NoraIzzaty Apr 17, 2020 |
 My parcel was dispatch from Pusat Mel Nasional since 14 April , and since then no more update .
My tracking no : ERB541477147MY
Pls update status of my item...
karlzpyanz Apr 17, 2020 |
Boleh tak tolong check saya punya barang dari online shopee..tracking number ERB597697665MY.
lama saya tunggu..padahal pembayaran bukan main cepat..tapi di atas sebab apa lambat??tolong la bagi kerjasama..kami berharap costumer service anda mesti di perbaiki lagi..ramai lagi yang lain2...
Ainoena Apr 17, 2020 |
Apr 16, 202012:44 AM - Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office [Pos Laju Transit Office (KLIA Hub)]
But until now my parcel doesn’t arrive at delivery facility poslaju balakong. Why it took soo long to arrive from klia to balakong. Please do trace my item as soon as possible....
Zyana Othman Apr 17, 2020 |
 Assalammualaikum..dah seminggu barang masih tak sampai lagi dari 10hb sampai sekarang 17hb, ERB597591050MY sila cek ye..kerjasama anda amat kami hargai, sekian terima kasih....
Daniel Hastings Apr 17, 2020 |
I've been trying to reach you guys for 3 days you're locked me out of my account I just read the reviews apparently it's happening all over the place were on unemployment we need our money I don't know what the h***'s going on but you guys need to get it figured out...
Gary Dodd Apr 17, 2020 |
so after waiting three days for my call to finally go through so could get my card unblocked which was already stressful as all hell 2 HOURS after i got it unblocked they blocked it again this is insane it took being on hold for 3 DAYS to fix it and they did it again the same day i finally got...
RENALI90 Apr 17, 2020 |
Sender using poslaju for parcel not domestik..parcel send to malacca already get but not me..parcel stucks until now..its priceless items..send to me faster please...
RENALI90 Apr 17, 2020 |
Sender using poslaju services but till now parcel stucks at KLIA HUB.customer at malacca already get the parcel a week a go but not me yet..i have baby n to reach there take about one an hour..i need the parcel because its priceless..i call so many times but didnt pickup the phone..make the...
Anifowose Oludare Apr 17, 2020 |
I received attached text message twice from GOtv to renew for subscription before due date and get upgraded but was surprised after complying to hear that the message was mistakenly sent (See attached the response from GOtv). This I think is a dubious act....
Stolenfrom Apr 17, 2020 |
I am being charged $14.95 per month for something I know nothing about and never signed up for....
Robert Chubb Apr 17, 2020 |
On March 2, 2020, I canceled my Prime membership. Your firm said in an email that I would receive a refund in the amount of $64.95. As of this date I have the not received the refund in question. My email address and phone number. .. [email protected]., 443-540-3703.
Candy Lee Apr 16, 2020 |
Hi please arrange delivery my pacel ASAP, my pacel stuck at KLIA HUB for 3days. ERB638309265MY please help to check the urgent parcel! Thanks.....
[email protected] Apr 16, 2020 |
I have recently been laid OFF bcoz of the covid-19, so I was put on unemployment a month ago. Originally I tried to do direct deposit, so I called up unemployment and they told me It went on a card.. so I called up US BANK and waited for an hour and a half to talk to someone, they told me that...
muzzammil ahmad Apr 16, 2020 |
kenapa stuck dekat sini ? bukan sepatutnya penghantaran
cepat ke ? nama pos laju , tapi slow .
sepatutnya pihak atasan mengambil tindakkan menambah pekerja ke apa ke . barang bertambah kan ? so permintaan meningkat . tambah laa...
Gary Dodd Apr 16, 2020 |
so just 2 days after i got my new unemployment card and 2 hours after my unemployment money was put on the card they froze it so now i have no money cause i cant use my card so cant even by food or pay my bills or anything and the only way to resolve it is calling of course but ive been on hold...
Donna Menard Apr 16, 2020 |
I keep getting nowhere. My 360 emeral l Lagasse airfryer. It didn’t come with h the rotisserie spitz & I can’t get to talk to anybody. No shipping status on line. What’s going on already. I received no answer. Very frustrating!!!...
Low Wisely Apr 16, 2020 |
EN056804318JP please double check. Send an email regarding this postage since 12th of March and till now can't even get the item to deliver at all as is EMS. Already explained and agree to pay the services and taxes to the postman upon receiving item. Also last few days have appointed to...
Nadilla Apr 16, 2020 |
 Masih pending di KLIA hub.
Mohon tindakan segera...
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