Eriberto Gutierrez Apr 4, 2020 |
Went to Walmart #05717 Located at 7831 Paseo Del Norte Blvd El Paso Tx, for an oil change on my vehicle. After some weeks of driving the vehicle I notice my vehicle was missing the cover that goes under the vehicle I also notice that the vehicle was leaking oil from the oil nut. I would like...
[email protected] Apr 4, 2020 |
 Terrible pan everything sticks to it, caution DON'T BUY IT and it wasn't cheap! I can't even get it completely cleaned either??? What a disappointment?
fawbc Apr 4, 2020 |
PNC did not come out with the website until almost midnight on April 3 2020. The "checklist" they provide on the website earlier in the day in order to proceed with the loan process was incomplete and worthless!! Once the website was up, we had all of the requested "checklist"...
[email protected] Apr 4, 2020 |
compressor failure and no one claims responsibility
documentation says the fridge "should" last 20 years but this is around 5 and a major part fails
but no one wants to own the problem, of course Sears will take hundreds to "investigate" the problem and LG denies...
[email protected] Apr 4, 2020 |
Kenmore LG fridge with compressor dying
Kenmore says its LG's problem, LG says its Kenmore
This is a horrible consumer situation, I don't trust Sears nor will I buy another LG...
Felicia Apr 4, 2020 |
please track EN439574669MY, it's been stuck at your place for 3 working days, and tomorrow is Sunday, I have to wait for another few days for you??? That's quite important for me, please HELP!!! Please update ASAP!!!!! Need this before 6 April, appreciate if you all pay attention on...
lrevill Apr 4, 2020 |
This commercial comes on late at night on ME TV and the light strobes on the flashlight and it makes you dizzy and have headaches I'm sure that anyone with epilepsy it triggers it...
Diana Bromley Apr 4, 2020 |
If you are doing a report on Ruby Princess, what about the 3 day 10,000 people conference at Hillsong with people from all over the world, at the same time these left and went all over the country. It’s also been traced back to them, yet nothing on the news media...hmmm....we are wondering...
shamalina Apr 4, 2020 |
My Parcel already stuck for 4 days at pusat mel nasional....
Kane Matthew Apr 4, 2020 |
My item has been stuck on “Item Processed” since 2nd of April without any updates. Tried to contact via twitter and customer service, silence and no reply from both. Need answer and reply regarding the matter. Please take immediate action.
mdmx919 Apr 4, 2020 |
i want to speak to someone at sedgwick that can unscrew the mess that the adjuster of my claim has made then lied to me about i have evidence in this persons own words in writing so it would be in the best interest of your company to contact me soon....
SUHANAZUBIR Apr 4, 2020 |
TRACKING EE032560514MY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLS SEND IT ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Nurdiyana Dyan Apr 4, 2020 |
 Pos laju domestik status delivery not updated .. lebih drpd seminggu dah tau.. pleasee laaa... Make it something to update your service.. eventhought now PKP but u alls cant do that for our services.. jangan PERAM lama sangat barang² orggg bahaya !! Hahahahha...
mdmx919 Apr 4, 2020 |
I have a workman's comp claim and while i have been off work for over three months now i have been able to collect some money but the problem is they issue my check usally on wednsday and i dont get it til saturday and where i live it is almost 30 miles 1 way to go to my bank who will let...
Laurie Goodwin Apr 4, 2020 |
Cenlar took over my Citibank loan last October. I was unaware until I tried to make my payment with Citibank bank. From the beginning cenlar has been trying to charge me interest I don’t owe. My payment is a fixed payment of $338.11 per month with no taxes or insurance involved. My payment...
Jpk Apr 3, 2020 |
Uif for illness due to motor neoron desease, I file the application 3 months ago, and submitted all the documents, each time I call them they just say there is a waiting period, is any one working there, or are they stealing our hard earned cash for there mansions and presidency either way this...
Greydog1959 Apr 3, 2020 |
Have tried for 4 days now to activate my relia card to receive my unemployment benefits and can’t ever get anyone can someone please help me ???? Terry 479-806-3461 is my phone number please help me !!!...
shahdan Apr 3, 2020 |
sangat sangat sangat lembab dan tidak layak dipanggil pos laju. barang dah delay dekat klia hub ni 4 hari. tapi still takda apa apa update. memang sangat sangat kecewa dengan poslaju. ni first and last aku guna perkhidmatan pos laju yang entah pape. barang urgent nak guna. customer pon dah ramai...
Anneri Basson Apr 3, 2020 |
eNuus no longer report the weather for Newcastle or Ladysmith (KwaZulu-Natal)....
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