Leehhturner64 Nov 6, 2017 |
My account should have been closed. I sent emails requesting my account to be closed permanently. I had no knowledge of direct debit amount taken from my bank account. I have sent numerous emails to cancel my subscription.
Please assist me with this issue, I would this...
j.avance Nov 6, 2017 |
recognize the need to add much more diversity to the Christmas movies. Not one or two people in the back ground scenes but main characters. I am a manger of Diversity in my organization and it's so sad to see what's missing with our Hallmark Christmas movies. I hope...
jstrat46 Nov 6, 2017 |
I started receiving Sports Illustrated magazine copies about 3 weeks ago. I thought it was a promotion until today when I contacted Sports Illustrated (SI.) They say that I ordered this subscription via M2 Media Group and the only way to cancel was to contact "cancelmag.com." I...
Meetali bisht Nov 6, 2017 |
 Name: Meetali bisht
Address:Ho.No.9, Heera lal Marg Dehradun Road Rishikesh 249201
Phone model: Lenovo A6020a46
Last used no:8057380914, 8077149429
E-mail [email protected]
Missed date:04/11/2017
contact no.9897671191
surendran dayandar Nov 6, 2017 |
Dear Sir
I have been billed twice for the same software (DRI*ADOBE SALES).
This charge appeared on my credit card statement received recently as follows:
Sam mitra Nov 6, 2017 |
This is Soumya Mitra from Kolkata. I have lost my Micromax mobile from Sialdah station on 27/10/2017 at evening. I have lots of personal details in that phone. If those are use wrongly , i will be in big trouble. So I requested to you pls block the mobile using Imei no.
PleaseDontTake Nov 6, 2017 |
Literally havent ever been so scared of a pill in my life. I took one with water like it says to on package and when it kicked in I couldn't stop shaking. I've had jitters before but this was beyond my comfortable point. Not long after the jitters I start committing and have an unexplainable...
Travelpro Nov 6, 2017 |
We’ve had people killed here in Texas and yet Robin & George try to turn our loss into political snips on Trump.
I grew up watching GMA, I am 55 years old and you guys have allowed George S to take his opinions too far, G in GMA does not stand for George so why allow him to make...
nakka sandhya Nov 6, 2017 |
name: kotha venkateswarlu
imei numbres:863664032683673
model:one plus3t
missed place:rtc cross roads ,hyderabad
email: [email protected]
Sara complains Nov 6, 2017 |
 I my bank statement fc.me/ads took money from my account. I didn't buy any apps or Facebook apps. I dnt know how they access to my bank account. Just I singed up Zip pay with my Facebook account couple of weeks ago but I didn't use it for shopping. During several transactions they...
Kossynia Nov 6, 2017 |
My brother Obi Ezeigbo Kingsley with passport no A07997104 was detained by immigration officers at the Airport on the 17th October 2017, and till now nothing has being heard from him. I am pleading with the authority that is holding him to please send him back to Nigeria. His relatives are very...
Johan Cronje Nov 6, 2017 |
To Whom it may concern
I want to know how it can take a huge outfit like MIBFA 18 months to sort out a claim. Is it because incompetent nepotism is in control or is there another hidden agenda? You can phone MIBFA regarding your surplus claim and ask to speak to any other department except...
Utsav Nov 6, 2017 |
I would like to know if there is any way to retrieve Rs.30,000 that I paid to InfiniteCareerSolutions. I paid them the amount in the month of August and after that there was no response from their end. Now if I email to their id, the email comes back to me and their website also does...
purplecity Nov 6, 2017 |
Weeks ago I ate a large round chocolate chip cookie from Panera and I was fine. Then I had it the next week and got sick. Then I stopped eating the cookies because they aren't covered in any kind of way. The cookies are on trays behind a tall glass and you look through the glass at the...
Rizwan Farooq Nov 6, 2017 |
I have same problem like all of you.
I have do all full and complete payment for my plot in eden lands.
If somebody have created any watsupp group
Plz also add me to this group. My watsupp number is
0034 632 221 919
ken spiller Nov 6, 2017 |
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Ken Spiller, on my last Visa credit card statement I noticed a listed transaction dated 23/9/17 from MICROSOFT *OFFICE 365 MSBILL.INFO, this transaction was for the amount of $119.00 and this charge was never approved by myself and I want the amount credited...
Neetika Nov 6, 2017 |
I have got a mail from RBI foreign transfer dept. and they are demanding money to transfer 4 crore 76 lakh INR in my account..plz tell me it is true or falls
my contact details..
[email protected]...
Leslie Washington 383 Nov 6, 2017 |
 I have two cards in your system ,I deposit 500.00 dollars on one ,I've never receive my deposit on the one card ,I need to know where has my money's gone to .i use the other card and found out that it affect the other card .please contact me ,at 8328594251 please....
Yuan Nov 6, 2017 |
I have sent out document on 20 Oct 2017 from Post office Jinjang to Hong Kong and using normal post with register mail.
I know normal is slow, but normally I sent out to Hong Kong and using normal post just take one week.
May I know why still pending at MPC PMIH...
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