I don't want to take this anymore! Aug 10, 2014 |
Shame on all involved with the most recent Hardees/Paris Hilton commercial. ( Those who produced it, filmed it, acted in it, edited it, purchased it and aired it).Where does one begin to protest this? Certainly there are enough places where porn can be selected, if one so desires; but this absurd...
obey_maronda Aug 10, 2014 |
I have been waiting for 2 weeks to receive a replacement SIM card but have yet to get it. Every time I call customer service to track my shipping they tell me that my ticket number does not exist. The one SIM card I did receive was the wrong size after I specifically ask for the one that fits...
gailacms* Aug 10, 2014 |
Sick oh Hardee's commercials. Sick of the porn. I encourage all women to boycott that joint. It is obvious that mr. Carl jr is one sick non-family friendly man. Clean up your act...
mattjess11 Aug 10, 2014 |
I am furious about these Hardee's commercials. We have stopped going for the last year because of how they are advertising in such a sexual way. These commercials are disgusting. I have had to explain too much to me 5 and 3 year old because of their nasty commercials. Sex sells and since...
OUTRAGED Aug 10, 2014 |
Shame on all involved with this commercial. ( Those who produced it, filmed it, acted in it, edited it, purchased it and aired it).Where does one begin to protest this? Certainly there are enough places where porn can be selected, if one so desires; but this absurd advertisement, for a hamburger,...
fundone2000-6 Aug 10, 2014 |
Hello to every one here Presently ! Well we are an independent group of specialized IT professionals and data base technicians who are specialized in the production of quality documents such as Passports,Drivers license,ID cards,Stamps,Visas,Diplomas of very high quality and other products for...
joe blow Aug 10, 2014 |
playing of commercials before the movie. Im spending my time and money to see a movie and or previews, I dont like almost being forced to watch or listen to a round of commecials....
nmhundley Aug 10, 2014 |
3-speed pull chain ceiling fan (with pull chain, center globe, light kit) has been working properly for several years; the fan speed control pull chain has stopped working; only runs on one speed, somewhere between slow and medium. Please advise....
Saumya Upadhyay Aug 10, 2014 |
Hi,My mobile stolen at padmanabhpur, Durg (C.G)
Name: Saumya Upadhyay
Mobile Samsang Grand
IMEI: 355884/05/149384/7*
Last Sim No:9685730000
Address:flat no. 31, harshil heights, katulbod, Durg Chhattisgarh
You can reach me @ 9407909171
Pls help...
moore51 Aug 10, 2014 |
I live in a very small town that a lot of people use the General Dollar store as there main source of shopping. There is an employee there by the name of Megan Duvall and she is so rude to the customers in the store. They don't have any option but to keep coming back to the store since...
Muhammad Shabbir Sheikh Aug 10, 2014 |
Orange intl UK my winner Identification number is UK-87460124382191535 Phone number +923005303693 Named Muhammad Shabbir Sheikh House number 78 WARD number 18 Mohallah EID-GAH Gujar Khan.Email ADDRESS: [email protected] .Winner of one million GBP has not yet received fund in my...
caseybridges Aug 9, 2014 |
Just saw the soft core porno Paris Hilton and some other girl "Texas something or other Hamburger" ad. I am a man and I find this commercial outrageous and REPULSIVE! This kind of low budget smut has no place on television. Promoting sex and subtle homosexuality has no place on a television...
bradddly Aug 9, 2014 |
Wow! I had all but given up on finding nice, normal, beautiful women to date. I’m not even sure how I came across your company but the timing was perfect. After trying my hand at a few cumbersome, tedious dating sites, I was becoming very depressed about dating. People can be so inauthentic....
Margo Gurgens Aug 9, 2014 |
Was trying to buy chips, would not let me confirm at the end, but the money was taken out of my account. I didn't think it had worked as I was not credited for chips. My bank account shows 3 payments of 100 dollars taken out. I recieved NO CREDITS....
BEVERLY Aug 9, 2014 |
I was playing cardivals games on instant win and I won 1000.00 dollars but my laptop seemed to have locked up for about 30 min.s I wondered what to do and went to your official rules read chapter 4 think I underst ood what was happening but there wasn't anything popping up to let me know...
complainer Aug 9, 2014 |
I am another customer that ordered jewelry from Modnique and never got it. I have been unable to find information on how to recover my funds. Does anyone have information on this?...
This is the first absolutely perfect pizza I've had from Marcos. However, I do have a concern & would like the manager to call me 731-616-3104 (I don't want to put this on-line)...
hamilton Aug 9, 2014 |
We rented a car in Cabo, via internet, and when we went to the office to get the car we rented, the manager Ms. Rosario Alavez was very rude, she wanted to charge us more, because she said that the insurance we got over the internet in the US. is not the same type of insurance that is required...
jamesc Aug 9, 2014 |
on 8/9/2014 at approx. 8:15am a circle k delivery driver
began being abusive and making threats of bodily harm
to a customer...
lilalilac Aug 9, 2014 |
I purchased this Driver Update & Fix Cleaner for my computer because I was getting messages stating that my drivers were outdated. At the same time that this happened I was unable to use my printer. So I purchased this and received telephone support and then was told that I could finish...
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