twoprins Send email
Mar 3, 2017
Since last Thursday we have had no service whatsoever from Multichoice. This has been happening over and over for the past few month's with all sorts of excuses.
The latest excuse is that cables etc. were stolen but surely it cannot take a week or how long still to come........ to get new cables and merely replace them???
Multichoice is this supposed to be "Big conglomerate" but they cannot find a technician who can do the job in one week or even longer, heaven alone knows? One or even two days at the most but over a week already, this is unacceptable!!!
It would be cheaper to rent the latest videos from a store and also to watch Super Rugby which has started at the club because paying for something that doesn't exist makes no sense and heaven alone knows what year they will find a technician in this country to fix this small problem!
silindile Send email
Feb 16, 2017
billing and refund
good day
on the 1st of February I paid R345 -(subscription amount) manually...the same day I received an sms advising me I owe R690
few minutes later I received another one informing me it was an error
I ignored the sms....the next day I received another one informing me I owe R345...I ignored as far as I knew I didn't owe anything,
the next day I received another sms stating I should ignore the sms
the following day I received a refund of R345 from Multi choice,
On the 7th I woke up and my services was suspended
I called the 086 number stayed on the line for 34 minutes explaining to the consultant
she apologized and reconnected my services,
she also told me to go pay R345 which I owed again with a week
the next day I went to the walk in center, I was advised Im up to date and don't owe anything...
(bear in mind Im paying to travel to the walk in Centre and for the phone they told me they couldn't phone me back as they are in a call Centre,)
on the 10th I woke up and my service was suspended again
I using my airtime.phoned ,I was with the consultant for 20minutes, he apoligised and reconnected my services.
he said I owe R345 as they refunded me by error...I told him im going back to work and wont have time to go the pay that refund
besides the fact that im incurring bank cgarges for their incompetency
I requested to speak to a manager/supervisor
I was told he is on a call,,,he will get back to me
till to date I have not received the call
yesterday I got home my services is suspended again
this morning I phoned, spoke to Margret who was incompetent,....I asked to speak to a manager
I was then advised he is busy with another complaint on the line
3 hours later...he has not returned my call
my services are still suspended....
I told her to take the R345 via debit out of the account
she said I now need to pay them R382...I don't understand...
I had paid my subscription, this is the amount they incorrectly refunded me
why should I suffer like this as a Client
client number :97413736
I need urgent feedback...
Irate client
Sharna Gaugain Send email
Feb 13, 2017
Decoder Insurance
I bought my DSTV Explora decoder 2 years ago and I took out insurance when I received my decoder with Multichoice.
I then received an sms and email from you on the 11th January 2017 advising that my insurance was cancelled and I immediately called your company to find out why. They mentioned that I missed a payment in October 2016 but I was never notified of the missed payment. I then asked to be reinsured immediately.
My decoder blew 3 weeks ago and when I went to the multi choice shop in the Lemon Tree in Alberton they said I cannot get a new decoder because I haven’t had my insurance for longer than 3 months.
I then called your company and they advised that I need to wait 3 months before I can get a new Explora which I find extremely unfair as I wasn’t informed that I missed a payment and I definitely wasn’t advised that there is a 3 month waiting period plus I had paid for 18 months already.
I was then told to email my complaint and was advised via email that they would get back to me in 24 hours.
I called 24 hours later only to be told by the call centre lady that it takes longer than 24 hours and up to 7 days and that the promped email response form Multichoise is incorrect.
Its been 2 weeks now and I still haven't heard from anyone.
CASE NUMBER: 8473267
CASE NUMBER: 8480372
Deryck LVender Send email
Feb 8, 2017
Repeats and poor overall programs
I think it is very poor that we are subscribed to your premium bouquet and have to suffer continuall repeats boring reality shows non related History channel content etc the list goes on. It ia crying shame that on your entire premium package one cannot find anything decent to watch. I pray for the day you get an opponent. Rest assured you will lose many customers. Enough is enough stop cramming rubbish down our throats.
ZKW Send email
Feb 7, 2017
Multichoice DSTV Complaint
People check your accounts. Need to pay Family Package this month but suddenly need to pay R700. Because of a double payment suddenly reversed in January. When I called in November to check how much I need to pay, I had a credit on my account confirmed by the consultant, because we did not had money to pay that month I wanted to make sure about the credit showing on self-help service. I asked the guy if I can then use DSTV and choose my package with the credit, and he said yes. So I went on with my viewing. Now suddenly they reversed that credit, said I didn't pay. What's the use then to call the customer care to find out the payment for the month, because I didn't had money to pay. It is not my fault I had a credit on the account and the consultant confirm that on phone. It is DSTV's account department that have malfunctioning systems, because of it couldn't correct it at the stage when the credit was showing. FIX MY ACCOUNT, I WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR DSTV'S FAULT. I will take this further than DSTV.
pmaake Send email
Feb 7, 2017
Paid my account, still not connected
Can someone please explain..
