RHJ Sep 6, 2015 |
The Visiting Nurse Service of New York(VNSNY) failed to provide me with timely, high quality, residential post-operation Nursing, Physical Therapy, and and Personal Healthcare Assistant Services per the earlier Agreement. VNSNY failed to show up for the meeting with me(the patient)at the hospital...
Judge Sep 6, 2015 |
I have passed my complain on to our local trading standards team as well, due to it being a multi named complaint. My complaint is as follows,
You did not notify anyone of a change between 20 cigarettes in packs down to 19 you have again dropped the amount from 19 to 18 and i assume from...
Mary 235 Sep 6, 2015 |
Please Do Something With Cute To Make Her To Stop. She's Bullying My Friends. Please Do Something With Bullies. So Many People Are Leaving The Game 'Cause Of Bullies.They're Threading , Swearing , &' Making Those Who Are Only 10 To Crying. We All Are Tired Of Bullies....
Ching Sep 6, 2015 |
I'm always receiving ARABIC message which I can't understand.
I want this subscription to be deactivated as soon as possible as it was deducting a load to me everyday.
Hope to received positive feedback from your side.
MOBILE Number: 0543831732...
mk750 Sep 6, 2015 |
i recharge my account through skrill account i got money but still there 10$ fee 0.44$ but not aad balance my account , murchant refrance 120356334 global freeaccount plz refar my blance...
jaganmohan Sep 6, 2015 |
sir my nokia x2-00 b.red color was stolen. please block my mobile imei no. 358626040708141...
jaganmohan Sep 6, 2015 |
sir i jaganmohan thumburu my nokia x2-00 was stolen please block that mobile IMEI no. 358626040708141. if any chance plz trace my mobile and inform me my mobile is 9391521803
name: jaganmohan thumburu
model: NOKIA X2-00
Cjanne Sep 6, 2015 |
please please please stop deducting VAS charge on my mobile no.0508026415...
Trinka Sep 5, 2015 |
The soft porn television commercials during times that expose children to this inappropriate viewing will keep us from enjoying food at Carl's Jr in the future....
todclown888 Sep 5, 2015 |
After being off of work for more than 2 years do to a car accident I heard that CitiMortgage 2014 DOJ Settlement allowed $2 Billion for struggling homeowners, when I tried to apply for help they said there was no way to apply for the funds???then after 10 late payments they sold my loan to a...
jjcampbell1101 Sep 5, 2015 |
 Why, oh why are you still charging my card and I canceled my trial almost six months ago.....what's funny is that you have been withdrawing from my account three months ago!!!! I just tried to log into this account and was greeted with this screen stating welcome back, but yet, you have...
Abidingwings Sep 5, 2015 |
I received a call and placed an order for their magazines. They informed me I had 3 days to cancel my order. The following morning I phoned them back to cancel my order and was told it was done. Then I get billed. I called the phone # on my credit card statement to tell them I cancelled...
Lolasmommy Sep 5, 2015 |
Bought 18 sterling fresh taste, opened packet to find half a cigarette with no filter and a snapped cigarette safe to say only getting 18 for the price of 20 is a joke but 18 with only 16 actually smokable is a joke. Picture upon request as its saying file too large!...
ttrvickerson Sep 5, 2015 |
My pants stink and are ruling after two days wtf...
bubbles06 Sep 5, 2015 |
Bought a carton the other day and most of the packs were half way open and seemed they got wet. Paid 41 dollars for damgaged goods. Not a happy customer. Not the first time this happened....
Sam Mako Sep 5, 2015 |
For the past several years I have been using Cincinnati Bell Zoomtown services. For the past several years it has been getting slower and slower. I have called support many times (located in Manila, Philippines), trying to resolve my slowness/frequent outage issues. Every time I call, they have...
ND BHATIA Sep 5, 2015 |
 Reminder V
The AskmeBazaar Team
Sub: Wrong Size and colour of Nike Cp Trainer Running Shoe delivery on 30 August 2015 to me as my indent was Nike Cp Trainer Running Shoe UK (9) White blue colour sport shoe
Ref: 1.Order Summary; Order Id: AB4784324
Car75ole Sep 5, 2015 |
I have tried to call you but can't get through. I am shocked and disappointed with Clarks shoes. I will never buy them again. I have two pairs of Clark's shoes that the soles have fallen apart. What's with you guys? I have read other complaints so I am not alone....
Mahesh Shrestha Sep 5, 2015 |
illegally registered under my iqama no. 2344950809
Somebody illegally registered under my iqama number to use zain sim. Please cancel below zain sim numbers.
kay dial Sep 5, 2015 |
I really wish you would stop showing movies back to back. There are way to many movies out that you don't have to do repeats. Show more of the movies by Michael Landon's son, and shoes like "the magic of ordinary days" this is s really good movie. Just please stop repeating....
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