norhan hijazi Jan 5, 2021 |
I booked 2 ticked on the 9th of November, I canceled it and requested a refund. I only received the refund for 1 ticket, i tried contacting customer service and they didn't help at all they keep saying check with your bank and I checked with the bank only 1 ticked has been refunded. this...
Malaka Kamble Jan 5, 2021 |
 Please sir avinash malhotra rbi officer and shrikishan Patel ministry of finance department Hyderabad through banking charge gst charg charg income tax clearing charg insurance policy current account open charg cot code charg total amount 155000 INR payment paid not receive award prize nothing...
zranasir Jan 5, 2021 |
I just buy package 2pcs rice combo at kfc komtar georgetown. this is not the first time i faced this problem, but today was very disappointed. the chicken size is smaller compared to other branch, i dont know why, every time i got small size chicken.. today i got very small size drumstick, CONFUCIUS...
blahblahblah Jan 5, 2021 |
Three year old refrigerator's compressor failed due to the known issue. Spoke with warranty department and they informed me that it would be $170 for diagnostic which could then be applied $450 for labor. I figured for $500 would last another 3-5 years and would allowing pricing and selection...
khernandez80 Jan 5, 2021 |
I have been with Ha and R block for years, even had my direct deposit going to them. They have switched to Metabank and since then, I have had nothing but problems. They are unable to automatically transfer my paycheck from THEIR old bank (Axos, who is wonderful) to THEIR new bank (Metabank)....
Joan Simpson Jan 5, 2021 |
Dollar Yarn Club is deducting $19.00 monthly from my checking account. I never signed or approved this. This company is scamming me. How can I stop them? Thank you....
Mairalyahya Jan 5, 2021 |
Dah pos barang dari 31/12/2020 sampai sekarang masih hold ni.pos office pekan pahang. Nak dekat seminggu dah hold. Please start delivery ASAP...
[email protected] Jan 5, 2021 |
Unhappy with product ,,Gotham Stackmaster--- please knock off one payment so that I can remodel pots and pans handles...
Jansue Jan 5, 2021 |
I was notified by my credit card that &14.95 was charged to my credit card. I do not know why. I have contacted the number and have gotten the run around. I need to know how to get this stopped and my money back. Thank you...
shirleymeredith Jan 5, 2021 |
Hello my name is Shirley Meredith. I dont want this magazine and I want my money put back into my account. This is a scam and i dont appreciate what you guys did.
FANCY GAP, VA 24328...
brindut Jan 5, 2021 |
the items i've ordered didn't bergerak langsung? no updates since Jan 1. pls i need it urgent for my study.
1. ERC503397151MY
2. ERC504830395MY...
Saidatta Jan 4, 2021 |
 I am Saidatta Veligeti from Telangana state lndia. Your country's resident Mrs Sana Saleem wife of Late Mr.Muttassin Saleem appointed me as the beneficiary of the fund with deposit code bbl 76/6543, 17 copse Hill Wimbledon,Sw,20, One London. The legal advisor Mr.Barester Rafeal Smith was...
Hakeem Aiman Jan 4, 2021 |
 136 of registered post mail stuck at pusat mel nasional (malaysia). Has been 10 days still not delivered. Fees and stamping price was increased! But slow service. Attached is a few page of tracking number....
Margaretmrivera Jan 4, 2021 |
Why would you place Troy Aikman in to announce on a NFC East , Very I’mportant game for the Cowboys when everyone knows he thinks he’s the greatest quarterback of all time and never says anything positive about the Cowboys players, especially the quarterback. We are all sick of him. Get...
MercuryRising13 Jan 4, 2021 |
Never got EIP card never got the deposit that was said to come in. They wont even say where they sent the card or anything that can help. Money just disappears off the account as in thr deposit will be there until its suppose to be posted than boom its gone like a fart in the wind. Every time...
RWHAN5643 Jan 3, 2021 |
Sun is not doing their planed renovations. They can pay $2.1 Billion for Holiday Harbor, but we can't have functioning street lights and sprinklers....
gauravgargnest Jan 3, 2021 |
Scribd.com is a fraud organization they traps whosoever visit their website by mentioning free subscription word and then deduct amount from your account without informing you so don’t trust them & never share your card details with them otherwise you will end up losing your hard earned...
Nashua Atikah Jan 3, 2021 |
Saya beli CryspyChic+ ScrambleEgg set dekat Mcdonald's Petron Section 7.. Bila mula mula makan je dah tergigit kulit telur.. Biarkan lagi tapi bila dah nak habis baru perasan ada lagi kulit telur.. Terus tak jadi saya nak habiskan.....
Elvira Jan 3, 2021 |
I want to complain that money was deducted from my account for some advertisement that I did not buy! I don’t understand how this is possible ?? Why, without my knowledge, they deduct money from my account for some kind of advertising on Facebook? I did not buy anything,...
Hellbound Askhole Jan 2, 2021 |
 This is the second time that I've went through this but they activated my card and made it active now they're saying something about product but they have all my credentials my ID and my social security card on the selfie this is like I said it's the second time I've had...
mrfrey Jan 2, 2021 |
Ordered Titanium Trim beginning of Dec.2020. Has wrong tracking number for FEDEX they don't know about it either....
Kakers Jan 2, 2021 |
I sent an email last month saying i want to cancel my subscription i dnt want any magazines and money has been still coming off my card i would gratefully appreciate it very much if i would stop this subscription and money coming off my card im on a fixed income and i dnt want or need magazines...
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