1) My DSTV details >> (DSTV-A,Smart Card-A)
2) My Parents DSTV details >> (DSTV-B, Smart Card-B)
3) both these decoders are under my name however, i specifically asked that they separate the billing accounts as per the Smart card numbers to avoid future confusion.
4) how come is it that when DSTV-A,SmartCard-A is paid and DSTV-B,SmartCard-B is owing, both decoders are switched off due to non payment??? why don't u just disable the account that you haven't received payment on? and does this mean i forfeited the payment i made since my paid up smart card is deactivated??
5) The call center personnel excel at arguing more than resolving issues
6) the self help "live chat" service is as useless as the call center they are referring me to?
7) why am i still paying for this?
8) my customer number - 9886300
Veryupset123 Send email
Feb 7, 2017
JUST SO FED UP WITH REPEATS ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like enough is enough. Seriously
I also switched from SD decoder to HD PVR and most of my HD chanels are not playing so I ask with tears in my eyes. WHAT ARE WE PAYING MULTI CHOICE A LOT OF MONEY FOR?????? I feel is ridiculous to pay such a lot of money and you don't even watch half of the channels. Some reasons you not interested and some are the channels are not playing at all. "Technical problems with the HD PVR's"
Give us an option to tailor make our packages if you not willing to reduce the costs!!!!!! AND DON'T SAY IT WILL COST MORE CAUSE IT WON'T. I know exactly which channels I want. We could really use some healthy competition for DSTV. The subscriptions increases by so much but the level service is getting worse. DSTV started out with a fairly reasonable price but why should we pay so much for the same content that was shown when it started??? Nothing has changed so why increase subscription every year???? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO SOMETHING. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE UNHAPPY AND YOU JUST KEEP ADVERTISING EXPLORA AND PRICE LOCK. HOW THAT IS ALSO A SAVING BEATS MY BRAIN.....Just had a brain fart: LOCK THEM IN FOR TWO YEARS SO THEY DON'T LEAVE. I AM SURE THAT IS WHAT OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE IN TWO YEARS TIME, THAT'S IF I HAVE NOT CANCELLED MINE ALREADY.
Tinasa Send email
Feb 7, 2017
Channels not working
This is ongoing now for months and months..why are some of my channels suddenly not working..I'm paying a lot of money and getting really frustrated now
Channels not working is listed below
I am paying for full dstv and it is not my decoder that give me problems..please
I am looking for answers...for sure the problem must be on dstv signal
Please contact me via email
matlou Send email
Feb 6, 2017
I'm beyond pissed with this date self-service nonsense, I paid for my account and still hasn't been activated, went for the stupid self-service which said I must link my smart card or customer id, I did that for over an hour and it keeps saying they are wrong or already linked to another Profile. I checked with *120*68584# and it confirmed that I don't owe anything. Now this is very pissing because no I have to call the call centre which is forever busy and I now ran out of airtime...right now I hate this service. Someone better call me or reconnect my services my customer number is. :77471896. My number 0632283870
You better fix this mess.
Karlien Schoeman Send email
Jan 31, 2017
Blasphemy on BoxOffice
Good day.
I trust you are well.
I would like to request DSTV to please enable an option to turn of foul language when a movie is rented from BoxOffice as well as watching CatchUp.
Currently one is only able to adjust the language when watching live tv.
I feel very offended when God's name is used non-stop on some of the shows and would like to have an option to "bleep" this out.
Please can you make a concerted effort to enable this option?
Please can you also give me feedback on my request.
Kind regards and enjoy the day.
kimsmithwkl Send email
Jan 31, 2017
Poor Service
I contacted DSTV telephonically for someone to assist me with upgrading my DSTV to Explore PriceLock, and was told a consultant will contact me shortly. i then smsed the contacted number for a consultant to contact me and no response, i then downloaded the app to get service and still no communication. This was 2weeks ago and still no response. I am really disappointed in the bad customer service. or lack there of. Please can someone get back to me with this regard.
