Nina1234 Aug 12, 2016 |
 Saya alis tinggal di area gemas ingin bertanya...i ada order loaded potato bowl di kfc gemas negeri sembilan...staff kfc tersebut mengatakan loaded potato bowl tidak di jual lagi...jika ini tidak benar i harap pihak berkenaan ambil tindakan kepada pengurus cawangan gemas...jika ia benar saya...
Rakesh Khandelwal Aug 12, 2016 |
मेरे द्वरा बेचे गये पुराने एनटीक माल भुगतान नही मिल ने बाबत जाे की पधानमनती औफिस सखया pmopg/e/2016/0128443का पैमनट नही हाेने...
User Aug 12, 2016 |
Streamyx by TM is the worst, sometimes the internet is completely gone for a certain duration and MOST OF THE TIME it loses connection ( No Internet Access ). This causes so many problems for users especially in this thread, for me. You cannot call this a proper Internet Service Provider. The...
Sudesh Bhosale Aug 12, 2016 |
Dear Sir,
Please Start the show of Ginga Legend Weed in Hindi.
That's my favorite show...i request him please start the show...i waiting the show of start. please start the show....
r k vishwakarma Aug 12, 2016 |
Sony Xperia D2212 E3 mera phone november 2015 me kho gaya hai...
shabab jafri Aug 12, 2016 |
 Poor Product quality/Service/resolution of Samsung Refrigerator
Its being around 16 days me and my family is suffering because of poor product quality/Service/resolution of Samsung Refrigerator , We registered complaint on 27.07.16 and services engineer visited and suggested that Gas...
jmbsemantanblock Aug 12, 2016 |
Dear Customer Service,
Greetings from 10 Semantan Block B!
We regret to inform that your sending of Letters thru normal post takes too long and often takes a month or two. It is only a normal post with 60cents stamps.
We have to endure our clients'...
Ducky Aug 12, 2016 |
$19.99 was charged to my debbit without my authorization,i did not subscribe or order anything, so that money needs to be put back on my card please thank you....
Mikeandamber Aug 12, 2016 |
Take that horrible ad that has the man castrating the sheep with his teeth off the air now! That alone makes me never want to watch Viceland.
You have to be pretty low to put crap like that in an ad to try to get viewers. Viceland is trash. Shame on the guy who created it. Trying to be...
Lovers Aug 12, 2016 |
Why people can do that?!i feel bad for them!...
educated Aug 12, 2016 |
for years this company has advertised their food that pertains more to porn and degrading women then it does food. I will never eat Carl's Jr. because of what they advertise makes me wonder how they hire personnel as well and treat them. kind of curious as to if this company is fast food...
Amareshwar Aug 12, 2016 |
Pls help to find my stolen mobile
Name : Amareshwar
Address H- No.3-936' Gazipur ,Gulbarga pin No. 585101 KARNATAKA
Model : A001 one plus one
Stolen date is 1/06/2016
IMEI NO. 865800024484443
Thanks and Regards
skiiru Aug 12, 2016 |
I will no longer be giving business to Hardee's after seeing the suggestive commercial with the three scantily-clad women. I'm disappointed that a company would choose to make such an ad at all, but it was especially poor judgment to run it during a time frame that families are watching....
Alvinjones Aug 12, 2016 |
I have multiple unauthorized bank charges from this company on my bank account l Brant the charges refunded and unauthorized must stop...
joshaun12345678 Aug 12, 2016 |
hello kingisle i'm just here to say that i'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for using bad language in the game but I felt like I was being ill treated because people report me all the time for no reason, I love the game it keeps me occupied once in a while but now that i'm...
nancywh92 Aug 12, 2016 |
The new McDonalds commercial about the boy/father handing the daughter a chicken mcnugget is VERY DISTURBING!! We've got enough sick people out there, McDonalds doesn't have to gear their commercials to the sickos. I turn it off whenever it comes on. It really upsets me that a company...
[email protected] Aug 12, 2016 |
I purchased a 3,000sf home with Peachtree Windows. What a mistake!
The windows were not installed correctly when the home was built. (Crooked and not aligned with the window frame) The Windows do not stay open, the wood has rotten. Rain seeps thru the openings. Many of the Windows, if...
Blain1769 Aug 12, 2016 |
Claim ID:2173947
PaisaPay ID:43083634732
Item number:262263730062
Bluedart Pickup Token: #69321370204
The Item recieved happens to be damaged in Transit by bluedart service.
I have completed all formalities with uploaded proofs.I have got call from...
tim723 Aug 12, 2016 |
I just discovered $512.50 ($12.50 each) in transfer fees on my 16yos sons account. BB&T hid the fees over the last 14 months by labeling them as a 'miscellaneous debit'. Rather than deny his debit charge they emptied his savings account charging him $12.50 at times to transfer...
JJW Aug 12, 2016 |
I am so tired of having to change the channel every time a Carl's Jr ad comes on the screen while our family is watching the Olympics. We will not support a business that shows such blatant disregard for families and women in their advertising. Not impressed!...
kengray Aug 11, 2016 |
I was ripped off in the cruelest way possible, while I relaxed and confident on my vacation, I was invited to a presentation of "supposedly" 90 minutes which really lasted nearly 6 hours, at the beginning we did not want to buy anything, but for them seemed quite the opposite, like...
PIYUSH Aug 11, 2016 |
 My micromax canvas 6 mobile phone has been lost.this phone IMEI is911514050389954 and 911514050389962 .so plz hep me and contact me on 9431249099 . 9122068142....
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