Ivy Jaffry Feb 21, 2018 |
I ordered my items on 21jan2018 and it arrived at ECBC on 3feb2018. ltem dispatched out on the same day and that was the last update of my parcel. I should received it before 10feb2018 but still haven't reached me till today. Please take action to my parcel A.S.A.P. Thank you
Sura Feb 21, 2018 |
Someone stole my new i phone 8 from my bag...
Jim W Jim Feb 21, 2018 |
 Folley's Collision Center
It's been over 1 Year and they can't get the parts to fix my RV. They received a check for $8300 from my insurance company.
I have asked for a refund but they refuse. I even had The President of the RV assoc. of New England contact them...
klitt Feb 21, 2018 |
I contacted FGUA this morning to see if I could possibly have an extension to pay my bill. To make a long story short I was told I was on the cut off list and could pay today.
I was cut off and had to call back to see if that was ok and if I wouldn't...
Letter to Feb 20, 2018 |
Dear Immigration officer
I'm want to complaint about the block A ,One Damansara Condo have living many foreigner Nigerian and others,always making noise is same floor with me ,the Nigerian every night will make noise and sounder,them caring different women to house,as protect our...
jenniferbasner Feb 20, 2018 |
I, too, have been a victim of fraudulent Mercedes Tele-Aid charges. I returned my GL 450 in 2010. Tele Aid ceased charging then and then started again in 2014 for no reason. I haven't owned a Mercedes in 7 years. Mercedes Manhattan, specifically the general manager and his department,...
Dragonsbud Feb 20, 2018 |
 I bought a family size box of Wheat Thin Sundried Tomato and Basil crackers a few days ago. Today when I opened the box the crackers were soggy. When I looked further into the box there was a large fist sized clump of something dark brown. It was a shock and I definitely lost my appetite. I...
Phillip Sorensen Feb 20, 2018 |
After securing a round trip ticket from Brussels to Rhodes, we were left having to buy a seperate return flight because the return flight was cancelled. We were never informed of the flight cancellation cancellation. Edreams told us we would be refunded for our return flights Eight months later...
Tidakdiketahui Feb 20, 2018 |
Weiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiii poa laju asal aq xleh amik brg aq hahhhh...aq dh bwk kerts yg kau ltk dlm peti surt aq..asal xleh amik...aq pelik arhhh.. xpnh2 mntk no.code..last2 arini mntk mcm bodoh jer dh la hnta no.code aq xdpt..aq xphm arh dgn pos laju nih igt aq pencuri ke hahhh sbb kau 1bulan aq...
Cin58 Feb 20, 2018 |
there was an unauthorized purchase of $60 taken off from my account. So I immediately took the rest of my money off my card before I called to try to get a dispute the lady got frustrated and hung up the second time I called we were the process of filing the dispute she did not want to help...
Kubashie Feb 20, 2018 |
Good day
I urgently need help as I feel so helpless.i submitted my claim to Mibfa on the 2nd November 2017 and when I called in after 2 weeks they said all my forms were up to date.Ive called back so many times but with no help.They told Me that they put a request through to the...
texastopaz Feb 20, 2018 |
Received this Bacon Copper Pan for X-mas. Used twice, the second time the copper coating loosen in several places & then rusted. So the pan is now not usable. Just cooked some steak in the oven???...
mavsmama Feb 20, 2018 |
Why would I pay to see Psych and Monk when no pay channels show same silly stuff. What happened to Rockford Files? What about good old adult mystery shows. Really do not think I will remain a paying member of HMM? Think about who you audience is....
Shyanlock Feb 20, 2018 |
I am taking train 9203, and was just seating in front of the toilet.
Along the journey from taiping to KL Sentral there are no cleaning on the toilet and it is very smelly.
Upon arrival, an Indian lady came over and do some cleaning on the toilet. The way how she...
Adrohan Feb 20, 2018 |
We have had packages on our name for two price fixed packages that we could pay off DSTV Exploras over 2 years. DSTV never changed the packages when it was due to expire one in April 2017 and one in November 2017 to fall back to our normal rate.
We disconnected one of our DSTV subscriptions...
jacquivdn Feb 20, 2018 |
I am a Platinum member of Legal Wise and have nothing good to say about Legal Wise
I am dealing with lawyer consultants whom are extremely non productive and does not do what they are being paid for. I am the defendant in a legal battle with a very unscrupulous business and...
smdlalose Feb 20, 2018 |
I applied for my uif in October 2017_I was told to come back on 23rd of November 2017 to sign,as I was there on that date they told they were offline...I then came back to their offices on December 2017 where they told me that I am going to receive my money after 7 days,if I haven't received...
gauribora14 Feb 20, 2018 |
Ordered my id almost a month back, haven't received any information. Tried contacting but no response and to top it off, the website is missing now. Completely scammed....
Wh Wei Feb 20, 2018 |
today i help my brother received parcel, those postman just say write your name, ic and signature and he didn't told me sign where, then he show me his bad attitude and scold me. Hello, Pos Laju gave this good service to customer???? Please provide training class to him!!...
travan Feb 20, 2018 |
This is the second complaint i have lodged. Be2 had a sign up offer of r80 which i paid. This weekend without my consent or notification they deducted r1100 off my account.
This is intolerable.
I demand an explanation and a refund as this is highway robbery....
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