12sudarshan Jul 15, 2014 |
sir,Today I got cal from shinecareer and told to submit 1898/-
I send money but further i had call from him that u have to pay 11472/- for contact directly to mnc company
i refused them but problem is I transferred 1898/- can i get that back.
plz sir, help me...
chandra shekhar Jul 15, 2014 |
I received massage that my no is win a car and cash 3'35'00000 is it is true please guide me...
Pravin Rajaram Gholam Jul 15, 2014 |
I was travelling from Andheri to Bandra on 15.07.14 by local train when my mobile phone (Sony Xperia C C2305 White with IMEI no. 358095057795419) was stolen by some miscreants inside the train.
I would courteously request you to kindly trace my mobile phone through your sources...
cindy duong Jul 15, 2014 |
Fraudulent charges fraudulent charges fraudulent charges. Never order or sign up with Microsoft I got a few charges on my debit card. I do not know how this company keep getting a hold of my debit card. First time it happened I got a new debit card... b 'll ah blah and this is the third...
cindy duong Jul 15, 2014 |
THIS IS BULLSHIT !!! STOP ALL THIS UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES ON MY DEBIT CARD. I have better things to do than spending all my times on the phone disputing charges with my bank and Microsoft! STOP WITH ALL THE FRAUDS! STOP STEALING MY MONEY! VERY VERY FRUSTRATED. THIS IS THE THIRD TIME! STOP!...
santosrl Jul 15, 2014 |
Please deactivate the VAT Charge. although i send my complain in this network on 08 July 2014 still i recieved deduction of SAR 10 yesterday. plaese act immediately....
Sandeep Jain Jul 15, 2014 |
I was travelling from Dadar to Andheri on 03.07.14 by local train when my mobile phone (Model Samsung Note 2 with IMEI no. 355056058858286) was stolen by some miscreants inside the train.
I would courteously request you to kindly trace my mobile phone through...
ramakommu Jul 15, 2014 |
 my name is ramesh my cell phone no 9885374999. this is my cell phoneand . emi no.359856046503605 i travelling in some bus i miss my mobile please trace in my mobile...
ursdost.ankur Jul 15, 2014 |
 Name:- Ankur Jain
Address:- 341-D jiwaji nagar thatipur, gwl.
Model no. :- A110
Make:- 2012
Last no. Used:- 8305515500
Email id : [email protected]
Missed date :- 23-2-2013
IMEI NO. :- 911239251709319
My Current mob. No. :- 09993460720...
naz Jul 15, 2014 |
Kecewa dengan pihak CIMB yang menjual ASB loan saya tanpa notis. Semasa sibuk interview and nak submit permohonan dulu tak pernah saya diberitahu bahawa kalau 3 bulan tak bayar loan asb saya akan dijual balik. Sungguh sedih dan kecewa. Bulan April 2014 dijual baru harini (15/7/14) saya dapat...
nagarjuna reddy Jul 15, 2014 |
I have missed my mobile n 15 jul 2014 at 0600 hrs .my mobile model number is micromax canvas a250.
my IEMI NUMBER 911334751179962. MY CONTACT NUMBER ,8220428718,9445169934....
GinaBrown Jul 15, 2014 |
I am going through all of my previous credit card charges over the years to pinpoint where the high dollar amounts were charged. On my April 2009 Bank of America UNC Charlotte card, a charge of $498.96 went to HDI Company Store on 3/25/2009.
I know that this is a long time ago,...
Ryan Joseph Jul 14, 2014 |
Interrogations and Your Rights: How I was Coerced by Loss Prevention
Memo to Ryan: The HD interrogation you went thru’ is unfortunate but a great learning opportunity. You will benefit from it in the future. Understand that the two guys who “interviewed” you had already...
Edith229 Jul 14, 2014 |
I'm looking to buy a prom dress off that website, but i'm not sure if its a legitimate website that won't scam me. Any comments would help, if you've bought something from there i'd enjoy hearing the experience you had....
Ryan Joseph Jul 14, 2014 |
These are my arguments in support of my allegations of wrongful termination:
Retaliation: I was wrongfully terminated for not snitching on another employee. A new minority cashier (Vietnamese?) improperly processed a discounted purchase I was entitled to as a military veteran....
Matos65 Jul 14, 2014 |
Dear Madam or Sir;
I am writing to make you aware as a NYCHA tenants at Stapleton housing I am being discriminated against due to marital and disability. My husband and I have been tirelessly requested to be relocated to Queens and to be given a 504 due to our disability we are...
#GoSellYourDream Jul 14, 2014 |
 I was in Melaleuca for 16 long years. Trouble is - if you don't recruit you don't get paid on your group.
My check in April 2014, was $123.47 Not real impressive for a business that does over $1'000'000.00 a year in sales.
Go sell your dream! ~KK
Patricia Gay Jul 14, 2014 |
I need a number so I can redeem my gift because I need one of the prize for Ankansas. can you send me a number to get in touch with Zbiddy....
claird Jul 14, 2014 |
Hello Johnny,
I too have received a similar email, but from watching 20/20 and programs similar I've learned that these are scams. Whenever you are asked to send money in order to receive a larger lump sum, it is a scam.
Thank you for posting.
Claine59 Jul 14, 2014 |
 My skin came off with a Walgreens Brand product (adhesive wrap that is not to stick to skin or hair), I spoke with someone from Sedgwick one time and now cannot get a call back, I am going to contact Dateline, 48 Hours, Primetime and whomever I can get to listen to me....
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