Tlohndelynn Oct 1, 2017 |
Charging my credit card without authorization from a company listed as TNTNPAYNCO. I do not know who this company is or how they got my info or why they keep taking money out of my account. So far two separate charges for $9.10 has been taken out & I want ALL my money back asap. Next step...
Dpk707514 Oct 1, 2017 |
My ORDER ID - OD110312925592762000 मेने 24/09/2017 को flipkart से Lenovo k8 plus (Gold,32GB) order किया था इसका payment SBI Debit कार्ड से किया था
27sep2017 को order saller द्वारा cancel कर दिया...
livepress@aol.com Oct 1, 2017 |
We just received a letter from the IRS that my 2014 taxes were done with errors. They needed further correction. We purchased their piece of mind Ins and I am simply looking for help to correct the mistakes. It's now been two months and I cannot get a status on the response to the IRS....
textima Oct 1, 2017 |
Today someone charge my credit card at Microsoft office MSBill.info SG for Rs2/- and Rs. 9155.62, on 1 Oct 2017 at 12:07
I myself didnot done any transaction on any Microsoft office
So please see the matter who made this and reverse the same in my acccount
I shall be thank...
Braceface B Oct 1, 2017 |
I'm deeply disappointed,hurt even that my membersship was deleted.dispapointed that investigators should have conducted a thorough assessment on the content of an account before clicking the delete button.tagged aims to connect people ,we gathered freinds,invested time and heart just to...
Melissasweat Oct 1, 2017 |
I buy 3to 4 30 to 35 dollar pizzas a week from your store and I have been treated so badly for the last month from the employees in the store and your delivery drivers.this last episode with your whole set up almost caused me to have a nervous breakdown.I have never been treated like that by...
shahnewazalam2404 Oct 1, 2017 |
My citibank credit card ending with 5547 was used yesterday at a Microsoft Store. I can read that from the message. It was used for two transactions Rs. 5500 and Rs. 2. These are fraudulent transactions not made by me and I instantly got the card blocked. Please help with the same and block...
Nabilahedishah Oct 1, 2017 |
Service teruk sebab dah berapa kali minta food tapi tak dapat last2 terus bayar . Then bila datang lagi sekali minta ais krim kena marah katanya dah dapat .. Ehh tengkorak diaaa .. dah la 3 kali dah minta tak dapat pastu datang buat muka masam . Bila dah dapat dia hentak2 ais krim .. pijak...
Syahmir Oct 1, 2017 |
Tak ada apa tindakan pon. Tlg fix la. Internt slow hila. Tengok movie pon sangkut teruk. Padahal 4G. Tapi sangkut deret. Apa semua ni haa. Ingt kami topup pkai daun kaaa.?? Guna duit tahu dak?kalau tak ada tindakan juga, tukar no lagi bgus!!!...
edward086210436 Oct 1, 2017 |
I never authorized this transaction! This means you stole money from my SSI account!...
mable lewis Oct 1, 2017 |
TAG NO SK 822722
edward086210436 Oct 1, 2017 |
I did not authorize this transaction! you stole money from my SSI account!...
Barb B Oct 1, 2017 |
I really like the Hallmark movies but the commercials seem to be increasing. Now it seem as though part of the movies are being cut and replaced by commercials. Scenes are incomplete to the extent that they are disjointed and difficult to follow. The movies are not as enjoyable as they once...
abhi1100 Oct 1, 2017 |
 I transferred money to my friend with my PayTm Wallet but there was no money in his bank....
Leeon Oct 1, 2017 |
I receive this message from one of the Samsung urgent Mr, David Nguyen
is it true or fake information
amsung company ltd
We the samsung group of company formally wants to congratulate you on your big won.A radom ticket selection was lunch and your profile...
Justiceforpartsgeek Oct 1, 2017 |
 Partsgeek.com sent me a rusted, used, old, dusty Standard Motor Products EGR Valve. Bag that had the part was already open in the box. Smeared oil all over the inside of the box, from most likely the used part came for the engine that it was in. Beyond frustrated with this company.
sarahem1965 Oct 1, 2017 |
Wow... I don't even know where to begin. Let me start with.... I was diagnosed with COPD/Emphysema in 2006. In 2009 was given oxygen to wear at night. Rather my doctor sent a script over to Lincare in Toccoa, GA .and they brought me my portable machine. Fast forward to 2015 my COPD has...
roth19722000 Sep 30, 2017 |
This lawfirm is clueless. Absolutely dumb. after 6 surgery to back from poor fusion repair from NYSWCB injury, I was in hospital for gastric sleeve surgery to repair horrible reflux from medication, this firm withdrew representation from my malpractice case , because they were incompetent to...
franc Sep 30, 2017 |
Dear sir/madam
I'm Robert Mokadi complaining about my Uif claim funds,I went to department of labour on the 30 of May 2017 to claim Uif and I submitted my documents,they told me to come and check after 36 weeks,it was...
sureshkumar107 Sep 30, 2017 |
This is so bad work by microsoft, with out purchased anything with Microsoft product how they can deducted my money from my credit card. THIS IS A CRIME, Im going to file a case on against MICROSOFT....
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