Education loan company. They hound you when there is two weeks to go on payement date and"Very" rude and threatning csrs! Check mailed on 25th they did not receive we guess lost because the second they get a checkit is cashed! He said thats not our problem and its ours he would turn...
The Meijer Grocery Store in Canton, MI is deplorable! I just returned from what will be my last trip. First and foremost they are TOTALLY overpriced. I might be able to tolerate this overpricing a bit more in exchange for the convenience of shopping 24 hrs if it weren't for the following:...
Beware of Zafiro Persians Breeders don't sell to him. He is a show off and these is all he is. He bought a Smoke tortie fom me paid down 200$ after 10 weeks he decide not to get the kitten because he don't have the rest of the money from $1000 to pay of the kitten. The down payment... SCAM ALERT I have researched thoroughly. I have contacted a participating dentist who had NO idea what is even though they are signed up as a participant. From what I have researched and come to understand is is a total scam to...
The same thing happened to our company rating. Platinum member from Mywot started to write negative comments and turned our company rating from Green to RED. Accusing us of having poor privacy by providing privacy checker website link. Going to that link shows our website have perfect privacy....
Do not use THRIFTY CAR RENTAL ! They engage in deceptive practices that can lead to unwanted substantial add on fees. I rented a vehicle for a week at the Sarasota Airport location. After telling the clerk repeatedly that I did not want the optional Loss Damage Waiver Insurance or the Trip Saver...
I went to instant tax service to file my 2010 taxes for year 2011 &was told id get an automatic 10$ on this card they gave me which I never got, I was also told id DWFINATELY get a loan. didnt get it.I was denied but they didnt have any explanation as to why. I see their commercial and they...
The fear of Fluoride is as absurd as 'nuclear panic". Both are a matter of inferior knowledge in a community that refuses to learn about the facts. The natural fluorides in Colorado water protect the citizens from poor teeth (aka; cavities). {by the way, use a grammar checker, spell...
I put my card number in completed registration and kept sending back to registration somethings not right will have my Attorney to look into it and make sure my card is not charged at all....
Edward Kramer with Kramer Windows and Doors also known as Pittsburgh Discount Windows and Door Installation is a Fraud or more accurately: Not what he claims to be.
He will make a story and come across as a nice, kind, honest Jewish man who has a wonderful reputation and everyone...
I obtained aRushcard Visa in February. I put money on my card via green dot money pak. I was given a notice that my account was closed due to too many deposits. They took my paycheck of 460.00 and will not refund it to me. They said I needed to fax my ID SS card, and proof of residency. I faxed...
I've never seen "Spanish" people working at McD's. There are lots from Latin America but never saw any from Europe. I guess Spain's economy is getting pretty bad too....