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Aug 27, 2014
Non Responsive Customer Service
I just switched to Xoom Energy and received my first bill. The charge for the delivery of the electricity is more than half of what the wattage usage is, which is something I have never experienced. I contacted Xoom Energy to find out specifically what this entails, i.e. the specific costs. Xoom told me that I have to contact CenterPoint to obtain that information, that they just send over the service charge to Xoom. I contacted CenterPoint and they informed me that they do not divulge this information, that it is provided to Xoom. The representative indicated that Xoom may increase the charge. I told the CenterPoint representative what the Xoom representative told me. CenterPoint then told me to call Xoom back and ask for an account manager, that a general customer service representative will not have access to this information. When I called Xoom right back I was told that they have no account managers, so I asked for a supervisor then. The representative would not transfer me. Told me that CenterPoint has to give me that information, and that a supervisor will tell me the same thing. The Xoom representative continued to argue with me, which I asked them several times to stop and they would not. I told them they were getting ready to lose a new customer and they could either continue to argue with me and not transfer me to supervisor or handle the situation. The Xoom representative still kept arguing, so I hung up.
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Aug 16, 2014
Why isn’t there a class action law suit against Xoom Energy?
A previous complainant claims their energy bill doubled. What a joke! You got off lucky pall. My bill went up over “OVER” 3 and ½ times (+3x!!!!!!!). Couldn’t keep up with the bill, used my tax return to make payments current. Now I’m in collections. Xoom energy doesn’t just suck…their criminals. They take advantage of the system to fraudulently rob us.
Try calling them and you can’t reach a customer representative to discontinue services. I called them pretending to be a potential customer and got a customer representative immediately! And then I voiced my complaint.
You need to call your local energy provider and switch back to them immediately. They need to first read your meter before you get off the hook with Xoom. Even then, Xoom will try keeping you on their billing list for an additional three (3) months. Don’t let this happen to you. Keep regular contact with your energy provider to be sure the switch takes place within the allotted time frame.
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Aug 4, 2014
Unauthorized Enrollment
I was signed up for a service I did not Authorize. I've contacted BBB AND THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION with no resolution . They keep telling my I had the service for 7 months and I signed up. I signed nothing nor did I sign up online. I didn't realized my service had changed until my previous provider kept calling me asking about the change and I realized my bill was much higher. I pay online and I really never looked at the complete bill until then. I'm so angry. Xoom knows they are a predatory company and there are lots of complaints. They need to be fined and stop paying people who steal info. They need some regulation, they will do anything to keep your money, instead of admitting the deception .
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Aug 1, 2014
High energy rates
My energy bill doubled when I switched to XOOM, should have stayed with my local utility company
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Jul 9, 2014
Xoom energy scam
Stay away from this company. They promise low rates, but after a few months they creep them up. Now I pay 70% more for gas than I did with DTE. It is price gouging. I paid almost $1000 more last year with them.
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Jun 17, 2014
Very High Rates
Pl stay away from this company. Very high rates. After switching to this company, I see $5 less than PSEG but next month, I got $35 more than PSEG. Their fixed rate is higher than PSEG's variable rate. ********* If you want to save money, STAY AWAY from these small companies ****************
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Jun 16, 2014
Xoom Energy
Xoom energy is a RIP off
Do not go near this company
Their rates are riduclously high and charge you a cancellation fee
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Jun 4, 2014
Xoom Energy
I signed up with Xoom Energy trying to help out someone else earn some money and I got FUCKED. My bill went from $494.13 in March 2014 to $1,274.52 in April 2014. Now it's $1991.34. What kind of SHIT is that? I was asked if I wanted to be put on the do not call list and I told them no because I want them to call me so I can tell them to come out and and I can wipe that ASS. I will be contacting the Attorney General's Office, the Consumer Protection Agency and anybody else I think that can take these BITCHES down without me going to jail. If one of their reps come in contact with me again they will be playing pussy and I will be doing the FUCKING. I will try to cut their ass too short to SHIT. Let's all get together and hunt them like an animal in the woods and we're hungry. Let's get our money back. Let's take the company down. That my plan.
