Marina-Noble-Armenian-MD-MPH Feb 18, 2013 |
Marina Noble floods social media with delusional, abusive false statements, her sick-imaginatory "kick-outs from universe" about EVERYBODY: she maliciously libels Zlatka Russinova, Sally Rogers, her street friend-Karine Martirosyan, also Paul Noroian, Gohar Panajyan, Naira Matevosyan...
harrylurer Feb 18, 2013 |
Guild Wars 2 coming with new PVP flag map
Guild Wars 2 is going to add a new PVP map of "Spirit Watch”, which is based on the flag mode, and players need to win victory through fighting the energy ball in the battle.
Spirit Watch map central alter will constantly...
ryanjavier21 Feb 17, 2013 |
Last used No.:09107203370
E-mail for communication: [email protected]
Missed date:02/17/2013
IMEI No.:351863051914774...
inga Feb 17, 2013 |
I was advised to purchase ProtectCell to insure my new smart phone in case it was lost or broken. However, now that I have been through a bad experience with a shattered phone, I want to share my three complaints in order to warn others away from ProtectCell (They are a scam!)
Jaybirdal Feb 17, 2013 |
Have I got a nightmare story about Tampa electric? I moved from N.Y. to Tampa Fl. 6 months ago. They tell me in spite of my good credit they need a $250 deposit. I explain to the women that I feel that is an unreasonable amount to request for a deposit, that my N.Y. deposit was less than half...
Kathirvel.M Feb 17, 2013 |
Lost of my mobile
Your name: M.KATHIRVEL
Address:D.No145, Sri Vivekanandha english medium school back side,
Spinning Mill Road,
Gandhi Road,Governar Thoppu.
pin 635207
Phone model: NOKIA...
Kathirvel.M Feb 17, 2013 |
Your name: M.KATHIRVEL
Address:D.No145, Sri Vivekanandha english medium school back side,
Spinning Mill Road,
Gandhi Road,Governar Thoppu.
K. Rajagopalan Feb 17, 2013 |
Please let me know inform to me any winnig priz amount in your remittance department trmidepartment due to the south africa world cup Intel Mobile draw 2010 .
K. Rajagopalan...
blainedevil Feb 17, 2013 |
i purchased a $20.00 credits on facebook for my avengers game last night and when i check my balancejust now it shows that i was charged twice. i was gonna buy more anyways but im not paying for something i never received. SOOOOooooo......if i can get either the 20.00 in facebook credits that...
srinivasmannedi Feb 17, 2013 |
name: srinivas , mobile model;samsung e2222, IMEI:358467042714252, LAST CONTACT NO:9848986197, EMAIL: [email protected], MOBILE NO:7842512275, I WANT MY MOBILE IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE TRY TO RECOVER MY MOBILE....
ismail Feb 17, 2013 |
i got a msg frm nokia compy 2013 award 500000 pounds its dat that true or nt please confor me plz plz ....... dis s my email id [email protected]
2 THE HARASSERS Feb 17, 2013 |
These sick and harassing posts (over 50 posts placed during two-month period) in different social media sites, cowardly camouflaged under titles "chatlaxnara" "qunatsnara" "anderson" etc, are published by mentally and sexually challenged street women-Marina Noble-Mkhitaryan...
2 THE HARASSERS Feb 17, 2013 |
These sick and harassing posts (over 50 posts placed during two-month period) in different social media sites, cowardly camouflaged under titles "chatlaxnara" "qunatsnara" "anderson" and the like, are published by mentally and sexually challenged street women-Marina...
GAIL RICHARDSON Feb 17, 2013 |
Cirila Susan Gruspe Sepulveda son Michael Sepulveda isn't Joseph Sepulveda son. Joe was in college San Diego in 2001. Cirila was the nurse manager 1 at Baylor Medical Center Dallas Texas. Cirila and I was good friend Cirila telling me that her and Joe trouble started back in the 80's...
jan Feb 17, 2013 |
filthy, filthy commercials that Carls Jr has on over, and over, like a broken record. each more perverse then the other. my family, watching a innocent program, and all of the sudden here comes Carls Jr porn commercials, over and over and over same channel.what has silicon breasts, and bowed...
bowlke Feb 16, 2013 |
I purchased a Bedroom set on 2/2/13 a week later I moved the chest and discovered that it is uneven, and the night stand also, called and made an appointment a service rep came out and said that my floor was un even. my old set didn't wobble..while checking the chest and night stand I...
Knightinshiningarmour Feb 16, 2013 |
The Nerang Liquidation Centre name sums it all up. Poor at installations bad workmanship hidden costs but very good on sales spin and taking money up front .They almost sent us broke and nearly ended up in Liquidation as their name suggest.So beware
Check out other kitchen places (also...
cocker lover Feb 16, 2013 |
I said something that Erica didn't like to another breeder and had never emailed her or spoken to her. She sent me a profane email calling me every name in the book and her and her cronies spread rumors and lies about me for a while. I blocked her from my email and told everyone I know...
Arvind S Rawat Feb 16, 2013 |
I applied for new PAN CARD, I have received the Acknowledgment No. 060940401025383
Acknowledgment Number : 060940401025383
Status : Your PAN card has been returned undelivered to NSDL on 13-Feb-2013. The reason for non-delivery as specified by the...
Pieta Feb 16, 2013 |
Unauthorised deductions from my Visa...
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