Cyber Team Mar 16, 2016 |
Dear Complainant
First, we thank you so much for posting your complaints and queries in our site complaintboard.com and promoting and supporting our site. We have gone through your complaint and after a brief consultation with relevant departments, organization and the companies;...
Evachung Mar 16, 2016 |
I'm having terrible experience with service @ shah alam station and the impolite staff @ bank negara station.
I was the regular customer and have been using your service few years but now completely disappointed with your services.
Im been fined because of the technical issue...
Justin Groombridge Mar 16, 2016 |
If canadianvisa.org is your competitor and they posted a misleading review about you, then you can go to the court and have competitor's defamation case against them. You can also make a lot of money out of it for liability.
Act now before they remove your review....
niranjan mishra Mar 16, 2016 |
1. BASANTI MISHRA - 1070002114 - RS. 10,000/- AS FIXED ON DATE 17.04.2012.
2. NIRANJAN MISHRA - 1070001438 - RS. 990/-...
6ixx Mar 16, 2016 |
Talk about the dumbing down of this country I'm sick of this left-wing liberal homosexual minority pot smoking culture getting shoved down my throat, if anyone wants to watch this lifestyle programming fine but why do you have to take away history and education and intelligent programing...
Tpo14 Mar 16, 2016 |
I just downgraded my direct TV plan because of the idiots who decided to take H2 off of the Air! Viceland is the most vile, heinous, excuse of programming that I've ever watched. I'm a "twenty-something male" to which they claim to be gearing this programming toward, and...
Renate Hrdy Mar 16, 2016 |
Downloaded and purchased your product Driver Reviver. ref. no.88749091, invoice# AKD-73646699596, dtd. march 3, 2016 for
CA$ 39.99. The driver I wished to have fixed and installed did not install at all (marked as excempt! some how) but has been listed.
Now I am ending...
Oscar73 Mar 16, 2016 |
ACN rep told us he could define toy save us money on electric bill. Got first bill and this is not true at all I have never had bills this high Further more they converted multiple accounts to Xoom energy without consent. When I tried to get the service canceled they want to charge me...
sweetpuffau Mar 16, 2016 |
Back in October 2015 I requested you stop your sneaky transactions from my account, I even cancelled my card, yet somehow you continue to drain my account not once but twice per month. This has now been handed to my bank for investigation.
TL WARREN 83214...
Cherylms57 Mar 16, 2016 |
I have a lower back injury which is keeping me from performing my job at Walmart. Sedgwick approved my leave but not my disability pay. My doctor has gone above and beyond to get them the office "notes" they want and it's never enough. The bottom line is they never had any intention...
Tab Mar 16, 2016 |
I hate...hate the vice channel. I really enjoyed H2. I miss H2. It sounds like a lot of people feels the same way. I hope the vice channel is a disaster & i hope companies will not advertise on it because nobody is watching. It's a stupid channel C-SPAN is a better channel then this....
argh1 Mar 16, 2016 |
Pay careful attention to the customer reviews and complaints on BBB. They are spot on about Alarm Force and their terrible product and service. So many people can't be wrong
Monitoring Doesn't Work - they cannot monitor if there is no phone line, and they don't...
dellis551 Mar 16, 2016 |
my husband brought home Nabisco Premium Soda Crackers with the following manufacturing data printed on the box:
08JUL16 AZ 3 01-2 03-48
Brand Seal 160Z Original Premium Saltine Crackers UPC 4400000057
Crackers smell like paint thinner or turpentine was used. I took...
staylorforev Mar 16, 2016 |
After doing work for Choice Home Warranty for a month I was told any job I went to and they denied their customers claims my service fee would not be paid in full. Now I have a signed contract with my service call fee on it and nowhere in the contract does it state this policy(as the rude manager...
Vijayalakshmi Gireesh Mar 16, 2016 |
My mobile Micromax A 106 was stolen on 14-03-2016 morning around 3 am. I need to block the phone before it is misused. It's IMEI No. 911391306648586. Also, 9894215557 was the number in use, when my phone was stolen....
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