Hecallledmebless Sep 8, 2016 |
August 24, 2016
PO BOX 2905
Kansas City, Kansas 66110-2905
United States
I received today a letter from Larry Hourd, commissioner of judging division award notification commission with PO Box...
jasflower Sep 8, 2016 |
I made a purchase via KTMB online for ETS service from KL Sentral to Ipoh today at 2.21pm.
Payment transaction shows unsuccessful due to Internal Data Error but I was already charged by the bank for RM 74.
Thinking that this is a mistake, I tried another purchase at 2.28pm, only...
MayLingKhoo Sep 8, 2016 |
On 24 Aug 2016, my family, friend and I was scheduled to fly to Bangkok on FD312 at 10.40am. Our booking number was CB8WFI. The flight was delayed by an hour and was reschedule to fly off at 11.40am. However, instead of flying off at 11.40am, it flew off at 12.40pm. It was 2 hours delayed...
Hien Pham Sep 8, 2016 |
I just checked my account and I got 3 charges:
2240.00 INR @ .020000000000
2240.00 INR @ .020000000000
2240.00 INR @ .019900000000
I don't...
BraJen Sep 8, 2016 |
I have been an avid supporter of Hallmark for a very long time and it is very disappointing that your made for TV movies do not include any people of color. It's as though you intentionally want to send a message that only Caucasians believe in strong family values, Christianity, and Love....
Mohammed Jabarullah Abdul Hamid Sep 8, 2016 |
My spouse’s hand phone (019-4459855) was barred for exceeding the credit limit.
I have instructed CELCOM to set a credit limit of RM 100. However CELCOM barred the phone when the spending exceeded RM 130.
No prior notice was received , prior to the number being barred.
bvalencia20 Sep 8, 2016 |
I'm having the same problem as everyone else. I have requested several times copies of the documents for the 3 modifications I supposable had back in 2010,2011 and 2013, correspondence they supposedly mailed. Have contacted them several time asking to speak with my relationship manager...
Joshualuke85 Sep 8, 2016 |
They keep taking money out of my account without my permission it's fraud I want my money back!!...
ffinlay Sep 8, 2016 |
If I see another logo's commercial on Hallmark I will no longer be a Hallmark channel viewer....
smoclover Sep 8, 2016 |
I had a 5 star rating and a awesome reputation and care.com's Termination e-mail stunt ( Like I'm an employee ... really? ) just cost me 2 clients and my 5 year outstanding reputation in the community plus any future earnings because they sent out that email terminating my profile...
Brit Sep 8, 2016 |
I bought windows from a company that went bankrupt a few months later. The windows were supposed to come with a 50 year warranty, but without a business there is no warranty. I was told in not so many words that my case wasn't big enough for them. Don't have a slogan that you are 'for...
iimassociates Sep 7, 2016 |
I received an unauthorized charge of 134.00 and from what I can see on your complaint board this happens a lot. Please get my money back ASAP....
Llux Sep 7, 2016 |
I asked for more info regarding BHRT. A very pushy woman called me three times. I finally answered her call. She wouldn't answer any of my questions and just kept talking over me. She told me I would need to pay the 200 dollar admin fee and they would send me a urine kit. Only after that,...
kmjohn Sep 7, 2016 |
I am so completely disgusted that Hardee's ads are allowed to run on t.v. at all. Recently I saw the stripping model eating a hamburger at a drive in run during prime time t.v. when a lot of children are watching t.v. I don't think it should be allowed at all since it is really soft...
NotHappyWithU Sep 7, 2016 |
I have two meters at my home - one for the sprinkler system and one for the home. FGUA admits, without hesitation, that the water is THE SAME, despite the split lines. The issue is that FGUA bills me $22 PER meter. Yes; this is merely a meter charge and separate from the consumption portion...
syasya Sep 7, 2016 |
 mcdelivery ni bole pakai ke x bole sebenar ye...banyak kali suda i call 1300-13-1300 tnggu punye lama nk ckp ngn customer servis then bende yg sama juga yg berlaku minimum 2 jam tuk order bile letak masa lebih 2 jam pon still x bole buat order...brape kali pula i kne call customer servis...setiap...
diva2016 Sep 7, 2016 |
I have returned my phone back to straight talk three times with the same issues, and they keepsending the same model phone back. The huawei ascend pronto LTE and everytime it gives me the same problem the picture messsges wont send it will work for awhile ,but then do the same again. The error...
bhavesh vaishnav Sep 7, 2016 |
Lost in my mobile
Bhavesh vaishnav
sony E2115-E4,
IMEI 358138060974520
Mobile no. 8452010548...
Dawn V Sep 7, 2016 |
I have also been charged a $2 fee when I have NO balance. I paid my previous balance off by the due date and still received a minimum interest charge. I called Macy's customer service and the automated voice told me if I was calling about an interest charge to press 1. It then said it would...
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