I change the channel before the texas burger commercial has a chance to air during the baseball games because it blatantly objectifies women. Kids love to watch baseball, and I don't want them to learn that women are worthless except for sex. Is this what we want to teach them?? I will...
We have bought a Nokia XL phone from Eror Deira City Centre based on false confirmation by one of your staff names Robin. He is just commiting without knowing anything and selling products. In our next visit, he simply refuse to the commitments. Inspite of follow up. No service is provided....
I have been trying to re-enter into university over past 10 months since Oct 2013. They indicate they will not let me enter due to a past due balance I could not pay because I was not working. I indicated my financial hardship and they are now threatening to send it to a collection agency...
i am sudesh r jirage received message.I have received a mail and call that i have won a 500000 british pounds sterling in the UK national lottery as a lucky draw. Igot this mail. we have map out representative (diplomat) for your help if there is anything needed for you to do with the bank...
I submitted my documents for Maternity UIF on the 4th June 2014, called then in 6 weeks time only to be told it's not approved yet. I called again in 2 weeks time and got the same response as the time I called in 6 weeks time. It's been two full months that I have applied an still...
On 18th July I purchased a flight ticket online for Easy jet from flying from Barcelona - Berlin for 30 July. When I received my confirmation receipt via easy jet they informed me the amount charged was €358.82 with other credit card ending 0962, Card holder name Julie M Jackson.
I had ordered for a rakhi on some dry fruit on 5th August 2014 for my brother living in Ahmedabad from Mumbai on Ferns and Petals website. The Order no 9873594 was confirmed by the company where the date of delivery chosed by me was 9 August as i wanted this to be delivered a day before Rakhi...
New Consumer No. 61103430007, Meter No. MR03961223, Sui gas bill is neither available on Web site of SNGPL nor through any other internet bill payment facility....
my name is siyolise goqwana and i've played free lotto and i win in
3 entries but esiyolise, that's it "please review the new paid and eligible list below. This notification certifies that you, siyolise goqwana of durban are eligible to receive the cash prizes next to...
Carls Jr commercial is an outrage. My family looks forward to Shark Week but we can't enjoy it because of the porn like commercial. We stopped doing business with Carls Jr back in 2012 when they had a different sexually explicit commercial. Please stop airing nasty commercials especially...
They tell me that I was approved for a car and when I get there they tell me that they now have to run a credit check and than tell me that I dnt make a certain amount of money and I don't have any credit so they r false advertising it's says 88dn 88 dollars a month bad credit no credit...
I own a st croix pellet furnace it work fine for awhile ....but beware customer service sucks they try to blame as any problem on you .I add shut mine off to clean I went to the store to let it cool down. When I got back it kept feeding pellets ( it's not supposed to when off) backed up...
The Hardees commercial shown during the PGA is irrational and inappropriate: 1. it has nothing to do with hamburgers, 2. it exploits women sexually, 3. it encourages the vice of lust with its soft-pornography, and 4. its vulgarity is tacky, revealing a corporation devoid of artistic taste and...
The men and women involved in the making and airing of these commercials should be ashamed. What's wrong with this world? Sex does not sell burgers. It's gross....