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Jun 3, 2014
Xoom Energy Scam
I was singned up for this lower price company Xoom Energy because I was lied to. Then after a year the rates slowly climb without you noticing especailly if you are on the budget you may not notice. The charges are on the back and it's almost tripled my bill for gas. Do not sign up with this company. My bill was up to $1,500.00. I told them I moved and to turn off my gas because that was the only way to get them to stop charging me. I am filing a complaint with the attorney general office in Michigan.
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May 12, 2014
I just found out on pge bill that I have zoom energy charges, they charged us for 6 months w highest bills ever. I didn't pay attention on our highes bills cause of newborn baby:( We need to bring criminal charges against Zoom Energy. We have tried for the months to cancel their service they claim it will be taken care of only to receive another bill. We need to find an attorney to bring criminal charges against them!
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May 5, 2014
What a bunch of idiots. You never paid attention to your energy bill and whined and complained that it was too high. Then deregulation comes along, which will lower prices due to competition and you still whine and complain. Ridiculous.
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Apr 30, 2014
Like all others on here I switched thinking I was helping some one!!! Anyone ever tell you they can save you money run!!! I was told the rates would always stay competitive!! Competitive my A$$!!!!!!! Not only did I change my home but my business to!!! WOW to how much money I lost!!! ACN/Xoom biggest losers out there!! They call themselves champions!!!! They they make FB status' show it's so nice that their bill's are paid without working to hard!!! Guess not when your screwing the people that do work hard!!!!!!
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Apr 24, 2014
I am the SISTER that "SQUOZEN" is referring to...
MOST of Squozen's details are there - HOWEVER, here is where the details differ from my facts of living through this HELL: PG&E is DEFINITELY to BLAME. However, XOOM is DEFINITELY to blame, as well. As is, ACN! My brother signed me up & he & ACN are making money off of this contract! He has "tried" to step up with Xoom in regards to them double billing me along with PG&E & they have told him to basically 'piss off'. And, he has stepped back down. ACN - they have done NOTHING. Why should they? They got my money - why should they do ANYTHING?! I paid my bill in full, each month, as stated in my contract with PG&E & XOOM. I was to pay PG&E directly. I did. PG&E decided to not pay XOOM - except once. So.... who does XOOM come after & sic credit collectors on? ME. They have KILLED my credit - even though I have sent them proof of payment! Even though I worked with their USELESS manager, Charity & CSR Kaylee who went through all of my proof of payments to PG&E & then, stated that I only owed them $68.53 - which I sent to them registered mail (for proof of delivery - do not trust them!). THEN... they decide almost EIGHT months later "OOPS! We noticed that you missed another payment of $55...!" NO I DIDN"T! I proved to Charity - XOOM's own Manager that it had been paid! They do not have the guts to stand up to PG&E NOR do they have the business sense to say... maybe we should trust our manager's examination of this account & her previous decision..... for $55??? How much have they now spent to recoup $55 that has ALREADY been paid to PG&E? IDIOTS. They have been issued a Cease & Desist - they still keep coming back & have again sic'd a 3rd party credit bureau on me. I will NOT back down on principle this time. And, ACN will not get away with this, either - as far as I am concerned. The broken contract is with PG&E & XOOM. I was bait & switched with the deal sold to me from all 3 companies & dealt with in bad faith by all involved. I refuse to be treated this way when I have tried to deal with all of them in good faith!!!
dms fair oaks
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Apr 13, 2014
OMG this is a case of criminal fraud. We need to bring criminal charges against Doom Energy. We have tried for the last year to cancel their service they claim it will be taken care of only to receive another bill. We need to find an attorney to bring criminal charges against them!
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Apr 11, 2014
I signed up with Xoom Energy with the promise of lower natural gas bills. This was the case for a few months but after several months my bills started to climb. During the two coldest months this winter my gas charges almost tripled. I called Xoom to cancel and they of course make it difficult. After getting them off of my bill my charges dropped to half for almost the same amount of gas usage. Don't sign up for this service unless you want to pay at least double.
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