vijaik Dec 3, 2015 |
I have been paying my School Fees through Smart Tuition. I had one late payment which i requested for a waiver for the late fee. It was NOT waived and the late fees are $55. Even when I made the payment on the due date, there is a late fee charged. I did a payment before the due date, there...
becky.brantley Dec 3, 2015 |
I personally HATE the NTTA. I used to work with a fellow employee for almost six months and agreed to sell him my car on payments. I believed him to be trustworthy. I sold him my car with 200 dollars down and he left with it. Literally the next week, time for the next payment, he quit his job....
nikko455 Dec 3, 2015 |
Paschal trucklines took a Payroll the duction of $250 a week for maintenance but when your truck needs maintenance you are told that the only way you could use that found this for major emergency break downs. They do not tell you this in orientation what they do tell you an orientation is all...
ms_mde Dec 3, 2015 |
just received this scam today...sounded very fishy, googled and found this site...if there is a class action suit I am in...my email is [email protected]...
satyar Dec 3, 2015 |
Dear Friends,
CubeSolutions now as CorelogicInfoteh & PixelQuest is also fraud companies. This company having different branches across gujarat, ap & ts. These two companies are running on single license. This company recruits freshers as data entry operators and not paid...
Mona69a Dec 3, 2015 |
I am now lobbying for your company to either put the amount back to 19 or legal action will be taken for false advertising well actually no warning was given yet you dare to hold the same price you did when there was 20. Either you lower the price to reflect the change in numbers or legal action...
mrd722 Dec 3, 2015 |
I ordered the two tone Emerald Celtic Bangle Bracelet in May of 2015. It arrived quickly, but was very poorly made. The emerald stone was placed crooked on the bracelet. I took a photo and began calling and emailing customer service. Seven months later, not a word from them....disgraceful....
myominkha28 Dec 3, 2015 |
my phone nexus 5 was stolen........ IMEI number is 35213606236607..............if anyone find for me ,i am ready give reward of 5000...
crussell Dec 3, 2015 |
I too received 2.00 late fee and paid my bill before payment is due. I did not buy anything fo two months and received notices for late payment. I log on to my account and notice incurring charges of 2.00 which amounted to 4.00. I paid the bill and asked to have my card canceled. I asked...
mmarquez407 Dec 3, 2015 |
My card was charged $49.95 for something I did not authorized and I want to know why? Also, I need the money back on my account immediately to pay my rent!!!!!!!...
Moon4 Dec 3, 2015 |
I bought a ticket, the departure time is 19:15 pm. I reached there at 18:35 pm, more than 30 minutes before departure time.
While waiting, I start not feeling well and go to the counter and ask whether my ticket can return and the Miss told can. She said press the number first, if 19:15...
Devendr Khurana Dec 3, 2015 |
Sir I received a mail on 29-11-2015 from reserve Bank of India that an amount of Rs. 3 crore 5 lakhs compensation funds sent by British Govt, in my name $57223 USD equilent to Rs. 3crore 5 lakhs (ndian currency) and you are requested to deposit transfer fee Rs.10500/- in the name of SWATI KUMARI...
lizellemuller24 Dec 3, 2015 |
Please help!!!! My Maternity UIF is still in process even after 5 months! I have confirmed with a few people that all the documentation has been received, and every time there are isuues with the assesor. It has been admitted to the assesor like 4 times already and nothing has been happening!
rsr1964 Dec 3, 2015 |
Braj mathur Dec 3, 2015 |
name smt. Hemlata mathur add. Sonal nagar jalna maharashtra mo. EMEI 1 NO. 359978056427085 EMEI2 NO. 359978056427093 mo. No. 8087715336 alt. Mo. 8446583820...
LLF Dec 3, 2015 |
This is the first time I have booked with Priceline, I have heard people rave about them. I booked a name your own price reservation, and then went back two days later to make sure I had the best price since they advertise "best price guarantee" and that is not the case. I entered...
cocoybinalla Dec 3, 2015 |
Please kindly removed this Vas charge of my phone number 050-940-1427 and 050-840-4682. thank you very much....
cheyennemarie Dec 3, 2015 |
I received the same mail today addressed from JUDGING OFFICE & DECISIONS CENTER, P.O. Box 2905, Kansas City, KS 66110. I was informed that I won a lump-sum jackpot Award of millions authorized by LARRY HOURD. They want $12.99 plus 3.00 rush fee return with a paper to be filled up and signed....
debbwebb Dec 2, 2015 |
Since we had our system installed in April of 2015, we have had major issues with the equipment. Wait time for customer service is in excess of 25 minutes.
We have a 3 year contract and we can't wait to get rid of ADT....
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