Warren Gardner
MARIANAboy Send email
Jan 27, 2017
Good day
I am very unhappy with DSTV account services, I took a account for the explorer in 2015, we have been paying and then we add a debit order and it went of up to April 2016, NOBODY AT DSTV HAVE THE CURITSY TO PHONE ME TO SAY THE DEBIT ORDER DID NOT WHENT OF NOW MY ACCOUNT IS OUTSTANDING ALMOST R8000.00, WHO' S FAULT IS THIS, IF YOU PHONE THE CALL CENTRE THEY JUST SAID SOMBODY WILL PHONE ME BACK AND NOBODY IS PHONING
carolfernandez Send email
Jan 18, 2017
I am so disgusted with the service I received today from the DSTV customer care centre. I have a HD PVR decoder that is faulty, I called the centre yesterday and asked the agent what I would get as a replacement and he advised me that I would get an Explora, I drive all the way from the south to Randburg only to be told that that is not possible and they will replace it with another PVR which I will be taking back in a few months time as I have heard that there are a lot of faulty PVR's out there. Do you think that DSTV would try and accommodate their clients, not a chance, they give a shit about us, all they care about is our monthly subscriptions and insurance they receive every month. I am cancelling my subscription!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Cycling Send email
Jan 16, 2017
cycling coverage
To whom it concerns D S TV has 10+ sport channels but can not stick to their own schedule this is not the first time I think that your service is getting worse . please give the sub subscribers what they pay a lot of money for .2.00pm today was supposed be highlights of the Tour Down Under cycling highlights NOT the Dakar and lets play twice
please stick to the programs as you people advertise
Tisetso Send email
Jan 14, 2017
I went to multi choice they told me how much m I owing and I paid it cash , within few days my dstv was off then I called customer service help line they said am over due , I paid again now my decoder is off again. It's annoying and disappointing the way multichoice service's are rendered I paid almost R1000 for R345 package how is that possible
Jaco88 Send email
Jan 5, 2017
Dstv price lock Compact
Subsrcibed to DSTV explora price lock on compact services. The guy who took all my details initially for the subscribtion said i can upgrade anytime i like. 3 days ago i upgraded to the DStv extra package to no avail, services have been suspended and i have been sitting without any viewing for the last 40hours. Everytime i talk to a consultant it takes more than 20min to explain to them what the story is, making out as if its my fault that everything has been cancelled.
DStv you are pathetic, your services are pathetic, its unfortunate this is the only thing in SA we can subribe to, to watch relevant material.
Duds497 Send email
Dec 30, 2016
Useless product
Exchange my explora on Wednesday 28 December as the hard drive gave in I was given another explora which look so old got home plug it in and all it was doing was rebooting the whole time after numerous calls with the multichoice call centre I was told to take it back in so I did today 30 December the lady told me it was just software upgrades and she did the upgrades and promised me it will be fine now got home plug it in and guess what it rebooted even more so I called them again they told me to bring it back again so I ask to speak to a manager I was transferred to a guy named Prince who promised to call me back which ofcourse never happened so now all my decoder is doing is rebooting for 4days but I'm sure dstv will expect full payment. I'm insured but this should not set anyones mind at ease as your decoder is not replaced with a new one.I have run out of options, airtime and petrol to get a service that is almost R900 per month and a product that I bought brand new R1500 where do I go from here
CindyF Send email
Dec 28, 2016
Dstv price lock
We applied for price lock beginning of October, everything was approved, just waiting for delivery. It has been 2 months that i stuggled to find out when the explora will be delivered. With every phone call they just say that it will be another 3 working days and sorry for the dely. Beginning of december, ive had enough, because holidays is on us, family is on their way for visit, and i really wanted my dstv to be fully installed for my geusts. Well, i called multichoice again and the lady said "its the first time something like this happened,but my account says that the order expired". Then we started the application allbover again, same thing all over again, i'm still waiting for delivery and no one at the call centre are able to help they cant give me my order number to trace my order from the company that needs to deliver. So yes, its been almost 3 months that i'm struggling to get this price lock thing in place. Its a bit pathetic if you ask me, on the ads they say how quick it was and bla bla bla. I'm very disappointed, we have always been good dstv customers, never late with payment ect, but this is how they treat their good customers? Please can someone from multichoice get in touch with me on email
Davidksr Send email
Dec 23, 2016
Awaiting new decoder
I have been waiting or dstv for almost two weeks after applying for a new explora 2 after my explora was damaged by lightning.
Dstv refuse to speak with my wife as she is not the account holder. I work in somalia and cannot be contacted from South Africa via call as there is no roming. I have told dstv that I give my authority to my wife and that we have a letter of authority from a law firm. This however is not enough. Please contact my wife emidiatly on 0794775884 or you can email me on
lduplessis Send email
Dec 21, 2016
No insurance on new decoder after requesting for it
Good day
I bought by Explorer in 2015. After it was installed I contacted the call centre to activate the dish. The consultant ask me if I would like to have insurance as I also have insurance on my old decoder and I said yes please. Yesterday I phone the call centre as my dish gets stuck on channels and to my surprise I do not have insurance on my Explorer but on my old decoder that I don’t have any more. I ask the consultant to transfer the insurance to my Explorer. Why would someone pay insurance on something that they don’t have any more. This is unacceptable. I need this to be sorted today as I pay every month a high instalment and can’t wait for 30 days for this to be sorted out.
