John Burik Apr 18, 2021 |
Disappointed that the garlic chicken bowl comes only with microwave directions. Pot pies and other bowls I have pruchased have conventional oven directions!...
[email protected] Apr 18, 2021 |
 Dear Sir/Madam,
our names are Michael McAndrew & Josune Montalban. On my last Mastercard credit card statement I noticed a listed transaction dated 09-04-2021 from
MICROSOFT *MICROSOFT 36 MSBILL.INFO IRL, for the amount of € 69,00.
This charge was never approved...
Penny Hurlbert Apr 17, 2021 |
Your story Friday highly recommending Youmail to stop spam did not tell the whole story of what was involved and was very misleading.
When I decided to download the free app it told me I had to notify my provider to turn off my voicemail at which time I decided not to proceed and removed...
Pamela Speed Apr 17, 2021 |
I purchased a large container of Orvil Redenbacher popcorn for a new popcorn popper for my husband. The popcorn is awful!! It has no taste plus every single kernel is filled with husks. What’s the deal? I have always thought Orvil Redenbacher was the best popcorn around. This is certainly...
concerned citizen bintulu Apr 17, 2021 |
Seorang posmen datang ke rumah untuk hantar barang. Sesampainya di rumah saya, dia membunyikan hon. Malangnya ketika itu saya hampir selesai memandikan diri dan pada masa yang sama, hanya saya sahaja yang berada di rumah. Akibat tidak sabar, posmen tersebut membunyikan honnya berkali-kali dan...
concerned citizen bintulu Apr 17, 2021 |
Saya hendak membuat aduan tentang posmen yang datang ke rumah saya. Sejurus selapas sampai di rumah saya posmen tersebut membunyikan hon. Ketika itu saya baru sahaja habis mandi dan hendak menyalinkan pakaian dan saya mendengar posmen tersebut membunyikan hon. Akan tetapi, posmen tersebut tidak...
Stagecoach Apr 17, 2021 |
MSBillgo has been charging me for a service I canceled over 12 months ago. When I canceled it they stopped the billing but started again and I did not catch it for several months. I turned it into my Blaze master cared and challenged it but they have done nothing and MSbillgo Xbox has charged...
cac2937 Apr 17, 2021 |
I in the past from time to time receive tokens when I search. For the past 2 weeks I have not received one token on any of the searches....
Piper2020 Apr 17, 2021 |
worse bank ever,i wasn't able to use my account for almost 2 months because they keep telling me about BS fraud,so i tell them close this card ,they said i have to wait 90 days for them to close this card and i have to contact to my unemployment.who can contact unemployment now / lol .they...
littlebren Apr 17, 2021 |
the room i booked should have been 276. after booking the total wS 757. WAAAAT??...
Brasscatcher Apr 16, 2021 |
Raniersec has no FFL, they cant sell any guns legally to start with, the whole website is a FRAUD/SCAM, they have nothing for sale but will steal your money if you send them gift cards. They have NO real guns, email, phone or address
BPing Lau Apr 16, 2021 |
My parcel stuck at KLIA Hub No:EL018279455MY.
Please kindly to follow up or delivery to Muar Pos Laju.
janet rekan Apr 16, 2021 |
My Credit Card account has been charged RM 318.00 which was not authorized by me. I demand a reversal to my Credit Card account and explanation of why I was charged this.
In my Credit Card statement it is charged by:
25 MAR 2021 - FACEBK XGH9N273X2 fb.me/ads...
Orestes harris Apr 16, 2021 |
call early in morning allday long everyday wake me and my wife &kids up we tired of it please help...
SLW Apr 16, 2021 |
I am currently on the telephone waiting to speak with someone at GE Customer Service - iI now have over four hours either on the telephone with GE or on hold waitng to speak with someone, since I purchased a washing machine just over a month ago. In spite of the fact that I had a service visit...
tonymalon Apr 15, 2021 |
Three to four weeks ago I filed a complaint by phone about the hardness of the other shell of four packages of Fig Newtons. I was told I would receive four get free coupons by mail. It has not happened as of yet. I have tried the 800 number again and no one answers except a recording which...
tmalaza Apr 15, 2021 |
edgars Account: 7000100100223424441 - My account has been in good standing with Edgars. Due to the fact that I am retiring I decided to closed all my accounts. I went to Middelburg Mall Edgars to close the account. I was told to pay off the balance and I discovered that day that I have an...
Almera Azlan Apr 15, 2021 |
 Hi I'm Azlan Bin Abdullah I purchase a car model Nissan Almera full spec turbo from the showroom on 12/4/2021 and after use it for just 2 days and on 14/4/2021 I got a the airbag signal light shows and I was very worried and bring it to the setapak service Center. How can this happen for...
Sree1212 Apr 15, 2021 |
The owner Mister Shafaat Ahmed is another con man and an uneducated bully. He told me he is not the owner of the company and told me he has to ask his Emarati owner for my refund. Later I found out that he is the owner and when I asked him he was laughing at me making fun. I put a complaint...
tagate Apr 15, 2021 |
Stay away from Dr. G hands! He botched my surgery and I had to have my entire inner ear bone rebuilt. Poor surgical skills and after the surgery I saw the true him, abrasive personality, lousy bedside manner, does not want to be challenged or have his diagnosis and treatment questioned....
Siblove Apr 15, 2021 |
I am collecting unemployment in the state of PA. When I signed up, I wasn't not given an option to arrange direct deposit. I had to use the ReliaCard to receive payments. I joined a FB group and saw many complaints about using the ReliaCard, restrictions. You are informed you can use it...
Sisterhazel Apr 15, 2021 |
Good Afternoon,
I visited your Sandusky Sam's Club in Sandusky, OH on 4-13-21. I was getting ready to check out and at least 7 female employees are standing in a group talking. This was about 7 pm. Not one of them asked if they could help me. I ended up going to the self...
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