Tinacee Jul 30, 2016 |
Hardees, wake up and smell the coffee you sell! As a Christian, a mother, a grandmother and aunt, I too am repulsed by your sexist advertising . Your agenda is clear but in the long run you will lose many more customers over your recent TV ad. I draw the line here on spending any more of my...
salomep Jul 30, 2016 |
Hi I have been waiting since the 6th July for my last payment, when I call the Nigel office to speak to lindy she said she will look into it an then she mailed me cc in Reuben from the same branch saying the systems were down it will take an extra 3 to 4 days, I then seen no payment an called...
onemadVet Jul 30, 2016 |
Attorney Michael T. Reese out of Orlando Florida waited three months after I contacted him to file anything on my case and the time lapsed. Then his office called me a chewed me out for 6 hours while I had to go through an entire Mini-storage unit worth of evidence on his behalf. I send it in...
Derek99 Jul 30, 2016 |
I got the horrible experience with Borgata Bellevue Apartment in Washington. I applied for an unit according to agreement with the leasing office, but they changed their word and told me that I couldn't take the unit that they already agreed. They told me that there was an system error...
stephaniemm Jul 30, 2016 |
Yes my name is stephanie mendietta, I started school in may and my ffsa was approved in april.and all i have been getting is excusses that i need this paper I send it now its been getting reviewed.i barley started failing my class for the folowing reasons.I seen that they been jerking my chain...
maritsakleyn777 Jul 30, 2016 |
 I bought a ginger Mary handbag 3 Months back and the handbag is already wearing I paid R480 for the handbag this is supposed to be good quality and it isn't I am not happy 0725517814...
Reneeroux Jul 29, 2016 |
Your service is pathetic and phoning is doesn't help! I'm still waiting for the supervisor to return my call! You will be hearing from my lawyers!...
chobbs Jul 29, 2016 |
I as in your CVS Store#2311 today 7-29-16 between 12:40-12:50 on my lunch. I do not live in this area I do however work in the area and utilize the store when needed. I was yelled at by the "Security Officer" not to open lip stick when I asked her if she was speaking to me she said...
Cathy Larkin Jul 29, 2016 |
I have a still pending claim for an accident leaving me unable to pay my Lane Bryant account. I have sent my medical records to Account Assure. They are Emergency Room records because my Primary Care Doctor, Nancy Cuan, MD, no longer is in practice in my hospital area.
I have not received...
make a change Jul 29, 2016 |
If You choose to watch trashy shoes that your choice to turn the channel to that, you don't get to choose the commercials that come on TV. When you you try to teach values in your home and a random soft porn commercial pops up it unacceptable! Smh. Save that for your own hand time when...
Bcaggis Jul 29, 2016 |
I am being charged 14.97 on my credit card for something I did not agree to....
havehadenough Jul 29, 2016 |
Microsoft has been charging my credit cards for quite some time for items I have not purchased. One credit card company told me that the charges, which amounted to over $400, were made from all over the US. I have filed complaints, closed out cards and had them replaced and they still find...
Emanah Jul 29, 2016 |
I submitted my documents for the maternity benefit on the 3rd of May 2016, i then received a message on the 5th to say my claim will take 35working days to process, i heard nothing from labour till today.Next month i am now going back to work.Please assist
[email protected]
DRembert Jul 29, 2016 |
I have not received my token points per daily game plays( anything over $10,000.00-$50,000.00 in tokens) and for some time I was saving them on my cell phone, cause I could Not believe my luck.
Then when I noticed I was Not getting the tokens for searching, not just the daily FrontPage,...
Tikona Care Jul 29, 2016 |
Dear Mr. Archete,
Greetings from Tikona.
We have checked and found that your account has been terminated as per your request.
Post devices recovered from your premises, full and final settlement amount will be concluded.
Jane123 Jul 29, 2016 |
I have recently engaged PMA (Penang Branch) to hire Filipino maid. Recently my maid ran away & the reason given by the maid was because I am cheating her on her salary.
After investigation done by the Labor department, I was indeed underpaid my maid. There are apprantly 2...
Hester123mia Jul 29, 2016 |
Since last year July 2015, i'm still waiting for my maternity UIF money. My baby girl is already 1 year old and still waiting.
if you phone the labour department they don't have answers for you. The webmaster sent me email on the 4th of April 2016 to say i did receive the money...
Hyo Jul 29, 2016 |
Slow Internet connection and no signal..Please FIX it ASAP! 😃😒😕...
khushi Jul 29, 2016 |
Ipkknd new season its become a dream for us we want arshi back soon plz make this dream come true as soon as possible...
vedanti kadam Jul 29, 2016 |
Dear Sir/Madam,
We the Reserve Bank of India bring to your notice that you were listed as beneficiary in a scheduled...
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