Please contact me urgently on 0760588291.
Id 7307290231085
MJA du Plessis
Davine Send email
Dec 13, 2016
Dstv channel flieknet
I have a serious problem with flieknet movies is more of the decades movies than orginal afrikaans movies i am so dissapointed because last year was much beter movies than now please and try to satisfy your costumers
Rabiu Adams Khalid Send email
Dec 9, 2016
Account not credited
I made payment through First Bank for almost a week now and my account is not credited yet. Please i want this problem fixed asap. Thanks My decoder number is: 2022157980
Pottie Send email
Dec 6, 2016
DSTV Explora Price Lock
I've applied for the DSTV price lock deal from Multichoice. Got approved and sent through all my documents on the 22 November 2016. 2 weeks later still had no response from DSTV on when the decoder will be shipped to me.
It does not even help to phone the costumer care line as DSTV employees does not have the knowledge to sort out the issues. Same response every time I phoned the helpline as the problem will be escalated to the supervisors and that you will receive a call before the close of business the same day. After about 10 days off calling the contact centre and getting the same response each time I'm certain that the employees gets taught to say that problems will be escalated.
Unfortunately DSTV has the marked share in pay TV and does not care about the costumers paying their accounts each month. The MNET saying that we care does not belong to DSTV anymore as the do not care about the service they render to the clients.
I've had a lot better service rendered to me by Telkom and SARS and putting them on a 7 out of 10 at least and multi choice would be lucky to get a 2 out of 10.
Sherman12!@ Send email
Dec 6, 2016
DSTV Box Office
We tried to book a movie from Box Office on 3 December at 19H45. After the funds were debited from our credit card the movie failed to become accessible for viewing on Box Office. On 5 December I called the Johannesburg DSTV office on 011 289 2222 to lodge the complaint only to be demised by a consultant saying that, "according to the rules", if you did not complain within 48 hours you lost your movie. I reviewed the rules online to discover that according to rule 14 once you successfully rent a movie it is accessible for 30 days. Only once you start viewing the movie does the accessibility cease within 48 hours. Rule 14 states the following: "Once a Movie is Downloaded, you will have 30 days to watch it ("Accessibility Period"). Once you start watching the Movie during the Accessibility Period, you have 48 hours to complete watching it ("Viewing Period")."
I then called the Jhb office once more and was dismissed once more by the senior supervisor, saying that the rules on the website were not applicable and that I should read the rules on the Box Office on the TV. I then read such rules, only to find that nothing therein stated that if the movie never becomes accessible is one to call within 48 hours.
Upon taking this up with the supervisor once more, they reversed the charges on my credit card thereby admitting that their 48 hour complaint rule is merely a means to fob customers off.
The supervisor was always courteous and I credit Multichoice for that but do warn customers that may experience similar problems on Box Office rentals to be aware of the rules and their rights and not to believe the first excuse consultants may give them.
nomathemba Send email
Dec 5, 2016
failure connection
On the 30th of November late in the evening there was a storm and strong wind since then the connection on my decoder was lost. i called multi choice customer care on friday and i was told to re start everything including the network cable but the error still kept popping up on y screen. Saturday morning i called again and i spoke to 3 people who also could'nt help the last lady told me to go to the nearest multichoice agency in springs and i did they tested the decoder and it was fine by them. They told e i must take it back home connect it and if it still gives he same error then they will send a technician but they going to charge me for a call out ................ when i got home connected the decoder it still gave me the same error. Today i called and i spoke to the technician and he said they can come and fix it but i have to pay R300.00 cash.
Now this is what annoys me, 1. My account i up to date. 2. it is not my fault that the connection was affected by the weather which i have no control over but God does. 3. i didnt connect this myself but people from multichoice did meaning they where suppose to know that days with the bad weather are coming therefore tighten it or whatever measures they had to take to make sure not matter how strong the wind is it does not lose connection. 4. i have been without tv for the past 6 days 5. i have to pay R300 which i do not have "bear in mind that i m a single parent with 3 kids". 6. what if i pay today and they fix it and later today we the same weather and it looses connection again!!!!!!! then i'll have to pay another R300 AGAIN????????????????? Its a rip off, it is unfair, it is ridiculous and it is money making skeem.
My id:8209031229080
Acc no:1029877073
Smartcard: 4360676
Cell no: 078 4074980