Anip Hz Jul 26, 2018 |
 Tracking no. : EH812150432MY
I want to make a complaint about my parcel above.
My parcel still IN PROCEED t from Transit Office KLIA PARCEL HUB status. My parcel been sending out from sender at 23/07/2018. But as until today still no update, my parcel still in the same status....
Annet Jul 26, 2018 |
I have tried to get in contact with this company for a while now and I have not received any emails back. There is a charge for $139.95 that I made a mistake for. One of your employees offer me a refund but hasn't responded back to me. I am a college student and I don't have money...
Loosewheel Jul 26, 2018 |
Hallmark channel has to stop airing cheesey Christmas movies round the clock in July. Its bad enough you preempt Frasier for several weeks in Nov & Dec, but this marathon of crap in July? Makes me want to throw the tv out the window. Bring back much more I Love Lucy, less Golden Girls,...
[email protected] Jul 26, 2018 |
my names are as follows: Sebaka John Tsoeu ID No 5903065708083
contact details: 0829201550 ( [email protected])
my company as stated above it has been liquidated on the 22nd February 2018 and we were only told on the last day of February 2018 that the company has been liquidated,...
[email protected] Jul 26, 2018 |
Company promised delivery date and when delivery date came and went, sent numerous emails and company stated the jewelry piece was a custom to make order and delivery was delayed because manager had an unexpected illness. Have not heard from the company at all. Going to try and cancel transaction...
nothingodd Jul 26, 2018 |
Used it yesterday without any problems. The next day, no signal all day, i cant even get browse something with this celcom...
Kono Jul 26, 2018 |
 Had subject fan installed for ~5 years. When I pulled chain to turn on light, ENTIRE fan, light, blades, motor, came crashing down on me causing severe bruising, concussion and trauma!!!...
kelana putra Jul 26, 2018 |
Beberapa hari dlm minggu ini, saya mengalami gangguan line telefon, aplikasi internet drp umobile. langsung x dapat digunakan. cas berjalan seperti biasa. masalah saya sekarang, saya memeang bekerja dengan menggunakan media tersebut. please. dalam fikiran saya dah terbayang utk menukar telco...
FADZ89 Jul 26, 2018 |
On 25th July 2018 at 8.50 pm, I ordered thru your KFC delivery for 6pc tender and 2 large whipped potato and it was delivered at 9.20 pm. Unfortunately the delivery shortage of 3 pcs tender chicken. I make a call and the staff promise to sent the shortage item in 30 minute time but until now...
[email protected] Jul 26, 2018 |
this company calls 3 - 5 times a day soliciting drugs!!!! I have blocked the number that calls but they have over 700 phone numbers, and as soon as one is blocked they call from another. How can I stop this harassment?...
hyuntai Jul 26, 2018 |
Dear Marriott,
Salutation and friendship from the HuTai Travel agency.
We have one of our respected client, Mrs. HaNeul Kim who checked in the St Regis Mauritius resort in May 2018 and is till now having heated conversation regarding a sum of money which was handed...
Roshan 420 Jul 26, 2018 |
I got a lottery I paid all the fees now they are 3 lacs for the imf certificate you can rectify this is true or fake I have to pay 3 lacs or less the lottery ount is already cleared by imf of uk and India...
Francesco Borghese Jul 26, 2018 |
My Credit card has been charged 69.99 and have no knowledge of what I am paying for and why....
Naledi Jul 26, 2018 |
Hello my name is Naledi Skhungwini from Kroonstad and my mom is one of the managers of an Edcon Jet small concept store in Viljoenskroonshe is working very hard and doesn't get any sit days because she does not have enough workers in her store and her admin manager also resigned recently...
JeanetteD Jul 26, 2018 |
I tried to reactivate my account and I was told to change my password but when I tried to change it, it says password change failed....
Matthew Todd Jul 26, 2018 |
I was waiting for a package to arrive and I found out it was delivered wile I was working away on the 25 the driver recons he had verbal permission to leave the package there i sore the driver on the 22nd of last month and he told me he’s been leaving packages there and he didn’t ask for...
nickhilmi06 Jul 26, 2018 |
Hello sir/miss.. I'm want to complaint regarding the celcom internet line coverage.. I don't why, suddenly I can't connect to the internet.. before that it was good but I don't know whats wrong with the celcom internet service? until now I still can use the celcom mobile...
Jay Patel Jul 26, 2018 |
 I have unauthorized charge of $ 26.64 on My credit card for playing the Online game. NO one Play the online live game, so what Is the reason for this kind of charge. Will you Please remove this charge and give my refund back to my card. Also if I have any online account Please cancel It. I already...
ccisucks Jul 26, 2018 |
I just booked a hotel thinking I was on the hotel's actual website. Now I know it was a third party company called Guest Reservations TM. This company should be charged and put out of business as they are sneaky in the darkest sense of the word. As many others have stated happened to them,...
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