wheelygirl76 Nov 24, 2015 |
We are absolutely gob smacked about the sudden reduction from 19 down to 17!!! We are still paying full price but get far less for that money!!! Can you give us a valid and clear explanation for that reduction in cigarette's please!!! And why have you not marked the amount of cigarettes...
[email protected] Nov 24, 2015 |
this is actually not a complaint, but a request. I cannot begin to tell you how much we enjoy each program on HALLMARK; however my husband and I have difficulty understanding words because the background music is as loud or louder than the dialogue. The music is important and greatly adds...
Katryn28 Nov 24, 2015 |
Since June of 2015 1g and 3g be banging in their apartments and slamming doors 24/7 i live in 2g in 50 Debevoise ave and another neighbor across from everyday her and her daughter slamming the door waking up my 1 year this is ridiculous. Just because you live in the projects ...you not suppose...
fcasiano Nov 24, 2015 |
Good Morning,
They will just take your money. They promise that they will process your papers going to other countries but only their Managers (2 of them) will do the interview. He will change his voice every now...
Motsweneng1986 Nov 24, 2015 |
Dear Sirs,
I am one of the victims who are still struggling with my claim submitted on 15 of August 2015.
I have been struggling tremendously just like other people to get my maternity payment.I have been in contact with the people at the dept of labour but still...
fazil Nov 24, 2015 |
Model samsung s3
Serial no *355835062518949*
Missing Date =23/11/2015
[email protected]
Owner name:Muhsina farsana .A
Sim no 9744665867
My contact no: 8086508646
Pls help me...
[email protected] Nov 24, 2015 |
Dear sir/ madam
I want to complaint insurance fraud.
Jaswinder singh and navneet Kaur are living on 23 Beverly st Carteret 07008. They are sharing insurance with is uncle just to reduce insurance because of his bad licence and his wife navneet has new licence.
They share...
Kalid Nov 24, 2015 |
 Guys plz spread this news of fake Al Awaiel Employment & Manpower supply service in all job websites and social networks. now also these peoples posting the job adds. Plz save some job seekers from this Shaithaan....
Mehr1234 Nov 23, 2015 |
I just received this notice as well from the Judging Office and Decisions Center. Count me in for a class action lawsuit. Email me at [email protected]...
brody Nov 23, 2015 |
nailed me foe 48 bucks with 7 bogus charges. why is it if a guy robbed someone for money, he goese to jail for robbing. when a company doese it, no harm no foul? your lucky i dont know where you live you theiving bastards. i got three kids im trying to feed. something tells me your not hurting...
Fuckyounacel Nov 23, 2015 |
DO NOT LIVE HERE. No matter what you do. The landlord is so annoying hes actually saved as a contact in my phone as "Annoying". When we moved in he called and knocked a million times during late hours and told me I need to answer his texts, like sorry Im not glued to my phone, all...
Mystery7574 Nov 23, 2015 |
Bought our Peachtree patio door in 2004 only to have in constantly leak, had it removed and reinstall ed twice with the construction workers saying there was nothing wrong with installation. Now door has warped and fallen apart and has ruined my wood floors from leaking water all over them.....
JUDY RUSSELL Nov 23, 2015 |
VISA RED CREDIT CARD sent me a ALERT regarding six charges that had been made on my credit card (dates ranging from
Oct. 10 through Oct. 23th, 2015) from MICROSOFT, BILL.MS.NET.WA.. I called the credit card company to let them know four
of the charges were unauthorized charges...
[email protected] Nov 23, 2015 |
Dear sir/madam,
Gurcharan Singh DOB March 11,1968,
Address 15 Liberty St Carteret NJ 07008, owns the property I addressed.
He modified the loan in 2009-10
By false documentation and a wrong tax returns of a few past years. He has a share in five different businesses...
ksmith Nov 23, 2015 |
I bought 8 bottles of Advanage Cleaner and wrote a check for the purchase. Soon after that, 3 different parties tried to make purchases via ACH on my checking account. All the criminals need are a checking account number and a bank routing...
Fern Nov 23, 2015 |
I purchased a over the stove microwave and have had all kinds of problem with it and the service man could not fix it and now GE is closing the case even tho they know I am not happy with it. The service man said it was because they are just make things cheaper now. My last GE over the stove...
Nigelsmom Nov 23, 2015 |
 Just received this letter and thought I was indeed a winner until I did my research. So glad that everything shared their experience to raise awareness of this bs these guys are trying to pull on us. Can I sue? Maybe I will see a lawyer. If anyone has any info please email me @ [email protected]...
Oxford321 Nov 23, 2015 |
This is the second pair of flat work shoes I purchased from clarks that the sole has split. I work in a pharmacy walking on a dry floor with just a short walk to my car. I never wear the shoes any other time yet both pair the soles have split along the ridge underneath letting in water. The...
cherie Nov 23, 2015 |
We had our derablend furniture less than 3 years and it has peeled terribly. One of the problems is that my 1 year old grandson ate a piece of it. I don't know if it is toxic or not....
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