Robbie1st Dec 20, 2015 |
I bought a pack of 20 Sterling Superkings today to find only 17 in it, It was bad enough they were down to 18 but now 17 is surely not legal, is it. How do we contact Trading Standards about this?...
vinod mahajan Dec 20, 2015 |
Name :- sopan ramesh mahajan
address:- A/p kolgaon tal bhadgaon dist jalgaon pin code :- 424103
IMEI :- 911375604739866
IMEI :- 911375604754626
mobile model :- micromax canvas xl 2 A109 ( made in china )
model :- A109
last use mobile number :- 9604469341/9673027061
M SAJID Dec 20, 2015 |
please send me my consumer no. muhammad sajid s/o gul mohammad.CNIC no 1730184015053....
Caitlint Dec 20, 2015 |
I was so disappointed when I realized that ATT Uverse changed their music channels from music choice to sting ray. I often listen to music on my tv when I am cooking, cleaning or have company over but my favorite thing about music choice was their Christmas station (sounds of the season) it...
caroline linehan Dec 20, 2015 |
A payment of stg 27.12 was debited from my visa account on 16 November.I never received any services...
Riyaz Basha Dec 20, 2015 |
NAME : S.Riyaz Basha
Address : 8/829 Vakkalapeta Almaspet, kADAPA - 516001.
IMIE : *354202/07/019298/8*
IMIE : *354202/07/019298/8*
Bar code : 8 806086 946261
model : SM- G361H/DS
LXF Dec 20, 2015 |
Received a Mastercard gift card for $50 and before I could use it the issuer had deducted all the money. Do they never stop finding ways to rip you off? An "inactivity" fee, really now? While they may be quite creative in coming up with more ways to rip you off, it doesn't...
pius1845 Dec 20, 2015 |
6th day that STC have no action for my complaint of having no internet connection for the past 5 days until now!
I have made all ways to complain thru stc live chat, stc costumer service 900, stc contact email, and other stc landline numbers, but there is no progress!
Please solve...
palmaburke Dec 20, 2015 |
Received highly "official" looking documents for having been "selected" to win $1,327,940.00, but need to send $12.99, called an "acquisition fee". Did not and will not send money. Have found this same scam in other notifications sent to your Complaint Board....
asad raja Dec 20, 2015 |
I am blocked from skout I don't know why my name was block an I would Like My name Unbloc
My ID is [email protected].
leahbabineauxo Dec 20, 2015 |
Hi I was recently I was in the shoppers on dundas street in woodstock and had a few questions regarding what I was buying, I approached a female who works in the make up section and she was not only not helpful or even trying to help, but she was absolutely disgustingly snotty and rude, but...
teechlinda Dec 19, 2015 |
I was scammed by a fake tech support company-"Ayogi Support". B of A said I had to provide proof that I was scammed because the scammer provided B of A with a bogus electronic contract with my name on it stating that I agreed to pay Ayogi $149.99 plus a foreign charge!!! B of A denied...
Qhakszulu Dec 19, 2015 |
I applied for UIF Maternity Benefits on the 19 August to this day nothing has happen. M starting work on the 4th of January......every time I make a follow up m told of different dates of payout. The don't care attitude with goverment departments, can't be tolerated anymore.😡
rupesh96 Dec 19, 2015 |
on 19th of december 2015 i took an ola ride from gurgaon to pitampura meanwhile i left my phone in the cab and at very next minute i called back the driver but i am sure he switched off my mobile and now am not able to find it
imei nmber - 35326706 - 484592 - 6
imei - 311271435662
JerseyJoker Dec 19, 2015 |
No complaints, but I DO have a question: Why is it that some movies are dated a certain year when the movies are clearly recycled? For instance, I'm sitting here right now watching "Crown For Christmas", which is dated 2015. But I am certain I have seen this very movie several...
natashaowens Dec 19, 2015 |
My husband bought my ring three years ago, I had it on two days and one of the top four diamond fell out I took my ring to our Kay's store the lady there said oh we weren't suppose to size this ring that small so they sent it off and finally got it back after four months. I noticed...
Helen Hidalgo Dec 19, 2015 |
They send a letter to said i won 1,230,946.00.before i get it i have to send them $11.89. Someone have to do some thing with this company.they lie. I was geting happy for xmas.i want to sue them.to make my hope. Of anyone know they phone number let me know.i will law suit them....
DC1 Dec 19, 2015 |
I tried to book 4 flights to Ireland going through the process as instructed. Upon reaching the end it stated that the booking had failed and I was not given a booking reference. I therefore assumed no payment was taken. My wife checked our credit card details a couple of days later and noticed...
Dissatisfied Dec 19, 2015 |
I have been a customer of PNC for quite some time. I deposited a check from my attorney for a settlement agreement and the check was held out by the deposit recovery unit per the consultant then answer my call when my account was overdrawn.! Mind you before deposit in the account into the ATM...
Danny3269 Dec 19, 2015 |
This is the third time that I received this scam judging sheet letter congratulating me for being one of the lucky holder of number so and so and a chance to win two million dollars and I have to pay $12.99 acquisition fee, I don't understand why this kind of scam is still in active did...
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