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patfarlow Feb 15, 2013 |
I went into shoppers tonight in Fort Erie Plaza, to ask Pharmacist a question as to why I had skin irritations,
and I needed recommendations, I honestly felt like I had Leprosy, he had little of no interest, was so frightened to come near me, and pointed to what I may need, I was about...
rfcpres Feb 15, 2013 |
Zoom promises PG&E customers big savings on natural gas. We found out that hard way, that is completely untrue and misleading. You discover that although your cost per therm ( they call this "generation" ) is lower with Xoom than with PG&E directly, PG&E continues to charge...
callum Feb 15, 2013 |
This is a scam , i want to terminate all future products , [email protected] , 38 Windsor road , Edwardsville ,treharris , cf46 5np thanks , get back to me asap...
Kari Hoglund Kounkel Feb 15, 2013 |
I used my credit card for business purchases to save myself the hassle of writing tons of checks each month. I pay the balance in full every month, sometimes twice a month. Last February (2012), I was in a rush, and chose the wrong checking account (one that we had closed, but that I had not...
itosorio Feb 15, 2013 |
I didn't wanted to become part of this and its been more than a month that I've been asking for my refund but haven't recieve anything. My rep. # is 3bvfj...
kenburns1952 Feb 15, 2013 |
Being over charged on a billing have pay for 3 months and they charged me again for another month...
Lee Kim Chye Feb 15, 2013 |
I was ordered a double prosperity but the burger inside was just a normal prosperity (that's mean prosperity gone for this whole year). Unfortunately it was a take away purchase, so i cannot drive the extra mile for just a piece of meat cake. But it was really annoying...
bongo909 Feb 15, 2013 |
I don't think our kids should grow up watching this perverse stuff on tv. It's degrading to women, it gives men a false idea of women. Men should not think this is ok. They have to know not all women look like that or even act like that. It's really disgusting and childish of...
Anothervictimofcodinainternational Feb 14, 2013 |
This is to inform everyone who has seen Codina International’s advertisement in a newspaper. After having realized that Codina International’s name has been tarnished to an extent where merely by typing this company’s name and Angela Codina’s name on Google, you can find reports of her...
impalacon Feb 14, 2013 |
I called Clark's customer service today. I have to call them back with 2 or 3 product numbers and depending on their stock, they will send me a new pair of shoes, free of charge. Of course, this doesn't replace the prior 3 pairs that fell apart on my feet nor will it take care of...
valleydale Feb 14, 2013 |
Last night I went to the Rite Aid in Hickory. I wrote a check for $53 (Ihave thousands in account, don't bounce checks, have over draft protection, excellent credit, stable employment, and a current security clearance) The check was rejected by Telecheck - in front of about 25 other consumers..how...
Dr.Danish Feb 14, 2013 |
Respected Sir, I want to draw your attention on Out of range Extra Raised Gas Bill.This is an illegal thing without any solid cause my normally coming bill is raised much much more which is out of my range & tolerance.Consumer No.25492210007 Old Consumer no.34350623082 ...
Dudegah Feb 14, 2013 |
This company used to be called American Search Partners and Wellington before that.
Found a bunch of really bad reviews about this company....
Philipcollins Feb 14, 2013 |
£10 per month being deducted from my Credit Card account which I did not knowingly authorise...
orojc Feb 14, 2013 |
Anyone wants to join me in filing a case to this agency? I have evidence,an email from their staffs.. and a voice records as well.. THEY SAID I AM ELIGIBLE TO GET MY REFUND BECAUSE I HAVE THE STRONG EVIDENCE.. BUT HOW? AND WHEN? So, better go to authorities, right? They should pay and return...
argointernationalusa Feb 13, 2013 |
 RANA IMPEX, an Italian company issued DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT MT700 in favour of a Pakistani exporter of Basmati Rice known as MAKKAH EXPORTS INTERNATIONAL IN COLLABORATION WITH MAZCO INDSUTRIES, having their office at SF-57/ 58, Hub River Road, S.I.T.E., Karachi - PAKISTAN, and other information...
ronald Feb 13, 2013 |
i recharge my account 50 riyal.. then i register to 804148 to avail the 44 minutes to call in Philippines... i am so disappointed in this promotion .because i connect to my family in Philippines but it deducted not under the promo it deducted to my remaining balance..........i hope your immediately...
Dee Florentino Feb 13, 2013 |
On September 20, 2012, my bosses have agreed to have an annual company outing on June 29, 2013 to July 2, 2013. The ideal dates for us since July 2, 2013 is a Pasig City Day.
So I canvassed for an airline that offers promo rates for our dates, June 29, 2013 to July 2, 2013.
G224 Feb 13, 2013 |
They are in Tuscaloosa, AL. CALL THE POLICE TO STOP THEM....
bhavesh Feb 12, 2013 |
We were retrning from Malaysia via Tuas check point by car and i was pleasentlu surprise by the charming lady immigrtion officer. She did her job vey happily and we felt good welcome home by Singapore immigration officer. It ws10-Feb-2013 sunday at morning around 8:30 hrs. I was with my friend...
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