Nurul Aug 22, 2018 |
Scammer entah dari mana tiba2 htr sms thank you for subsribing bla bla blaaa then terus tolak rm5 kredit.. dah 3 kali kena. padahal x pernah klik mana2 ads pon.. what the hell celcom ??!!!...
Billyb413 Aug 22, 2018 |
On 12/14/2015 I bought A Canon MB2320 printer from Office Depot which merged with OfficeMax. I bought what I thought was a two year extended warranty plan when I bought their performance plan. On o8/21/2018 the printer stopped working so I called OfficeMax performance plan department to file...
Dexterzdbest Aug 22, 2018 |
I used an all point ATM the night my paycheck deposited into my account and the next afternoon my account was wiped out! Someone in Houston TX withdrew my Money from an ATM twice. Also was declined several times due to insufficient funds because they tried to withdraw more than what I had in...
Sheak fared Aug 22, 2018 |
Dir madam/Sir
I was try to booking tickets irctc
August 13.2018 nellai express (12632)
My fund 1290 transfer but not booked tickets
Bank refrance id 107416816525
Transduction id 100001395530694
Please refund my money
Please help...
Zanele Hlangu Aug 22, 2018 |
 I paid on 25 July for 3 blanket Nothando is my Agent, she don't say I think to me. I didn't get my order till today. That her picture...
Sharon Culver Stewart Aug 22, 2018 |
We have noticed several times that when my husband receives new portable tanks that they are not completely filled with oxygen. Actually, there have been a couple of times when the tanks (that were just delivered) were empty. I didn't say anything the first times as I chopped it up to...
JStrickland Aug 21, 2018 |
We are a new Company in the neighbor. Jimmy John's is the only place that deliver's out this way. We have been ordering from them for months and it's been great since we are a large company. After months of delivering to us, we just had a manager deliver to one of the ladies and...
Vedha Aug 21, 2018 |
The content of this show is very poor. Mahat, Ishwarya and Yashika... throw these guys to out of the game. disgusting ....they are spoiling the morale of this programme. we are losing the interest and patience to watch this programme. Many people are waiting to take part in this programme. pls...
HajarFa817 Aug 21, 2018 |
Sudah 6 hari tp kenape pos laju masih blm update this parcel. My customer tgh tggu brg tu.. pls poslaju tlg check.. xpnh lg jd mcm ni.. 1st time.. sy risau.. 😓...
Eaglebeak Aug 21, 2018 |
have been using Forign Ladies on and off for two years. I made three successful connections Two were in China and one Odd ball one was in Ukraine I was unable to make a successful connection of any kind in Ukraine and the Odessa FL agent felt sorry for me and
personally introduced...
orlandoantoniotorres Aug 21, 2018 |
superchris2182 Aug 21, 2018 |
 The last day I rendered my duty was on the 7th of June, but was only cleared on the 18th of June. I followed up with with my backpay last 17th of August and was told that I would be expecting my backpay on the first week of October. I find it unreasonable for my backpay to take that long to...
stinkypeat Aug 21, 2018 |
I had to throw away my Nike flip flops after they got wet. The smell was so foul. At first I couldn't figure out what the horrendous smell was in my bedroom....it was worse than a dead animal smell. I wonder if it isn't the foam padding rather than the rubber that generates the smell...
Josephkidson Aug 21, 2018 |
Case no. Mint26548, Animar investments t/a Tyremart Boksburg. Case was heard on 28 June 2018, arbitrtion award was emailed to the employers. Employee had to pay out to Mibco on 31 July 2018. Numerous emails were send with no answers or not even replies to the progress of this case. We are very...
bergrens Aug 21, 2018 |
I am showing for the last THREE MONTHS a CHAGER OF 13.90 around the first of the month. I DO NOT HAVE A AMAZON PRIME account.
Please contact me about these chargers. it show up as Amazon Prime AMzn.com/billWAUS....
Al Capone Aug 21, 2018 |
 I recently hired Lee Reaves, Jr. (Black River Land and Timber) to clear a drainage ditch on some real estate I own in South Carolina. The project was a 3 day job at most. The first he shows up by himself with a worn out John Deere bull dozier that kept breaking down. He continued to go to Double...
Fairytale Aug 21, 2018 |
The worst show i have ever seen... Pls watch hindi and malayalam big boss..They are so loyal and honest.. But in Tamil why you people doing like this??
Why you supporting aishwarya to let her do all things and show her anger,madness,kiddish behavior...
Analah Aug 21, 2018 |
 Tracking number EH842735282MY
Dah sampai poslaju Jitra, dah hantar ke poslaju Kuala Nerang. Tiba-tiba patah balik semula ke poslaju Jitra.
Nak tawaf cukup 7 kali eh?? Baru nak hantar ke rumah orang...
CMBlaq Aug 21, 2018 |
I am utterly disgusted at the service of this department, I have submitted and STILL submitting ALL documents since March 2018.
I have called in repeatedly asking how far my claim is and without fail "documents are missing". I called in again on the 2 August 2018 and I was told...
hen4811 Aug 21, 2018 |
I like all the others who have posted on here was given Tetracycline as a child in the 1960's and had my teeth ruined I too have been left with lifelong teeth problems and the costs of sorting these is prohibitive I too believe as it is categorical that this drug caused these problems as...
victor1230 Aug 21, 2018 |
i bought a Nokia 3 at totalsport in jabulani mall after 3day we tried to remove the sim card an only the sim tray came out and we took the phone back to the shop so that they can remove the simcard for us. it took 1 month for them to fix the phone, an we got a call from them on Sunday the 19th...
charles_aro Aug 21, 2018 |
It would be great if KTMB can re-introduce a direct night train service starting from Woodlands to KL Central initially from Friday to Sunday and the other way as well with at least one first class sleeping birth. Most people will be glad to pay in the local currency( (i.e. in Sing$ from Singapore)....
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