sakthivip143 Jun 8, 2015 |
i have a wrong in bbc so please do not west the money i have west in Rs55000 amount...
propertyguy Jun 7, 2015 |
Dr. Stevie at coast dental is nothing more than a SCAMMER plain and simple. I am on Medicaid and the soaked them for every dime she could take them for and then tried to soak me for $12,000.00. She said I had periodontal disease, I needed a scaling process that cost $1,500.00 12 crowns and a...
THEBEAST8MLS Jun 7, 2015 |
This is fucking bullshit. You guys fucking suck. Honestly it's ridiculous that I can't log into my Xbox live account because I have add security to it even though I already did. This is absolutely ridiculous and if someone does't reach out to me about this then I'm going...
beattheirass2 Jun 7, 2015 |
Nationstar is going down just like your crooked banks.. Why do people still have bank accounts. Obsolete like landlines....
sweetp Jun 7, 2015 |
Ccb/ppc Comenity Bank/PayPal Credit. Submitted an unauthorized hard inquiry on my credit. I would like to file a complaint....
the real harasser is Karine Martirosyan Jun 7, 2015 |
Actually, the person behind of this ordeal and chaos is Karine Martirosyan, an unemployed and extremely evil woman, fired from several jobs (the last one was the Headstart program at ABCD), and currrently residing in Westborough, MA. She is a self-centered paranoid schizophrenic detached from...
Connor Jun 7, 2015 |
I couldn't believe it when sterling started selling 19 instead of 20 and as if that wasn't taking the piss enough now they only give you 18. 1 thing for sure I won't be buying sterling again...
reyaz Jun 7, 2015 |
My stc rauter Signal full 3g & 4g but no speed browsing & downloading only speed 100 & 200 kbps near have stc tower way not working internet please any body solv my problem please...
Tappgrl5 Jun 7, 2015 |
 I purchased gems and never received them on my farm story account.. My User Id is eg1214...
sms Jun 7, 2015 |
I lost my mobile today morning around 7.30am.
Its IMEI1 : 865189024584117
IMEI2: 865189024584133
I'm from Shimoga, Karnataka.
Please do help in tracing my Mobile Phone.
My no. is 9663161963....
beefstew Jun 7, 2015 |
Every Sunday suppose to open at 7am but the kid they have opening is always 30-60min late. Staff all young and have no business sence at all. People have time schedules. So if you want to workout when they want you too then this is a gym for you...
chennaiengg Jun 7, 2015 |
Attn: Beneficiary
The Foreign Exchange Transfer Department Reserve Bank of India has decided to bring to your attention, that you were listed as a beneficiary in the recent schedule for payment of outstanding debts incurred by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT pending since 2006 to 2015 according...
yaqoobpasha Jun 7, 2015 |
dear sir,
kindly deactivate my vas charges i was dedected 3 SR.
my mobile number is 0554059492...
laaakram Jun 6, 2015 |
Received letter in the mail notifying me that I won $1,230,496.00 along with a request to send $11.89 for processing. Research on line shows this as a definite scam and an open door with requests for more and more money. Paperwork looks very official....
Wronged96 Jun 6, 2015 |
Aveda is all hype. They treat their students like cattle. They say you can only miss a certain number of days and no matter what ( even if you were hospitalized like me) no absence is excused. I got terminated and charged extra money that my grant and loan had already paid, plus they kept...
Shahil07 Jun 6, 2015 |
I just received this bogus "official" notification today. Yeah, I'm old but not dead!!! ALWAYS check things out online. I agree with Jazzee, I'm headed to the post office tomorrow!! I'd like to send them $12.99 of manure for their industrious work in bilking people!!!!...
ndalo Jun 6, 2015 |
I am sick and tired of waiting for my martenity benefits. I applied my martenity benefits on 27 march 2015 at roodeport department of labour and they told me to come back check if its approved after 4-8 weeks,i went back on the 07 may 2015and it was nt approved they gave me another day which...
Dick5123 Jun 6, 2015 |
The KC guy doing the game is way too partial to KC. He is so bad I had to mute the TV and listen to the game on the radio. If he says once more that its early in the game and Texas is only leading 4 - 0 I'm going to puke! Fox needs to carefully pick announcers who are not partial to a particular...
tmadiou Jun 6, 2015 |
There's no way in hell that I'm going to give them ANYTHING. They also give the option of providing your bank account details to receive your "winnings". How is this allowed to happen?! This has got to be a crime! I was almost fooled initially .... but thank heavens I found...
Haileyglowiak Jun 6, 2015 |
Stingray music is absolute trash. My family and I really enjoyed using Music Choice on our TVs since it launched in 2011. Stingray music has less music genres, as well as the songs that they play are old or unknown. Stingray music is slow, weird to navigate around, and the layout of it is simply...
SALEEM 70 Jun 6, 2015 |
Student ID T2014FgjM13545 ( Fresh Application )
Institution Name Gujarat Adani institute of Medical Scinces...
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