Georgina17 May 3, 2016 |
I just opened the little mailer that included my free gift of a supposed "Insulated Travel Bag." Now I am trying to figure out what in the world anyone thought someone could do with it. It would hold a can of soda, but without there being any kind of top to the bag, it wouldn't...
User1 May 3, 2016 |
I am a resident of Gayathri Hills Society, Prashanti Hills Colony, Raidurg Navkhalasa Village - 500008.
We are using the bore water in our community, and the water usage is being heavily abused here, There are RO water purification plants installed on the buildings of the society....
cpcorbitt May 3, 2016 |
wells fargo property loss
wells fargo conversion of insurance proceeds
I am currently preparing to litigate the set of facts below.
If you have a similar story, please contact me asap.
1. damage to house
2. insurance check written...
Dianepica May 3, 2016 |
I was looking forward to vacation, I boarded the carnival fantasy may 2, 2016, when I went into my room the grand suite, it looked nothing like the pictures, the bathroom smelled like sewer, there was no soap, the bathtub with the Jets would not turn on, the bed had a cover on it that was filthy,...
clara partnerrückführung erfahrungen May 3, 2016 |
clara partnerrückführung erfahrungen überall nur werbung von ihr selbst und ich weiss das sie das überall schreibt
auch ich habe nur schlechte erfahrung mit clara, ihre seiten sind in england und da ist sie weit weg und geldzurück gibt es nicht.ich möchte dagegen angehen...
gokul May 3, 2016 |
hi sir this is m.v. gokul my number is 8686727627 it is an aircel number with out any reason my main balance has been cut off so please return my balance .thanking u sir...
[email protected] May 3, 2016 |
I called the DSTV Call centre at 11:50am and a "Lungile " took my call. I asked him to please disconnect my subscription as I was not going to use DSTV , this month. He said because my payment date is the 1st , it was too late . I asked if I could speak to a manager, he asks me why...
Erwing1973 May 3, 2016 |
Dear Sir,
I received a call from this mobile number - 059 7479828 he said his name is Ali Abdullah and working in ZAIN Telecom Co.
saying that i won 200,000 SR in the ZAIN raffle promo and he will transfer the money under my name and iqama number....
Hareef May 3, 2016 |
I lost my HTC 816 on3/5/16 pls help me to find my mobile pls n my mobile IMEI number is 352795065131590...
thacker316 May 3, 2016 |
I pay all my bills on line with bill pay. I went to pay off my NTB bill $548 and accidentally paid it to NTTA, which I owed less than $10. I discovered the mistake when I went to pay NTTA and noticed that I had sent them the $548. I contacted NTTA's custemer service and explained to them...
APATTERS May 3, 2016 |
Good morning I trust that this email finds you well about a year ago my mother who is a valid customer of Truworths for more than 20 years. It was a ginger marry dark brown leather jacket I was so disappointed when I noticed that the jacket tore, to think that I so stingy of wearing this jacket...
Biona May 3, 2016 |
Hello, Celcom.
Recently your business may expanding extremely due to the Attractive offered package such Celcom First Gold, and this increment of users which may cause the CELCOM LINE BECOME WORSE, Call UNREACHABLE!!! Internet VERY POOR CONNECTION!!! I had complained to 1111...
[email protected] May 3, 2016 |
Dear Mam/Sir,
I have bought Micromax canvas in January 2015.Till now my phone did not get any update for software and it is still running in jelly bean version. Now my battery is draining fast and still no update for software is available.
Kindly look into issue...
arvind May 3, 2016 |
 they told me i have won 3 crore 35 lacks and they have sent me the certificate with my name from chevrolet promo award so please tell me is this true or fake .....i guess this is fake please take severe action on those people who are indulged in this work...
L@d* May 3, 2016 |
Your train is always late.Never punctual.
Do you know how frustrating it is to deal with this poor service of yours all the time.A hike in price should also mean an improvement in service.Do you expect people to pay more and still receive the same shitty service year in year out????????...
Rohitn381 May 3, 2016 |
My phone Nokia 220 IMEI No.354231061370824 and second sim slot IMEI No.354231061370832 please find them...
[email protected] May 3, 2016 |
 I Lost my phone while driving my imei nos is 869813020435828...
olderwiser May 3, 2016 |
A long lasting fios service outage in Denton TX and surrounding area began around 2:00 p.m. Today and continued into the evening. Phone representative gave explanation, "Lots of people online now and once they drop off system should come back up." At 10:00 p.m. fios running extremely...
McSkin May 3, 2016 |
District is 10 California Street,Redwood City ,CA, it gave no option for this location so had to manually type it in..he hasn't registered the site through the state,yet he is collecting money from the site,This Site needs investigated in regards to bouncers bullying customers/clients with...
Stuart P. D. Fraser May 3, 2016 |
Greetings, are you in a position to assist me with these transactions while I accept the $2.67 and $2.70 x 2 I do not accept the $53.56 30/04/2016 or the $67.70 27/07/2016 and query why this one did not appear with $2.70 of the same transaction date.
Your assistance in this matter will...
danielle R May 3, 2016 |
 I have been shocked to find out that Hydroxatone/ Bellaplex have taken $114.00 out of my Bank Account this morning, without my permission or Authorisation. I have not even heard from this company since I signed up to get free trail. I did not wish to purchase more of their products as it...
Veryunhappy May 3, 2016 |
Why play and win game been frozen for three days need help error 111 keeps coming up...
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