kbusch Mar 7, 2018 |
You are charging me for something i do not want or need.I do not need office program for anything.I don't use it.I am not on my computer long enough accept to look at my e-mails.I am not on it for anything else.Please return my money to my paypal account.Cancel anything you gave me immediately.I...
cwon Mar 7, 2018 |
Please update the status of my parcel EH647416563MY and EH647416546MY.
The status stopped at parcel dispatched out from KLIA hub.
I experience before, my parcel status stopped at the same and after that my parcel loss. I dont hope that the same happened again.
cwon Mar 7, 2018 |
Please update the status of my parcel EH647416546MY and EH647416563MY.
Both parcel send to johor but the status update stopped at Consignment dispatch out from KLIA hub.
I experience before, my parcel lost after dispatch out from KLIA hub, i dont hope that the same...
fendy9055 Mar 7, 2018 |
 Suda hampir sebulan brg xda sampai...ni servis yg paling teruk..tolongla pertingkatkn servis kamu..da kena bayar,buat la yg terbaik utk costumer..bukan sambil lewa saja..apa mo jadi makin hari,poslaju servis makin teruk......
pausha Mar 7, 2018 |
You pay for everything and you get pressured to buy now can't even shop around, just so you know this is all the same shit no matter where you live....
pausha Mar 7, 2018 |
I got this insurance and was told by a representative that I was getting true insurance not the case. I paid $160 to see my Primary doctor they cover zero medications.
I can't get over how these people are still in business to rob people....
Mejustme Mar 7, 2018 |
Google is constantly calling our business. The guy ask about our business, I explained we were still in business but had changed the company name. We had built a new office and put in a new entrance so the address is new. However, they man then posted that we were closed and no longer in business....
mustafa27in Mar 7, 2018 |
Dear Sir,
Some one has hacked my credit card to book hotel. The booking reference number is 110301.
Please cancel his booking and return the amount in the same credit card.
Snorridog Mar 7, 2018 |
For months now the trailers on the History Channel have been bugging me. The final few seconds of EVERY trailer are unecessarily loud and I mean LOUD.
Please can you change this as I am forever grabbing the remote to turn it down only to turn it back up a few seconds later.
QueenP Mar 7, 2018 |
I have had the displeasure of working with Lynn Venditti, AFSP in the Wolcott, CT office. She was at the office getting coffee when I showed up for my appt. on time today. She had no clients and there was no one in the office besides herself and her confused secretary. She called me in her...
Frustrated In Virginia Mar 7, 2018 |
I have complained several times over the last several years, but to no avail. I have had box after box of premium saltines that had absolutely no salt on any cracker. I have had several sleeves that were not sealed, the box was sealed, but not some of the sleeves. This is also a very common...
skss Mar 7, 2018 |
I ordered #72116 and the Compression Company sent a#75116. The packing order sheet had the correct order number #72116.
My printed copy of the original order has the correct order number. The company filled the order incorrectly. Customer Service on the phone and internet would not assist...
RoyJr 88 Mar 7, 2018 |
This company along with Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. Broke in my back door before I had a walk through. Which I notified SPS on January 25 2018 stating I was ready for a walk through and they told me I would be hearing from them soon. Well I went to check on my property and found that the...
Stephen T. Makielski Mar 7, 2018 |
To whom it may concern,
I recently went through the drive-thru at one of our local McDonald's and purchased a double quarter-pounder with cheese meal. Upon arriving at my destination I hungrily opened the bag to get stated. To my surprise and major disappointment I tasted...
mrahulagrawal Mar 6, 2018 |
Dear OYO Team,
I want to log a complain about my recent booking in OYO room at Mahima Hotel in Gandhinagar. I had a worst experience I had ever had. We booked 5 rooms for check-in at 1st Mar and check out on 2nd Mar and we were told we will have breakfast complimentary. We informed...
shabbirahmed Mar 6, 2018 |
The transfer of your fund come by instruction from IMF, no documents issue to us, so if you need your fund then send the required amount to enable my office do the needful and start releasing your funds by installments, $5000 USD daily via western union until the total fund $2.5million is completely...
Gunnar Strøm Mar 6, 2018 |
4. february I was charged 899 NOK for " MICROSOFT *OFFICE 36, MSBILL.INFO,IE "
At that time I was on a plane from Austin TX , via London to Norway, landing evening 5.February
Can you give any explination what it is?
Gunnar Strøm...
thejack Mar 6, 2018 |
Calls most everyday...
shabbirahmed Mar 6, 2018 |
WAttention: Shabbir Ahmed,
Date: 06/03/2018.
The transfer of your fund come by instruction from IMF, no documents issue to us, so if you need your fund then send the required amount to enable my office do the needful and...
tas51012 Mar 6, 2018 |
I sent a complaint about the dentist not keeping appointments and being rude when he did. I paid in advance for service not not rendered and requested $2000.00 plus refund....
Lmabelsr Mar 6, 2018 |
I check my account today 03/06/2018, and found ten(10) payments charged to it. The dates that I was billed 03/02/2018, there was no money in the account. And I cancelled that account in mid January. The service is misleading and transfers you from site to site, with no response. I feel taking...
Kyle409 Mar 6, 2018 |
I have frequented the Sonic Drive In located Beaumont,Tx on College St. at least once a week for several years. Over the last several months I have noticed a change in management. Even though the food is consistently good the new General Manager is a real piece of work just to say the least....
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