Rodrigo Igartúa Baranda Jul 18, 2018 |
Usage 800-255 6355 CT. These unauthorized charges are through IC Shopsmarter.com for services. I have never authorized any these charges. These I will complain to my credit card bank. We live in Mexico and do not use portals which are in the USA.
I demand you stop these Fraudulent Credit...
DCKincaid Jul 18, 2018 |
I always have to wonder why a food company with a wonderful product decides to change it for the worse. I have enjoyed Premium Saltines for 63 years. I must admit that I did eat more than I should have. However, it appears that Nabisco, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to make a change...
DCKincaid Jul 17, 2018 |
I see that I am not the only one to complain but, not only has the taste been altered but the crackers are crushed in every box I have bought recently. I assume that is due to whatever change you have made to the recipe. It's unfortunate but I'll change brand and I've been a...
Abby204 Jul 17, 2018 |
Please bring back Diagnosis Murder who want to what 6 hours of Monk it is one of the most stupidest shows ever. I saw that Diagnosis Murder was back on and there was Monk. I look forward to watching Diagnosis Murder.I looked forward to watching it every weekday and now its gone. I have a botched...
Michael1994 Jul 17, 2018 |
Jaya Shopping Centre , Section 14 , petaling jaya .
Dear Sir /Madam,
I want to help immigration police by providing information of illegal wokers in Jaya Shopping Centre , Section 14 , petaling jaya .
Lot of illegal workers are woking at LG floor without any working permit...
Eric Wong Jul 17, 2018 |
I have been charged for twice for total Euro 61.00 in 4 months after I returned the car in Bologna, Italy without any explanation or email in advance.
My booking confirmation number is : H6013345083
Eric Wong Jul 17, 2018 |
We hired a car from Turin Porta, Italy in March and the car was returned to Bologna office without any demage. Why you charge me back twice of Euro 30.50 in July?
My confirmation number is : H6013345083...
Immanuel Daniel Jul 17, 2018 |
It has been 5 months since I filed my 2017 income tax. After which a T4 adjustment for 1 T4 was to be done. H&R block did but never gave me the refund. They said CRA would pay me. Kept calling CRA, the agents would give me lame excuses.
Still waiting. I swear never to go back...
Karti Jul 17, 2018 |
Hi everyone ,
What is my complain is about latest train schedule started from 3 July 2018 . I am staying at sungai buloh. I work at rawang my work started at 8.00am. I went sungai buloh station 6.30 am go to work. But until 7.45 even no one single train also go to tanjung malim track...
jrheger Jul 17, 2018 |
We have been without A/C for the last 5 days, it has been in the 90s. We called Choice the day it went out, they sent out a company the next day. the tech was here for 5 hours and could not fix the unit. Long story short, company called Choice explained the problems, Choice wanted pictures...
wvufan1227 Jul 17, 2018 |
Our loan was sold to this bank shortly after closing, and it has been an absolutely awful experience. I received my new escrow analysis for this year, and my payment went up over $200 per month. I immediately called to determine the reason, and I've been given the run around every single...
Queee Jul 17, 2018 |
 Kenapa parcel lambat sampai ye? I mean kenapa terlalu lama sedangkan customers i yg lain 2 hari dah sampai but for this customer dari 8hb 7 lagi parcel dia tak sampai. What should i do? Call pos office ke apa ni?...
Don Bates Jul 17, 2018 |
Hi, Member since 2004..haven`t heard from in years..good money after bad..Same situtation wit National Home Gardening Club..Haven`t heard from in years.. Phone #`s no good.....
Mikesteig Jul 17, 2018 |
I'm reading all these and wondering if anyone is going to help us. I waited 2 months in 95 to 100 degree temps for them to finally fix 1 ac unit when the trouble was with both units. I'm still waiting for them to fix my refer. it stopped working in May had to buy a new one and I'm...
Hany Malek Jul 17, 2018 |
There is unauthorized amounts deducted from my visa card as below (total 118,20 €) by Facebook which I want be refunded with and inform with details about the user or the organization who has stolen my visa card information, thanks.
2018-07-15 FACEBK KCWEDG6FC2 fb.me 24,71 €
lindabuddy Jul 17, 2018 |
I purchased mine august 2016. they replaced the entire door containing the ice maker in april 2017 after multiple attempts to fix it which meant many days and time off work to wait for repairman. last night I lost everything in frig and freezer. more than $600 worth of food. when I called...
bedesoop Jul 17, 2018 |
 Why so late to deliver?
Already reached at KLIA hub on 5th July. Until 17th July still not deliver to Klang?
neomi Jul 17, 2018 |
I hope this email finds you well?
Please note that I am now under debt review, so I do not appreciate receiving collection calls from you and your rude call center and attorneys they are incredibly rude , What is you problem MARA???
contact her for any info you need.
Effecter Effected Jul 17, 2018 |
Kindly contact PosLaju to approach the delivery or complain
I order bean bag at online lazada
They show prove that on 10th already proceed to poslaju purcel hub
But now 17th july never yet get my bean bag why so late...
NizamYahya Jul 17, 2018 |
 The reason i finally come up to this complaint board are because it has happened a lot of time by this Poslaju Caw. Serahan 1 Johor Bahru staff.
They have never deliver the parcel straight to our door but instead faking the status in the system, stating as the premises are closed,...
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