Atugma Nov 4, 2020 |
Bags were unsealed a free coupon...
Atugma Nov 4, 2020 |
I am addicted to the red box original nabisco Graham’s. Sadly, two of the 3 bags inside were not sealed. I had to discard them. Please send me free coupons...
Denise Porter Nov 4, 2020 |
PCH gaming sites are supposed to be secure, but I keep getting dealer interference every time I play a PCH game. Worst of all I have been blocked from playing Mahjongg Dimensions every time I select it. What is PCH going to do about this situation?????...
Denise Porter Nov 4, 2020 |
I chose to play Mahjongg Dimensions and the dealer never brought the game up, but kept choosing other games. Yhan'ts an infringement on my right to play any game I choose. Also, I get dealer interference on all games I play at PCH sites get rid of the hackers corrupting your sites!!!!!...
[email protected] Nov 4, 2020 |
I have worked for the Houghton and claim my UIF only payed for three payments ,i dont know why my payments blocked I have gone to UIF office several times they promise they will pay after 10 days till now...
Marry11 Nov 4, 2020 |
 I have paid my services on multichoice but they keep on disconnecting my services. And when they brings them back they don't credit me that days that's I've been off or disconnected cos O became disconnected while I paid was sappose to be credited tho se cos it's not my fault...
Nursyazlina Nov 4, 2020 |
 saya order barang pada tarikh 18/9/2020 dan barang dihantar ke poslaju pada tarikh 23/9/2020. tapi sampai sekarang tak sampai², berapa bulan lagi saya kena tunggu?...
Rachelm Nov 4, 2020 |
I never even signed up for a member but I’m being charged $19 a month for nothing and I can’t log into the website and there’s no contact number....
Lex Nov 4, 2020 |
To whom it may concern
Account: 70001001000991200
This is my last resort of trying to sort this out with Edgars if I don’t get a response within 24 hours, Im going to hello peter, complaints board as well as credit ombudsman!!
Please see attached...
bbyx3 Nov 4, 2020 |
a hold has been on my card for 3 weeks , when i cal they give me the run around . i faxed over all my documents that needed to be sent oct.16th & still no update this is gettin ridiculous now !!...
Jlytton Nov 4, 2020 |
Money being taken from two separate acts for $19./month.unable to contact company by any means. Phone/email/internet. Want it stopped....
balings Nov 3, 2020 |
 I saw their announcement on FB concerning a "tableware from nature" which shows some photos and even a video of a small machine which converts food wastes into fertilizers.
I got attracted with their beautiful presentation and the price as it was "discounted". Stupid...
Estelle Smith Nov 3, 2020 |
I agreed to letting Southport sell my mobile home. They never updated inside Photo's of improvements after repeated request. Only show home located at 3810 Bubba Dr Zephyrhills,Fl 33541 two times After some serious thoughts I signed their request to remove our agreement. I went with an...
Tneal@432 Nov 3, 2020 |
I have got putting out of my apartment waiting on them to unlock my card, lost my car and now about to get put out of my hotel room today. I am losing hope in this system & I can’t see how no one have done anything to help us 😭 I have done everything I supposed to have done to get my...
someone31 Nov 3, 2020 |
11 days and counting without another update, please look into the matter. Tracking number: EN427512168MY...
David2teague Nov 3, 2020 |
Changed address...Now I am unable to pay my bill's, or buy food, or anything else. Soon I will be homeless. I can not believe that this has happened.. Keep getting the run around..Their customer service representative dont care about you or your problem. Hopefully a lawsuit will be started...
David2teague Nov 3, 2020 |
Changed address...Now I am unable to pay my bill's, or buy food, or anything else. Soon I will be homeless. I can not believe that this has happened.. Keep getting the run around..Their customer service representative dont care about you or your problem. Hopefully a lawsuit will be started...
Fauzan syamil Nov 3, 2020 |
PLEASE CHECK MY ITEM.... Tkde updated langsung... Dah nk dkt seminggi tunggu... Brg bukang dari oversea pn... Please post laju ineed this item urgent.. Please urgent...
JoeAmerica Nov 3, 2020 |
How dare you air gay and lesbian content. How dare you insert into your corny, sappy dreck good-looking men and men and women and women who just want to drink hot cocoa and buy gingerbread cookies for shelter dogs. I need more homogenous heterosexual couples who look like they could be brother...
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