dianesav Jul 17, 2016 |
A charge of $158.24 has posted to my checking account without our approval from Microsoft storebill.ms.net....
good51 Jul 17, 2016 |
I was born in 1961. I constantly had ear aches/infections and at one point I had tonsillitis and strep throat at the same time. I was given tetracycline many times and now as a 55-year-old I have terribly discolored teeth. Even my dentist knew what it was at my last appointment. I have tried...
roro66orihara Jul 17, 2016 |
 Yesterday i just subscribe internet Magic Pack XL on Saturday (weekend). Before i use any of data, i tried to check my data balance if there is any carried forward balance data, but what i received the status shown 3gb + 512mb weekend(only?????). It should be 3gb +2gb weekend because i didn't...
[email protected] Jul 17, 2016 |
We, residents of Taman Megah Mas , Petaling Jaya, Selangor (post code 47301) wished to lodge a complaint regarding the tardiness of the postal delivery services in our taman. Quite a number of our Taman residents' mails have been delivered to the wrong addresses within our taman. This has...
historyman_01 Jul 17, 2016 |
I blocked Viceland. I don't want my kids seeing that material. I hope that you will come to your senses and return to an history based programing vs the anti culture fringe line up of VL...
Jennyb Jul 17, 2016 |
 I have been getting emails from western union and money to claim my funds I been trying for over a year I sent them over 2400.00 hundred dollars never receive anything make a report but they told me can't be trace keep getting emails from the company forward emails to there company but...
Jennyb Jul 17, 2016 |
 Western union and Moneygram I keep getting emails saying to claim my funds through these company but if it's your money why do you have to pay to receive it so i been forward emails to there website but they never respond if it's a scam or real i don't see why not it's there...
leadean11 Jul 17, 2016 |
I have over 400.00 worth of charges but I am not getting the coins I paid for!!! I am requesting a refund to my account. [email protected] and leadean11@ gmail.com. Please help!!! This me freezes and resets my coins to zero but continues to charge me....
sdb Jul 17, 2016 |
I just watched as my 100 YEAR OLD ANTIQUE DESK was thrown in the trash at Goodwill. Not only that but there was a BRAND NEW chair as well as a recliner, a brand new $45 briefcase; craft table, wicker bench and BEAUTIFUL blond oak Headboard in EXCELLENT condition thrown in the same heap. And...
artistjulieann Jul 17, 2016 |
Johns Creeks Police are losers, too 678-768-0885 They're both dishonest. December 14, 2015 Publix employee
and I had a disagreement so I went to customer service---accidentally leaving phone with that employee. I'm computer
illiterate So she sold my phone...
lt410 Jul 17, 2016 |
I am completely disgusted with the idea of something so vile as Viceland replacing H2. Satan babies, chicken embryos, kids fighting.....seriously?? Take a good look at yourselves and what kind of vile you are representing!...
Love4Hallmark Jul 17, 2016 |
Do we really have to see Hillary Clinton ads on the Hallmark station? She can have all of the other liberal TV stations. Please leave the Hallmark stations non - political....
Trix11 Jul 17, 2016 |
I returned a mulberry bag on 6/26/2016 to off saks fifth ave because the bag was obviously not new and they said I shall receive my refund it after 10 days. Now it's more than 25 days and I still not receive a single penny from Gilt. I called them many times and they keep saying product...
mdonn Jul 17, 2016 |
Discriminatory customer service
I just spent 4 hours of my only day off, calling Sonobello to make an appointment then driving 50 miles to get there only to find two Caucasian females at the front desk telling me my appointment may need to be rescheduled after asking my name and...
joeg Jul 17, 2016 |
During the “unnecessarily extended” on-line order process, they repeatedly kept trying to up-sell me a more expensive product (with enhanced features) – AFTER they had already requested my credit card information, but BEFORE fully completing my order. (Typically web sites only ask for...
anandchowdary Jul 17, 2016 |
[email protected]
This is mail id of consumer rights office,
please complaint about company by putting an mail to above address...
fake and false company...
John888 Jul 17, 2016 |
I have been living in NYCHA in 41-08 ,12 ST with my two kids. The lady from 41-08 ,12 ST Apt #1A, Long Island City, NY she put portable stereo who blasts music everyday/night with her buddies 3/4 males from 41-10,12 ST they always hang out infront of building and blasts music eveyday...
raysay1932 Jul 16, 2016 |
On 6-13-16 CB/PPC pulled an unauthorized credit check. I do not want any business with PayPal. If a merchant insist that I use PayPal, I will not patronize that business. They are just too aggressive....
ANNIE65aas Jul 16, 2016 |
i am sorry for putting this message here like this. I am just here to share my experience and to help who might want this kind of help. I have been scammed by fake casters that promised me results and get my money trying all my means to save my marriage. i was so despirate to keep my family...
ANNIWE8 Jul 16, 2016 |
i am sorry for putting this message here like this. I am just here to share my experience and to help who might want this kind of help. I have been scammed by fake casters that promised me results and get my money trying all my means to save my marriage. i was so despirate to keep my family...
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