dodo bird Nov 7, 2017 |
Wore clarks shoes to a high school foot ball game. Light rain coming down, got home took them off and saw my white socks were black as was my feet. Want to die your feet black wear clarks shoes....
Ieda1234 Nov 7, 2017 |
Saya datang ke mcdonalds pada pukul 1pagi di mcd denai alam. Saya memesan happy meals dan spicy chicken mcdelux. Tetapi malang nya kentang yang saya terima keras dan sejuk membuatkan saya berasa kecewa hendak makan. Tambahan lagi pekerja lelaki yang serve saya dengan muka yang masam dan badmood....
nicolaslewiss Nov 7, 2017 |
Tenía un tiempo compartido en Raintree, llevaba años pagando sin poder reservar cuando quería vacacionar, por no tener espacio, nunca pude usarlo. El mantenimiento se paga en dólares y ya no podía pagarlo. Les envié una carta solicitando la cancelación a la cual se negaron, ofreciéndome...
MANJIT MAYUR Nov 7, 2017 |
 I have purchased a tshirt from raymondnext.com on 07.11.2017 but money has been deducted from my account but order not placed and not got any confirmation about the order.Only I have received a mail from ccavanue.Kindly refund my money back....
Manjula Nov 7, 2017 |
 Sir good day I have doubt regarding this person davit belt from London his wife suffering from cancer so he want home nurse I am diploma in nurse from India ,please tell its true or fake appointment letter for the post of a private nurse .am very excited to finalize the necessary formalities...
jakewally13 Nov 7, 2017 |
I want my money back. I was charged 59.94 and don't know why i was charged this amount. Please don't charge me ever again...
navnirmantrustbhr Nov 7, 2017 |
Bellow massage in have in my email from three type email id and asking private details.
We acknowledged the receipt of your e-mail: I am the Foreign Operation Manager to write you in respect to your Email which we have received.
Actually, we have earlier been told...
xzavier511 Nov 7, 2017 |
in October of 2016 i was able to Reveiw my Nycha files and Unannouced to me there are people in my files that i have never met,and as a result of someone's deliberate actions allowed Edith Bailey,Jhirmira Jenkins,and Conroy Hibbert access to our personal information;Now that it has been...
navnirmantrustbhr Nov 7, 2017 |
Fake massage for money transfer mailed bellow mention from 3 type email id use this massage.
We acknowledged the receipt of your e-mail: I am the Foreign Operation Manager to write you in respect to your Email which we have received.
Actually, we have earlier been...
xzavier511 Nov 7, 2017 |
in October of 2016 i was able to Reveiw my Nycha files and Unannouced to me there are people in my files that i have never met,and as a result of someone's deliberate actions allowed Edith Bailey,Jhirmira Jenkins,and Conroy Hibbert access to our personal information;Now that it has been...
deepa_dv89 Nov 7, 2017 |
Hi, i ordered two regular pizza via online for my family which includes kids on 7/11/17 at around 9pm. While, serving the pizza for kids my mother noticed a piece of plastic which was probably cooked together with the pizza (based on the appearance). This is really ridiculous as it was a big...
EnoughWithChristmas Nov 7, 2017 |
Hallmark, please consider limiting the amount of Christmas movies you air, especially prior to Thanksgiving! Only airing Christmas movies and Home & Family (with heavy Christmas influence starting in JULY) is TOO MUCH. After Thanksgiving one or two Christmas movies during prime time is...
Mandeep Singh Nov 7, 2017 |
School is not organising one day trip from past few years.All the students want to go. A letter is already has been given to principal but the class teacher had refused to accept it. It's a request to work on it...
Rahul samant Nov 7, 2017 |
 I had lost my lenovo mobile imei1:861794031745306
On 7nov 2017 at 7.30 pm in virar
Name rahul samant...
dave call Nov 7, 2017 |
Absolute cock up this new revamped Gold Blend. After 40 years will now have to look elsewhere as this new stuff is BITTER, NOT SMOOTH, and leaves DREGS at the bottom of the cup. BAD MOVE on Nescafe's part. HORRIBLE TO DRINK, will not be buying again. BRING BACK THE DECENT GOLD BLEND,...
glory Nov 7, 2017 |
my name is mrs Eric Glory,with a company name M.ERIKINLEX & SONS VENTURES.
I applied to become your vendor (branded store) since july 2017 till now i have not heard anything from u ,
it is unfair that i rented an office at a good site...
Tarheel Nov 7, 2017 |
We have always had a dedicated glass canister for 30+ years which was reserved for the safe storage of our beloved Premium Saltines. We never ate another brand growing up. Long gone are the days of having to preserve their freshness or to carry on the tradition. The texture has changed so...
jep1966 Nov 7, 2017 |
Publix has moved into the Virginia market in 2017, in the Richmond metro area. I have found this chain to be be nothing like it used to be form past experience in SC. Publix claims to be all about customer service - and they used to be great in my experience - but I find it to be the complete...
Nisharai Nov 7, 2017 |
I've order pizza hut today 6/11/2017 at 1916hrs. They have told me that will deliver in 30 mints. Someone name iza from bandar baru ampang pizza hut called me around 1954hrs saying will deliver it in short while. I've called pizza at 1300882525 & 0196533637 ms iza and asked to...
Muhle123 Nov 7, 2017 |
Good Day Setumo/Reshmas (Rangburg Branch)
To my great disappointment yet again, I haven't receive any feedback from Legal-wise. Not only did you (Setumo) waste a whole month with no activity in my case, claiming you never receive the email that was sent on the 21st Sept,...
Brenda5050 Nov 7, 2017 |
I bought some cordless phone now I suppose to get 3 phone I got 2 I have called and they are out of stock so I ask them fix my bill because you sale them in set of 2 and 3 they will not fix my acc...
chua Nov 7, 2017 |
masa tengok video, internet network putus putus,
sejak hari rabu lepas, kenapa ?...
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