Ifzad Adelei Apr 30, 2020 |
EHA119356030MY since 29April 2020
ERB731379914MY since 25April2020
Both item consignment dispatch out from transit office (KLIA Hub)
Apa masalah?kenapa stuck?...
Zali Apr 30, 2020 |
Item out from klia hud on 26 april. Till now it was not shown where the item been send out. Please check where is the iten goes. To i still notv receive till now.
Ifzad Adelei Apr 30, 2020 |
EHA119356030MY since 29April 2020
ERB731379914MY since 25April2020
Both item consignment dispatch out from transit office (KLIA Hub)
Apa masalah?kenapa stuck?...
jason123 Apr 30, 2020 |
Salam sejahtera, Tuan/Puan,
Ubat saya ED364342933MY stuck di poslaju parcel hub dekat seminggu.
Sangat memerlukannya utk kekal keadaan cancer darah saya.
Saya fahami keadaan Tuan/Puan yg sibuk sekarang.
Harap disegerakan penghantaran.
Ribuan terima kasih...
Sandra bala Apr 30, 2020 |
Hello, please expedite my package delivery. It has been sitting in Parcel Hub and KLIA HUB for far too long. Please check and update whether it is still located in Parcel Hub.
Napi Apr 30, 2020 |
My items processed at Pos Laju Transit Office (KLIA Hub) since 26-Apr-20 and still stuck without any progress. I'm staying 15 min away from KLIA, yet it seems difficult for them to coordinate the process due to what reason? Pos Laju is the biggest shipping company in Malaysia with the most...
Norman Here Apr 30, 2020 |
"ERB705034040MY" Tracking item not updating and stuck at PosLaju Parcel Hub since 22 april 2020. Now is the 9th day and my parcel haven't reach....
Waina Waina Apr 30, 2020 |
 hai.. Parcel saya ( ERB743229611MY) masih dkt PUSAT MEL NASIONAL drp 27 April 2020. Boleh saya tahu apa masalah parcel saya sampai tak sampai kt pos office?sedangkan barang xari tempat lain yang dipos lambat yang dkt pusat mel nasional sudah berada di pejabat pos. tiada update ttg kdudukan parcel....
Fatinjapre Apr 30, 2020 |
Item stuck
Hi, Please deliver the below item immediately as it has been stuck at Pos Laju Transit Office (KLIA Hub)
Tracking poslaju
Jayho Apr 30, 2020 |
Parcel saya stuck d klia hub sejak 24 april...sekarang dah 30 april..sdh 6 hari stuck..tolong pos laju sila ambil tndakn..hntar brng scepat mngkin..terima ksih
no parcel: ERB737632322MY...
Enie Syazwani Amir Apr 30, 2020 |
Firstly , I do understand current situation. My parcel stuck up at consignment dispatch out from Transit office ever since 24/4 and 25/04 . Now is 30/04.
Kindly please check :
1. ERB720967755MY
2. ERB709780546MY
Thank You....
prerivers Apr 30, 2020 |
I watched Forged in Fire for the first and last time tonight with my grandsons. Dead animals or now, is was a horrible thing to see....
ongst Apr 30, 2020 |
Hi Sir,
Kindly assist to check and dispatch the following parcels, no movement from the status of "Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office" since 23 April 2020. I have called to KLIA hub and it said these parcels were delivered to Shah Alam parcel hub.
aregym17 Apr 30, 2020 |
Please deliver my item below as soon as possible
Track no ERB771060823MY...
Nanacyyi Apr 30, 2020 |
 dah berapa hari parcel stuck dekat Parcel Hub dengan KLIA Hub .. 9 hari stuck kat situ barang yang bukan dari poslaju semua dah sampai...
jimmyduran Apr 30, 2020 |
a month and a half still no card they are ready to throw me into the streets please send me my card...
jimmyduran Apr 30, 2020 |
a month and a half still no card there going to throw me out on the streets just thought I would let you know...
RENALI90 Apr 30, 2020 |
i keep complaint on this but no one take an action or contact me.. My items is fragile so please take your action.. I used poslaju not domestik postage.. Dont be like before my items nearest missing because of your own mistake....
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