I am working with senators and would like to engage in a conversation with all about these issues so I can forward these complaints to senators so that we can stop these illegal acts.
third pair of clarks shoes to have the soles disintergrate, first pair were a pair of wedged heeled boots. walked the dog half a mile down the road i was waking on the pavement. second pair of sandals split down centre and rubber sole perished after a short trip in the car. Third pair of...
I sent my nearly perfect condition iPhone 4s to usell about a week 1/2 ago. They said a company called technollo was the buyer and I received a check for it last Monday, but after I deposited it into my account. Days later it was rejected on the claim there was insufficient funds so I was fined...
I received about 2 months of zip charges in the mail. I have toll tags and they are paid automatically. I contacted ntta but we as consumers do not have any recourse or way to confirm or deny these allogations. They had a simple picture of some letters and numbers but nothing that actually looked...
I would like bring up this matter when I was on board one of the vessel at tuas south, the project was handle by main con PENTA. When I was walking on board the vessel doing my work...I over heard some group of gang talking and I believe it not a singapore language....then I try to approach...
After going to this well put together website, I placed an order which came to $550.00 the end of May 2014. I had a family reunion coming up and this was a stock unit so the website claimed. I expected to receive the order in about 10 business days. After waiting the 10 days, I followed up...
I wonder if this forum will be of any assistance, if I look at all the complaints lodged in this department... (I don't see fields here where I can submit my personal details, so I wonder if this forum is only a place where people can vent their feelings?)
Saya ada beli h/p dan ipad kat Court Mammoth Cawangan Setapak.
Masa beli salesman kt situ kata barang ada stok.jadi dah kebetulan saya kat situ saya pun setuju lah.saya pun memang nak pakai h/p ni yang ada dah problem.bukan nya untuk apa sbb untuk kerja saja. jadi saleman kt situ buat...