fish Jul 27, 2018 |
I have arranged an international flexipack on July 20 ( LP000001425MY) to US, the status stop at July 20. Another parcel i sent on same day already enroute to US, yet, this one still remain status quo.
*Date / Time Process Office
20 Jul 2018, 04:26:00 PM Item dispatched...
Antman Jul 27, 2018 |
Faded glory tan carpenter jeans are my only work jeans. Please bring them back, at least online....
Phumeza Phinda Jul 27, 2018 |
On the 21st, 25th and 26th of June I placed orders online from Edgars, I still didn't received my goods instead I received a statement saying that I must pay for the goods I didn't receive. I tried to call their customer service to cancel this order, no one tried to help me...
TinaStanley Jul 27, 2018 |
Not honoring the warranty i also purchased for 3 years. Within the three years ive had that car i only put 15 thousand miles on it took brakes to be fixed 10 times in 3 years. They never used new parts only tried to temporarily fix the already faulty parts. Changed every blinkers in car every...
fash Jul 27, 2018 |
We are a business that gets called every single day from US Pharmacy, we have told them every time to take up off their call list, they swear and carry on and we have had a gutful the number they call is 08 9355 2772 please get them to stop calling...
anikk Jul 27, 2018 |
Respected Sir/ Madam
I am Akshaya K AniI recently passed out in CBSE Class X in 2018. Roll No: 4055494. As I was dissatisfied with the marks awarded to me in English and Social Science I applied for rechecking followed by verification of answer sheets.I got my answer sheets...
VirtualKik Jul 27, 2018 |
Trying to get through to Zuji Singapore via email, online chat or phone for an overdue refund. However, it is impossible because they are totally unresponsive. I’m now escalating the matter to the Singapore Consumer Court (CASE), and hope it will be resolved, and the refund will be processed...
petercard Jul 27, 2018 |
Hi , I have joined mate1 for days now and honestly i haven't been able to see the online members to chat instantly. please do something about it for me Peter...
anderia ema Jul 27, 2018 |
 Barang saya tak sampai lagi,bila saya try track and trace tu dia stated succesfully delivered to nur aiqah,masalahnye sekarang siapa nur aiqah ni? Saya dah tunggu lama untuk brang tu smpai,smpai skrang blom smpai kat tangan saya lagi. Hrga brang mahal tau,klau hilang company poslaju nak ke tanggung...
lantak Jul 27, 2018 |
poslaju posmen memang makan gaji buta ke? dasar nokharam.. anta barang biar jujur bai.ko xhantr then ko kata ko hntr?? pastu ko nk reminder kt brg xambik. ko dh hntr berkali2 ak ada je kt rmh. ko xhantar setan!! babi pny posmen. PENIPU JE HIDUP KO KAN.. Byk kalinak kna. dpn mata ak sndiri posmen...
Fetalmatter Jul 27, 2018 |
We have a 25% interest rate and owe over $17000 on an $11000 car. Payment is $456 a month! They did not even discuss the cost of the Silver rock coverage and Gap coverage they force you to buy! We didn't know it was putting us underwater on the vehicle. We will never be able to refinance...
Romahani Jul 27, 2018 |
My item was delivered on 23/7/2018 but until today there is no update from poslaju. It was last updated on 25/7/2018 with status delivered out from transit hub in KLIA. However until today i have not receive my item and no other update from poslaju. I called your service centre in Sibu five...
Chip Jul 27, 2018 |
I am so sick of the random co hosts with Debbie m.. on home and family. No consistency, and some really stink like Kavan smith and Brian boitano... boring.... and no more games, also boring.... and Debbie thinks everything is ‘awesome’ and ‘ amazing’, seems real phony. And you’ve...
Kara White Jul 27, 2018 |
I called today to check on the status of my prescription. When I initially called, a very kind young lady attempted to assist me but I did not have my VIN # to my prescription card. I acquired the VIN # and called back a few minutes later. When the call was answered Ms. Yvonne answered in...
eccoloser Jul 27, 2018 |
Well, add me to the list of idiots for spending good money on shoes only to learn this crappy company made the soles out of something less than paper!!! How in the world does this company stay in business making such a crappy product? How crazy is it that I now have to keep an extra pair of...
Gembaby Jul 27, 2018 |
It says my account was blocked for trying to log into many times but I've been logged into my account all night so can you please unblock my account. @ladyrozay2011@yahoo.com...
Marshall Parker Jul 27, 2018 |
I was working shift 9:00-2:00 on July 17, 2018. At 1:55 the store manager gave me a list of things that I had to do before I could leave. I informed the manage that I had other obligations that day and had made appointments for after my shift ended. She told me that I had to do these things...
Padenj Jul 27, 2018 |
The half day course or introduction was an overview of the market conditions and just enough to want to wet your whistle for a bit more? The instructor made the big push for the three day course for the $299, I was impressed enough to take that course. Most took advantage of the three day course...
joeybbbb Jul 27, 2018 |
Please let me look forward to the holidays and winter. Stop with the Christmas overload and let it be summer. I miss Frasier!!...
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